Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 5. mars 2025

Onsdag neste uke slipper Vinmonopolet en rekke spennende nyheter!. Åtte øl får fast plass i hyllene, mens ølentusiaster i tillegg kan glede seg over hele 168 nye øl i bestillingsutvalget og 185 nye øl i tilleggsutvalget.


Åtte produkter blir tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg, noe som betyr at de vil være tilgjengelige i minst ett år. Hvilke butikker som tar inn hvert produkt bestemmes av Vinmonopolet, så ikke alle nyhetene blir tilgjengelige overalt. Dersom du vil være sikker på å finne dem i butikk, er kategori 6-butikkene de beste stedene å lete – disse får alltid hele utvalget.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Belgia19023302Bieres de ChimayChimay Cinq Cent Trappist Triple AleKlosterstil80.3362.3
Frankrike18930702Brasserie GoudaleLa Goudale Blonde à l'AncienneLys ale7.20.569.9
Norge19148402Klokk & CoKlokk & Co FripaAlkfr øl u/t.s suk00.3325
Finland18980202Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas OyLaitilan Kukko PilsLys lager5.50.547.5
Belgia18887502Palm Breweries NVSt. Pierre Blonde Abbey BeerKlosterstil6.50.552.2
Sverige19128202Spendrups BryggeriMariestads Old OxLys lager6.90.549.9
Island18980102Viking BrugghúsVíking GyllturLys lager5.60.552.5
Norge12000502Wongraven WinesWongraven SaisonSaison farmhouse ale70.3369.9


Med 168 nye øl er bestillingsutvalget stedet for deg som liker variasjon og spesialøl. Disse produktene kan bestilles direkte fra Vinmonopolets nettside, og enkelte butikker kan også ta dem inn i sitt lokale sortiment, basert på etterspørsel.

Merk at noen av ølene i dette slippet tidligere kan ha vært tilgjengelige i tilleggsutvalget, og er dermed ikke nødvendigvis helt nye.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
USA19024202AleSmithAle Smith x Mikkeller BA Speedway Stout Vanilla Shake Ed.Porter & stout14.10.473235.2
USA19025202Allagash Brewing Co.Allagash Curieux Barrel Aged Belgian TripelKlosterstil10.20.355108.5
USA19043702Allagash Brewing Co.Allagash Ski House Winter WhiteHveteøl7.50.35572.9
USA19043802Allagash Brewing Co.Allagash White Wit BierHveteøl5.20.35564.6
Norge19131002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Razzle Dazzle Raspberry & Mango Pastry SourSurøl6.50.4479.5
Storbritannia18819802Anarchy Brew CoAnarchy Brew Vision Quest IPAIndia pale ale4.80.4488.2
USA18704202Bad MarieSpanish Marie x 450 North Strawberry SlushersSurøl50.473183.9
Nederland19150902BavariaLander Bräu PremiumLys lager4.90.539.9
Belgia18702601BoerenerfBoerenerf Oude GueuzeSurøl70.75214.8
Belgia17514702Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu BruneKlosterstil80.3364.9
Belgia17515102Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu Grand CruKlosterstil110.3376.9
Belgia17515002Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu HopLys ale5.50.3359.9
Belgia19132505Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu TripleLys ale91.5399.9
Belgia17515202Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu TripleKlosterstil90.3366.9
Belgia19132407Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye de Val-Dieu Triple MethuselahLys ale961,999.90
Belgia17514902Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye du Val-Dieu BlondeLys ale60.3356.9
Belgia19132201Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye du Val-Dieu Excellence BourbonKlosterstil13.70.75349.9
Belgia19132601Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye du Val-Dieu Excellence LérinsKlosterstil130.75339.9
Belgia19132301Brasserie Abbaye du Val-DieuAbbaye du Val-Dieu Excellence RumKlosterstil140.75356.9
Belgia18672102Brasserie De SillyBrasserie de Silly Swaf TripleKlosterstil80.3387.5
Belgia18672202Brasserie De SillySilly Abbaye de Forest BlondeKlosterstil6.50.3372.4
Belgia18672002Brasserie De SillySilly SourSurøl5.50.3377.8
