Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 7. desember 2022

Hver måned slippes det nye øl på Vinmonopolet. Til tross for et gigantisk slipp i november, så blir faktisk 152 nye øl tilgjengelig nå i desember også. Dette er ikke øl som Polet har valgt å ta inn, dette er kun øl som importørene har valgt å gjøre tilgjengelig i tilleggsutvalget. Derfor kan det være vanskeligere å få tak i disse enn om ølet skulle bli tilgjengelig i for eksempel bestillingsutvalget eller basisutvalget.

Hva er tilleggsutvalget?

Ølnyhetene i tilleggsutvalget kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken på lanseringsdagen. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent noen dager. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse på lanseringsdagen.

Her finner du oversikten over det som lanseres denne måneden

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Belgia15072002Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Cuvée Armand & Gaston Vintage 2019Surøl70.375199.9
Belgia15068402Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze VintageSurøl6.80.375189.9
Belgia15072101Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Pruim Belle de Louvain Blend 17 21|22Surøl7.70.75349
Belgia13099802Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen x Loterbol TuverbolSpesial9.60.375129
Sverige15065902Apex Brewing Co.Apex Deimos DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.8
Sverige15066002Apex Brewing Co.Apex Meridian DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.8
England15070702Arundel BreweryArundel Maple StoutPorter & stout5.40.44110.9
Tyskland15045802Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Lick Here For 11 Minutes of Fame New England IPAIndia pale ale6.70.4497.9
Spania15067902Basqueland BrewingBasqueland X Deya Man vs Machine DIPAIndia pale ale80.4492.7
Spania15068002Basqueland BrewingBasqueland X Finback Mucho Mucho Caliente Caliente DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4497.3
Tyskland15045702Bitburger Braugruppe GmbHBitburger Craftwerk Holy Cowl Winter EditionLys ale90.3359.9
Tyskland4370602BitburgerBitburger Premium PilsLys lager4.80.3339
Tyskland15058202Blech BrutBlech.brut Refurbished Tranquility New England Double IPAIndia pale ale7.80.4499.8
Tyskland15046002Blech BrutBlech.Brut Restored Serenity IPAIndia pale ale60.4494.8
Tyskland15045902Blech BrutBlech.Brut x Fuerst Wiacek Fernbeziehung New England IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4497.8
England12846502Brew YorkBrew York Rhubarbra StreisandPale ale50.4486.2
England12846702Brew YorkBrew York Time Travelling TaxiPale ale5.40.4487.3
England14938002Brew YorkBrew York x Overtone Winona Ryeder Imperial Rye StoutPorter & stout80.44108.9
Skottland14960002BrewDogBrewDog 5AM Saint American Red AleRed/amber50.3351.9
Skottland15046902BrewDogBrewDog Sand Man Hazy Belgian IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3356.9
Skottland15047002BrewDogBrewDog Tiramisu Tyranny Chocolate & Coffee StoutPorter & stout100.3366.9
Skottland15046802BrewDogBrewDog Triple Hazy New England IPAIndia pale ale9.50.4491.9
Sverige15058102Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski 200 Units Barley WineBarley wine110.33120.6
Sverige15058402Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Buddies NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3377.2
Sverige15058302Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Photosynthesis NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.3377.4
England15071202Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Glow State NE Pale AlePale ale50.4499.9
England15071902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Separating Circles NE Pale AlePale ale50.4499.9
England15071802Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Whispering Falls Pale AlePale ale5.50.4499.8
England15070601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Damascene Golden Ale with British Damsons PlumsSurøl6.50.75265.1
England14934801Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Irongate 2022 Golden Ale BullacesSurøl6.60.75243.9
England14934501Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mackerel skies 2022 Golden AleSurøl5.60.75230.2
England14934401Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mount Ida 2022 Golden AleSurøl6.40.75264.9
England14934901Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Obsidian 2022 Golden Ale BlackcurrantsSurøl6.30.75264.2
England14934701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Shivers 2022 Golden Ale Gages and PlumsSurøl7.10.75267.9
England14934601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Summer Song 2022 Golden Ale Raspbrries, sour Cherries and VanillaSurøl6.80.75281.3
England15070901Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery The Arc Golden Ale Wine Grape Pomace and BlackcurrantsSurøl7.20.75268.3
Sverige15064902Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Beast Mode Fruited DIPAIndia pale ale80.44108.6
Sverige15064802Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Flexer DIPAIndia pale ale80.44108.6
Sverige15065102Duckpond BrewingDuckpond HueySurøl50.3390.1
Sverige15064602Duckpond BrewingDuckpond TripsterSurøl60.3389.7
Sverige15065202Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Xmas DIPAIndia pale ale80.44108.6
Sverige15071702DuggesDugges Nebula IPAIndia pale ale6.50.5119.9
Sverige15071302DuggesDugges x Other Half Ginger SourSurøl80.3379.9
Sverige15065602ElmelevenElmeleven Flat EarthSurøl70.44118.9
Sverige15065802ElmelevenElmeleven x Little Rain Brewing Black Hole SunSurøl60.44119.5
USA15067202Finback BreweryFinback Brainalyser DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.473164.9
USA15066802Finback BreweryFinback Eye Level DIPAIndia pale ale80.473164.9