Canada18705502Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du Bas-Canada BarracudaIndia pale ale80.473181.4
Canada19021602Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du Bas-Canada Effet MirroirIndia pale ale8.20.473177.9
Canada18715202Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du Bas-Canada FictiveIndia pale ale8.20.473182
Canada19021502Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du Bas-Canada SanctifiéeIndia pale ale8.20.473177.9
Canada18715402Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du Bas-Canada SecousseIndia pale ale100.473195.8
Frankrike911002Brasserie Saint-GermainSaint Germain Rhub IPAIndia pale ale6.90.3379.9
Tyskland19162002Brauerei Gebruder MaiselMaisel & Friends IPAIndia pale ale6.30.3339.9
Tyskland19161902Brauerei Gebruder MaiselMaisel's Weisse OriginalHveteøl5.10.549.9
Tyskland15206002Brauerei Heller, BambergSchlenkerla FastenbierSpesial5.90.567.9
England16424902Brew YorkBrew York x Brygg x Oslo Håndverksdestilleri BA 48 Hour Road TripPorter & stout10.90.33119.9
Polen18852302Browar NepomucenNepo Brewing Highway DDH Hazy IPAIndia pale ale5.90.599
Polen19123302Browar NepomucenNepo Smoothie Bowl Soft & Fruity Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Blackberry MaSurøl5.30.590.2
Polen19123402Browar NepomucenNepo Smoothie Bowl Tacsonia curuba, mango, passion fruit pastry sourSurøl5.30.586
Polen18953902Browar NepomucenNepo x Open Craft Kiwi, Mango, Lime Green Pastry Sour AleSurøl5.30.5100.8
USA19045702Casa Agria Specialty AlesCasa Agria Specialty Ales Key Lime Pie FrutaletaSurøl80.473138.3
USA10516502Cigar City BrewingCigar City Jai Alai IPAIndia pale ale7.50.35577.2
USA12631102Cigar City BrewingCigar City Maduro Brown AleBrown ale5.50.35572.7
USA19034502Civil Society BrewingCivil Society I Put a Spell on YouPorter & stout130.473249.3
England15194101Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Honey Isle Golden Ale with HoneyberriesSurøl5.50.75149.8
England14934801Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Irongate Golden Ale with BullacesSurøl6.60.75149.8
England14934501Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mackerel Skies Golden AleSurøl5.60.75149.7
England14934701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Shivers Golden Ale Gages and PlumsSurøl7.10.75149.6
England14934601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Summer Song Golden AleSurøl6.80.75149.7
England15070901Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery The Arc Golden Ale Grape Pomace BlackcurrantSurøl7.20.75149.7
Norge15616302Disko BrewingDisko Agent India Pale AleIndia pale ale70.4479.8
Norge14221302Disko BrewingDisko Brewing Moto 100 Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.20.3399.7
Norge17462402Disko BrewingDisko Brewing Plenty NEIPAIndia pale ale80.4484.7
USA19021202District 96 Beer FactoryDistrict 96 Happier Happy JackIndia pale ale80.473168.9
USA19021102District 96 Beer FactoryDistrict 96 Nasty-Snarky QuestionIndia pale ale80.473168.9
USA19020902District 96 Beer FactoryDistrict 96 x Obercreek More Poltical FlowIndia pale ale100.473181.9
Sverige17059002DuggesEmperor's Mindless Philosopher Blueberry Cheesecake Imperial PorterPorter & stout120.33119.8
Tyskland17866402Einbecker BrauhausEinbecker DunkelMørk lager50.3339.9
Tyskland17195402Einbecker BrauhausEinbecker Mai-Ur-BockLys lager6.50.3346.9
Tyskland18234602Einbecker BrauhausEinbecker Ur-Bock HellLys lager6.50.3345
USA19023002Electric Brewing CoElectric Disorded FailoquenceIndia pale ale8.10.473187.2
USA19022902Electric Brewing CoElectric Pay The Piper With Madagascar VanillaIndia pale ale100.473199.9
USA19044902Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium AstrophysicsIndia pale ale6.50.473127
USA19023802Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium CPale ale4.80.473118
USA19023702Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Light at The End of The TunnelIndia pale ale6.80.473127.9
USA19024002Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Evil Twin Straight Outta The Double Marshmallow LaboratoryIndia pale ale8.50.473167.8
USA19024402Eredità BeerEredità WhistlingIndia pale ale5.10.473129.9
Norge18715802Eucharist BrewingEucharist Cryo-JesusIndia pale ale7.80.4488.4
Norge18847401Eucharist BrewingEucharist Nordic TripelKlosterstil90.75181.2
USA454402FoundersFounders Breakfast StoutPorter & stout8.30.35584.9
Storbritannia18672602Hall & WoodhouseBadger Outland West Coast IPAPale ale50.4469.5
Norge2064101Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn PåskeølIndia pale ale6.50.75110
Japan18973002Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Dai Dai AleIndia pale ale60.3569.9
Japan6990802Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Espresso StoutPorter & stout70.3374.9
Japan16697202Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Nipponia PilsnerLys lager60.3369.9
Japan18972902Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Red Rice AleSpesial70.3569.9
Japan18972802Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest White AleSpesial5.50.3559.9
Japan16802502Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Yuzu LagerLys lager5.50.3569.9
Norge10686602Larvik MikrobryggeriLarvik Mikrobryggeri Herregaards IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3355.3
Norge17128002Larvik MikrobryggeriLarvik Mikrobryggeri Rallar Imperial PorterPorter & stout120.3375.9
Canada18705302Le KetchLe Ketch Dock 88India pale ale6.50.473176.8
Canada18705402Le KetchLe Ketch Dock 89Surøl6.50.473176.8
Belgia18994601LindemansLindemans Gueuze Cuvée René Dark Cognac Barrel AgedSurøl80.75299.9
Tyskland5308002Mahr's BräuMahrs Bräu Ungespundet hefetrub KellerbierLys lager5.20.574.9
Norge19130902MarloboboMarlobobo Bourbon BA Blind VisionsMjød140.375399.9
Norge16971002MarloboboMarlobobo Bourbon BA Oren-GMjød130.375399.9
Norge19131102MarloboboMarlobobo KokemomoMjød100.375339.9
Norge18990302MarloboboMarlobobo Plump OceanMjød12.50.375359.9
Norge19163002MarloboboMarlobobo Rum BA Fanal Free JazzMjød110.375399.9
Norge18568102MarloboboMarlobobo x Lindheim SchaarbeeMjød12.50.375399.8
Norge19130802MarloboboMarlobobo's Megabear High Little Pony New England-style DIPAIndia pale ale80.44124.9
Canada19023602MessoremMessorem Château des MortsIndia pale ale10.20.473181.1
Canada18715702MessoremMessorem Les Angles MortsIndia pale ale100.473187.8
Canada19023402MessoremMessorem Temporalis #0025India pale ale10.20.473181.1
Canada19023502MessoremMessorem x XuL We'll All Vanish The Same WayIndia pale ale8.50.473138.3
Bulgaria18850802Metalhead BreweryMetalhead Angels Tears Dry Hopped HefeweizenHveteøl60.44100.6
Bulgaria18850602Metalhead BreweryMetalhead x Maktoob Aesthetics of HazeIndia pale ale60.44105.8
Bulgaria18850202Metalhead BreweryMetalhead X-Rated NothingsIndia pale ale60.44105.8
Belgia19163502MikkellerMikkeller KærlighedPale ale4.90.3367.9
Norge19159102MjøderietMjøderiet Deep ForestMjød70.33119.7
Norge19159002MjøderietMjøderiet MegamixMjød7.50.33126.8
USA19034702Mortalis BrewingMortalis DemiHydra Fruit PunchSurøl50.473161.2
USA19169902Mortalis BrewingMortalis Gloopfellas Smoothie Fruit SourSurøl70.473139.9
USA19169802Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hydra Fruited Smoothie SourSurøl70.473139.9
USA19034602Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hydra Passion Fruit Mango PeachSurøl70.473183.9
USA19170002Mortalis BrewingMortalis Strawberry Creme Savers Swirl Smoothie SourSurøl70.473139.9
USA19169702Mortalis BrewingMortalis Typhon Coconut Fruited Smoothie SourSurøl60.473139.9
England18943802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 41.05 Evil Eye DDH IPAIndia pale ale70.44119.9
England18943902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Thornbridge Faith & Jaipur Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale5.90.44109.9