USA15067302Finback BreweryFinback Recentering IPAIndia pale ale7.50.473159.9
USA15066702Finback BreweryFinback Rolling In Clouds IPAIndia pale ale70.473159.9
USA15067002Finback BreweryFinback Squidability IPAIndia pale ale70.473159.9
England15067602Floc BrewingFloc. From Nowhere DIPAIndia pale ale80.44106.2
England15067802Floc BrewingFloc. Pleasure Theory 5 IPAIndia pale ale60.4490.2
Nederland15068102Brouwerij FrontaalFrontaal Don't Talk to StrangersPorter & stout100.3383.2
Nederland15068202Brouwerij FrontaalFrontaal Hazebro's Josh NE DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4491.2
Polen15044502Funky FluidFunky Fluid Leviathan Imperial PorterPorter & stout110.3399.8
Polen15044602Funky FluidFunky Fluid Umibõsu Imperial PorterPorter & stout110.3399.8
Frankrike15044102Brass. GalibotGalibot Bière Ambrée Vienna LagerMørk lager5.50.3369.5
Frankrike15039502Brass. GalibotGalibot Biere de Noel Winter LagerSpesial6.40.3372.8
Frankrike15043202Brass. GalibotGalibot La Part Du LionLys lager5.80.4473.3
Frankrike15041802Brass. GalibotGalibot L'Homme de L'HombrePorter & stout100.3380.9
Frankrike14983102Brass. GalibotGalibot Mieldorado Helles BockLys lager7.10.3377.3
Frankrike15043102Brass. GalibotGalibot Pils de SchoeneckLys lager50.3363.4
Tyskland15040502HerrnbräuHerrnbräu Dunkles ExportbierMørk lager5.20.561.9
Tyskland15044702HerrnbräuHerrnbräu Helles VollbierLys lager4.80.558.5
Tyskland15044802HerrnbräuHerrnbräu Römergold Export HellLys lager5.20.560.7
Tyskland15040402HerrnbräuHerrnbräu TraditionLys ale5.60.561.7
USA15067102Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Lady Octopus TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.473174.9
USA15067502Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Sightsystem IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473154.9
USA14914302Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Triple Grid TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.473174.9
USA14924502Hop ButcherHop Butcher Interocean DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.473159.9
Ungarn15071502Horizont BrewingHorizont Hazy Queen NEIPAIndia pale ale60.3369.9
Ungarn15071402Horizont BrewingHorizont Selfish Games Pistachio BarleywineBarley wine110.3399.8
Ungarn15071602Horizont BrewingHorizont x White Stork Selfish Games Take Me Somewhere Evil West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.80.3374.9
Nederland15070002Kaapse BrouwersKaapse x Rock City Kei No Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.90.3379.9
England15045201Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project 1773 Heritage Brown Porter MKII Pre Industrial PorterSurøl5.50.75252.9
England15045302Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Elderflower & Gooseberry Sour 2021Surøl4.80.375166.9
England15044901Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Organic East IPASurøl70.75266.9
England15045102Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Rhubarb & Raspberry SourSurøl5.30.375154.9
England15045002Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Steady Hands, Easy FriendsSurøl50.375157.2
England15064502Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Babu West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.40.4494.9
Tyskland15064102Sudden Death Brewing GbRLittle Monster Brewing Coast NEPAIndia pale ale5.60.4492.8
England15064202Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Manaaki IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.8
England15064702Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Point Blanc Belgian WitLys ale50.4473.7
England15064402Little Monster Brewing CompanyLittle Monster Sunshine Juice IPAIndia pale ale5.80.4494.9
Tyskland3726202Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu BockbierLys lager6.80.579.9
Tyskland5408902Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu Der Weisser BockHveteøl7.20.579.9
Tyskland7878402Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu E.T.A.Mørk lager50.559.9
Norge15067402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Giant Gas Exo TartMjød100.375349.9
England15039801Mills BrewingMills Bière de GardeSurøl5.30.75253.3
England15039901Mills BrewingMills ClompSurøl5.70.75249.9
England15039701Mills BrewingMills MeshSurøl6.50.75262.3
England15039601Mills BrewingMills Spectre SisterSurøl7.20.75264.4
Nederland15069502De MoersleutelMoersleutel Alexandre chocolate stout rye au chocolat maître patissierestoutPorter & stout80.4499.9
Nederland14233802De MoersleutelMoersleutel CanelesSpesial170.44159.9
Nederland15069802De MoersleutelMoersleutel Disco DazzleIndia pale ale8.50.4499.9
Norge15052602Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew x Haandbryggeriet Snake Island DDH TIPAIndia pale ale9.50.44111.9
Sverige15065702NerdbrewingNerdbrewing Fold Double Vanilla StoutPorter & stout11.10.33159.8
Sverige15065402NerdbrewingNerdbrewing Recover Imperial Coffee & Cardamom PorterPorter & stout130.33159.9
England15052702North Brewing Co.North Brewing Light User Syndrome American Brown AleBrown ale60.3349.5
England15067702North Brewing Co.North Brewing Seven Times Around The Sun TIPAIndia pale ale100.44112.3
England15047402Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk 3.05 & 21.03 / Finback / Vintamin Sea 1, 2, 3 Times A Dream IPAIndia pale ale7.40.44104.9
England15047302Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 1.07 Tom Joy // For Coco // Speyside BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.30.44119.9
England15047502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 17.02 Insa // Ethel // Stigbergets // Garage Tropical IPAIndia pale ale70.4499.9
England15047102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 23.04 Forage Fire Blackcurrant, Blackberry & Sea Salt GoseSurøl4.80.4489.9