Norge11711202Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø God Påske Golden Strong AleSpesial7.50.579.9
Norge19248802Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø IPA LiteIndia pale ale70.572.9
Norge19071201Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Mirage 5Surøl9.50.75165.8
Norge19071302Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Rime Of The Ancient MarinerPorter & stout14.50.33199.9
Norge19071102Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Ship-Shape and Bristol FashionPorter & stout15.50.33199.9
USA19022602Old Nation Brewing CoOld Nation Boss Tweed DDH CryoIndia pale ale9.30.473156
USA19022702Old Nation Brewing CoOld Nation M-43 N.E.India pale ale6.80.473140.3
USA18995302Oskar Blues BreweryOskar Blues Dale's American IPAIndia pale ale6.90.35574.5
USA2294602Oskar Blues BreweryOskar Blues Dale's Pale AlePale ale6.50.35574.7
USA5393502Oskar Blues BreweryOskar Blues Old Chub Scotch AleScotch ale80.35578.8
Norge19197902Palmer Brands ASFlåklypa Spesial PilsnerLys lager50.4466.9
USA19021802Parish BreewingParish West Coast GhostIndia pale ale80.473158.4
Tyskland19024607Paulaner BrauereiPaulaner WeissbierHveteøl5.55499.7
USA18702002Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial Artisan Ales PilsLys lager50.473125.9
Estland18989902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Baltic Porter Day 2025Porter & stout110.3385
Estland19009202Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series More Than Amber BA Imperial PorterPorter & stout130.33139
Storbritannia19124502Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Bådin It's right romanticallySurøl6.50.4498
Storbritannia19124402Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Henry and Sally's FlæskestegIndia pale ale6.30.4499.4
Kroatia16771502Pulfer BreweryPulfer Lagerica Munich Helles LagerLys lager5.50.582.3
Kroatia18722002Pulfer BreweryPulfer Landsky OverloadIndia pale ale6.70.594.6
England19046602Rivington Brewing CoRivington American Barley WineBarley wine11.20.375128.3
England19046502Rivington Brewing CoRivington Fly In Any Weather DDH PalePale ale5.70.599.8
England19046202Rivington Brewing CoRivington Laps Around The Sun DDH PalePale ale50.595
England18725402Rivington Brewing CoRivington That's That Tree DDH PalePale ale5.50.597.6
England19034802Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Bådin Canary Yellow DDH PalePale ale5.50.5100
England18725502Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Celestial Beerworks Trick My Wisdom Pina Colada SourSurøl6.50.597.6
Norge19163402RYGR BrygghusRYGR Bard Vestkyst IPAIndia pale ale5.50.3365.9
Norge17039402RYGR BrygghusRYGR Sure PetraSurøl6.50.3369.5
Norge19178002Raa Brewing CompanyRaa Brewing Bitter BuzzIndia pale ale70.4485.3
Norge19177902Raa Brewing CompanyRaa Brewing Hoppy TrailsIndia pale ale70.4485.3
Norge17512102Raa Brewing CompanyRaa Brewing Hops In Science vol #7India pale ale70.4491.6
Norge19178102Raa Brewing CompanyRaa Brewing Humulus HysteriaIndia pale ale70.4485.3
Norge19179902Schouskjelleren MikrobryggeriSchouskjelleren Downtown BlondeLys ale60.3364.9
Norge19179802Schouskjelleren MikrobryggeriSchouskjelleren Kiss My Beard Brown AleBrown ale5.50.3364.9
USA18994402Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Hop Tropical Limited IPAIndia pale ale6.50.35564.9
USA18994502Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Rad Little Thing West Coast Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.35564.9
USA19023102The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Never AlohaSurøl4.90.473156.9
USA19023202The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Step Dad ChaperoneIndia pale ale80.473166
USA18963102Timber AlesTimber Ales Sleepless SkylinesIndia pale ale6.20.473131
USA18721802Timber AlesTimber Ales Sleepless SkylinesIndia pale ale6.20.473140.2
Danmark19170402To ØlTo Øl Berry BarrageSurøl5.20.3359.9
Danmark19170302To ØlTo Øl Orbital MovementIndia pale ale60.4491.9
Canada14762601Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale A Saison ApparentSurøl7.40.75149.8
England18724302Two Flints BreweryTwo Flint Like A Glove Hazy Pale AlePale ale5.50.44103.1
England18723702Two Flints BreweryTwo Flint Never End Hazy PalePale ale4.80.4492
England18724102Two Flints BreweryTwo Flints Take Flight Hazy PalePale ale5.50.4499.8
England18694102Two Flints BreweryTwo Flints x The Craft Beer Channel Pastille NZ IPAPale ale60.44102.8
USA18851102Uncommon Path BrewingUncommon Path Coconut The WorldPorter & stout140.473180.1
USA18851202Uncommon Path BrewingUncommon Path Down The Rabbit HoleIndia pale ale8.30.473158
USA18851302Uncommon Path BrewingUncommon Path TriverseIndia pale ale10.90.473170.8
USA18984602Union St. BrewingDeep Fried Beers Desire To ConspireIndia pale ale8.20.473269.2
Polen19151002Van Pur S.A.Lomza ExportLys lager5.70.541.9
Skottland16903802Vault City BrewingVault City Pear Vanilla Cinnamon Swirl SourSurøl6.80.4499.9
England12671102Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Putty DIPAIndia pale ale80.44144.9
Storbritannia19163602Vocation BreweryVocation Fresh HorizonsIndia pale ale7.10.4485.1
Tyskland19044202WarsteinerWarsteiner Premium BeerLys lager4.80.3341.9
Tyskland19012107WarsteinerWarsteiner Premium LagerLys lager4.85525.4
Tyskland19071402WeihenstephanWeihenstephaner WinterfestbierLys lager5.80.554.9
Irland19043402Wicklow WolfWicklow Wolf Endangered Species No. 52 Neon Moon IPAIndia pale ale5.20.4474.9
Irland19043302Wicklow WolfWicklow Wolf Endangered Species No. 53 Apex Irish CoffeePorter & stout5.20.4474.9
Irland19043202Wicklow WolfWicklow Wolf Locavore Winter Dry Irish StoutPorter & stout5.60.4474.9
Polen19074502ZywieckZywiec Premium Export LagerLys lager5.50.541.9
Norge19245902Ægir BryggeriÆgir Springbock Helles LagerLys lager60.4484.9


Til sist lanseres 185 øl tilleggsutvalget. Disse er ikke tilgjengelige for bestilling på nett, og butikkene må kjøpe inn hele kasser. Det betyr at du ikke kan bestille enkeltflasker til din lokale butikk, men det finnes likevel to måter å få tak i dem:

  1. Følg med på Vinmonopolets nettside for å se hvilke butikker som eventuelt har tatt dem inn.
  2. Spør din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Canada18975602À la fut MicrobrasserieÀ la Fut Rousse RustiqueRed/amber4.80.473 109.10
Canada18975802À la fut MicrobrasserieÀ la Fut Sir WallaceScotch ale6.90.473 119.80
Norge19224802Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Hazyview Hazy IPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 99.90
Norge19224902Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Whatever Floats Your Boat Toffee Cola Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.50.440 129.90
USA19209102Anchorage BrewingAnchorage A Deal With The Devil Triple Oaked Batch #15 2024Barley wine18.70.375 1,695.90
USA19209002Anchorage BrewingAnchorage BlessedPorter & stout16.70.375 934.80
USA19208902Anchorage BrewingAnchorage x Horus Empathy Cocoa Nibs & Toasted CoconutPorter & stout16.70.375 920.20
Latvia19188402Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus TDH Citra x Mosaic x Pechariene DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 103.20
Tyskland19225702Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Backfront Double New England IPAIndia pale ale7.80.440 119.90
Tyskland18727902Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Filibuster NEIPAIndia pale ale6.70.440 99.90
Tyskland18727702Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Flood The Zone With Shit Double NEIPAIndia pale ale7.80.440 99.90
Tyskland19225802Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Quietloud New England IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 109.90
Tyskland19225602Atelier VraiAtelier Vrai Straw Man Fallacy NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 109.90
Canada18968802Avant-Garde ArtisansAvant-Garde BelfassPorter & stout5.00.473 107.70