England15047202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Powered By Faith DDH Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale5.60.4491.9
Sverige15065002OmnipolloOmnipollo BiancaSurøl60.44169.8
Sverige15065502OmnipolloOmnipollo PleromaSurøl60.3389.8
Sverige15065302OmnipolloOmnipollo The Emperor Dengars Church No DamsonPorter & stout110.33169.5
Estland15068502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Strudel StoutPorter & stout11.50.33125.1
Estland15068602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Must Kuld Paper Mill Coffee PorterPorter & stout7.80.3370
Estland13834902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Värske Wet Hopped LagerLys lager50.3365.1
Wales15053502Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Mambo Fire Pale AlePale ale5.50.4486.9
Wales15053602Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Stay See IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4499.3
England13242902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island 50 eggs IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44109.9
England15069702Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Per ardua ad astra Saison with darjeeling tea and orange zestSaison farmhouse ale4.80.4489.9
England15069902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Same thing we do every night DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.9
England15069602Pomona Island BrewPomona Island You just don't see 'em Sour IPASurøl7.40.44109.9
England15059302Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Aprés Cold IPAIndia pale ale6.20.44114.1
England15059502Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Cheap Suit New England IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44116
England15059702Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Internet Friends Pineapple, Coconut & Vanilla SourSurøl5.50.44110.9
England15059602Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Two Weeks In Florida DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44120.9
England15059402Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop x Amundsen Fødj Chocolate Fudge & Toffe StoutPorter & stout100.44124.9
Norge14964402Raus BryggeriRaus Skog DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3361.2
Norge14808202RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure-Vanja Vanilje & Kirsebær SurølSurøl6.50.3388.1
Norge15052902RYGR BrygghusRygr x Haandbryggeriet 4353 Hop Revolution TNEIPAIndia pale ale100.3395.1
Norge14963902Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Embla Barrel-Aged BockMørk lager9.30.375139.9
Norge15072502Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt FireplaceIndia pale ale7.50.44104.9
Norge15072302Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt MatrixSurøl80.44139.9
Norge15072402Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt SwishIndia pale ale80.44114.9
Hellas14919102Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Citra CrushIndia pale ale6.50.4499.9
Norge15069402Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Wave NZIPAIndia pale ale60.3366.6
Tyskland15063902Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Bulldog Brown Brown AleBrown ale4.80.4479.8
Tyskland15063802Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Can Halen DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.70.4494.8
Tyskland15064002Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Power Sip DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.4499.8
Kroatia15054002The Garden BreweryThe Garden Brewery x Lervig Hazy Double IPA #11India pale ale7.50.4484.9
England15052802The Kernel BreweryThe Kernel London Brick Red Rye AleRed/amber70.3361.5
Canada14925202Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Bloodbath IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473164.9
Canada14925302Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Continuous Blood IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473164.9
Canada14925402Third Moon Brewing Co.Third Moon Den of Thieves IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473164.9
England15071002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Forbidden Pastry Summer Fruits Crumble With Custard Pastry SourSurøl80.44139.3
England15070802Three Hills BrewingThree Hills x Bådin Forbidden Rice Pudding Pastry SourSurøl70.44126.9
USA15066602Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Fresh Batch S'Mores Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.473179.9
USA14924302Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Radiant Haze IPAIndia pale ale70.473139.9
USA15066902Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Soul Hunter DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473154.9
USA14924402Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath x North Park Dino Park DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473159.9
Tsjekkia15042902Vinohradsky PivovarVinohardský Pivovar Svatováclavská 13Lys lager4.90.576.6
England15027802Vocation BreweryVocation Ascension Eclipse DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4484.9
England15028002Vocation BreweryVocation Ascension HBC 638 DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4484.9
England15027902Vocation BreweryVocation Ascension Motueka DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4484.9
Belgia2022001Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist DubbelKlosterstil70.75101
Belgia2021701Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist TripelKlosterstil9.50.75129.6
Norge15069302Ølbæks BryggeriØlbæks Imperial IPAIndia pale ale8.10.3369.9

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