Canada18951802Avant-Garde ArtisansAvant-Garde Quwhat!Klosterstil9.50.473 148.50
Storbritannia17808102Bang the Elephant Brewing CoBang The Elephant Moley Russels Wart Chocolate & Chilli StoutPorter & stout8.00.440 115.90
USA19199002Bissell Brothers BrewingBissel Brothers Nothing Gold DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.473 158.90
USA19198902Bissell Brothers BrewingBissel Brothers Swish DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.473 158.90
USA19198802Bissell Brothers BrewingBissel Brothers The Substance Ale IPAIndia pale ale6.60.473 128.60
Tyskland19225202Blech BrutBlech.Brut Blue Lines of Thought Bourbon BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.30.440 179.90
Tyskland19225002Blech BrutBlech.Brut Color Cascade IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 109.90
Tyskland18728402Blech BrutBlech.Brut Flow IPA dry hopped with Citra & GalaxyIndia pale ale6.80.440 99.90
Tyskland19225102Blech BrutBlech.Brut Spectral Stare Triple New England IPAIndia pale ale9.50.440 134.90
Belgia19211701BoerenerfBoerenerf Avondrood - Kriek Pinot NoirSurøl8.40.750 349.00
Belgia19212001BoerenerfBoerenerf Kriek AmaroneSurøl6.90.750 349.00
Belgia19211901BoerenerfBoerenerf Kriek BourbonSurøl8.90.750 359.00
Canada19121502Brasserie BeauregardBeauregard Impériale Bourbon MacadamPorter & stout10.50.355 129.90
Canada18884402Brasserie BeauregardBeauregard Old Fashion Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.90.355 121.90
Canada19154102Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du bas-Canada FontaineIndia pale ale8.70.473 179.00
Canada19154202Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du bas-Canada KaijuIndia pale ale10.00.473 188.00
Canada19268902Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie Du Bas-Canada OceanidsIndia pale ale8.00.473 176.00
Canada19154302Brasserie du Bas-CanadaBrasserie du bas-Canada Premiere BatchIndia pale ale8.00.473 173.30
Canada18882902Brasserie Sir John Brewing CoSir John Adam et êveIndia pale ale6.40.473 120.20
Canada18881702Brasserie Sir John Brewing CoSir John RIP Angry BarnIndia pale ale8.50.473 128.50
Sverige19228102Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Brady India Pale AleIndia pale ale6.00.330 79.90
Sverige18584602Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Fetingen New England DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.330 89.90
Belgia19159202Brouwerij de Halve MaanBrouwerij de Halve Maan Blanche de BrugesHveteøl5.00.330 54.90
Belgia19231702Brouwerij de Halve MaanBrouwerij de Halve Maan WildSpesial10.00.330 76.70
Belgia5233102Brouwerij de Halve MaanDe Halve Maan Brugse ZotLys ale6.00.330 59.80
Belgia3532101Brouwerij de Halve MaanStraffe Hendrik HeritageKlosterstil11.00.750 294.80
Belgia3511802Brouwerij de Halve MaanStraffe Hendrik QuadrupelKlosterstil11.00.330 79.80
Belgia3511902Brouwerij de Halve MaanStraffe Hendrik TripelKlosterstil9.00.330 72.80
Polen19188502Browar PINTAPinta Hopzz_ Extension Hazy Double IPAIndia pale ale7.00.500 112.50
Polen19188602Browar PINTAPinta Hopzz_ Purpose Hazy Double IPAIndia pale ale7.00.500 112.50
Polen19123902Browar Stu MostówBrowar Stu Mostow x Hidden Springs Imperial Baltic PorterPorter & stout10.00.330 108.50
Polen18951702Browar Stu MostówBrowar Stu Mostow x Orchestrated Minds TDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 103.20
Polen19123802Browar Stu MostówBrowar Stu Mostow x Tripping Animals Pastry SourSurøl5.50.440 93.80
Norge19199602Bygland BryggeriBygland Vasstrond'e For the Love of KveikSaison farmhouse ale10.00.440 91.80
USA19157602Baa Baa BrewhouseBaa Baa Brewhouse A Lamb In a Jam Apple & Strawberry PieSurøl5.50.473 190.00
USA19157402Baa Baa BrewhouseBaa Baa Brewhouse A Lamb In a Jam Lemon Meringue PieSurøl5.50.473 190.00
USA19157502Baa Baa BrewhouseBaa Baa Brewhouse A Lamb In a Jam Peach Cobbler PieSurøl5.50.473 190.00
USA19157702Baa Baa BrewhouseBaa Baa Brewhouse A Lamb In a Jam Pumpkin and Banana PieSurøl5.50.473 190.00
Norge11408802BådinBådin & Myken Tønnelagra Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.00.330 137.50
Norge19219202BådinBådin Arctic Circles Part 4 Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 83.90
Norge19219002BådinBådin Arctic Farmhouse No. 1Saison farmhouse ale6.20.440 84.90
Norge19219102BådinBådin Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 79.90
Spania19222102Cervesa Soma S.L.USoma Meme DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 115.40
Spania19222202Cervesa Soma S.L.USoma Slick IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 102.00
Spania19211502Doskiwis BrewingDoskiwis Catchall DIPAIndia pale ale7.60.440 112.00
Spania19211402Doskiwis BrewingDoskiwis Ideal IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 104.10
Sverige17422102Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Fruit Pump de Luxe Gose w/ Guava, Black Currant & VanillaSurøl9.00.330 99.90
Sverige19228002ElmelevenElmeleven Planet 2 Strawberry Banana Raspberry Thickshake Pulp SourSurøl5.00.440 129.90
Sverige18731702ElmelevenElmeleven x Marlobobo Pioneers & Explorers Nordic Berries & Norwegian WildflowerSurøl5.00.440 115.00
Canada18865102Emporium MicrobrasserieEmporium Brain JuiceIndia pale ale8.00.473 131.30
Canada18868102Emporium MicrobrasserieEmporium Pax romanaIndia pale ale8.70.473 132.00
USA18851902Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Galaxy FlareIndia pale ale8.50.473 128.10
USA18852002Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Light SpeedPale ale4.80.473 105.80
USA18851802Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Mmm...OsaPale ale4.80.483 105.90
USA18852202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Tie-Dye ScienceIndia pale ale6.50.473 114.80
Sverige17925002FermenterarnaFermenterarna Blueberry Blaster Fruited SourSurøl8.00.440 105.90
Sverige18734202FermenterarnaFermenterarna Bow Crow Cherry, Blueberry, Black Currant & Vanilla Berliner WeissSurøl5.60.440 99.90
Sverige18885702FermenterarnaFermenterarna Citra In Love Simcoe New England Double IPAIndia pale ale8.20.440 109.90
Sverige18734102FermenterarnaFermenterarna Tangy Twist Fruited Berliner WeisseSurøl5.60.440 99.90
Sverige17422802FermenterarnaFermenterarna The Mango Man SourSurøl8.00.440 99.90
Canada18975302Frampton brasseFrampton Brasse Nuit d'AutomneKlosterstil10.00.473 136.00
Tyskland18951502Fuerst Wiacek GMBHFuerst Wiacek Rococo DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.440 96.60
Polen19188302Funky FluidFunky Fluid Gelato White Guava, Banana & NectarineSurøl5.50.500 97.70
Polen19188202Funky FluidFunky Fluid Peacharine Single Hop IPAIndia pale ale6.40.500 98.90
Belgia19224701Het AnkerGouden Carolus EasterSpesial10.00.750 199.90
Norge19218902Hogna BryggHognabrygg SolstormIndia pale ale6.70.440 84.90
Norge19229402HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet GrinebitterPale ale5.50.440 71.90
Norge19232702HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Herr Nilsens TripelKlosterstil9.50.330 71.90
Norge14223302HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Humlekanon West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.50.500 91.00
Tyskland1147202König LudwigKönig Ludwig Weissbier HellHveteøl5.50.500 69.50
Canada19121401Le Trois MousqetairesLes 3 Mousquetaires Stout impérialePorter & stout11.50.750 244.40
Norge19218702Lervig ASLervig Rackhouse PeacockPorter & stout13.40.375 231.10
USA19156202Long Live BeerworksLong Live Beerworks Bite Times StoriesPorter & stout12.00.500 407.40
USA19155202Long Live BeerworksLong Live Beerworks Story Times BitesPorter & stout12.00.500 407.40
USA19155502Long Live BeerworksLong Live Beerworks The All Seeing EyeIndia pale ale8.40.473 165.90
USA19155302Long Live BeerworksLong Live Beerworks The All Seeing Eye ExtraIndia pale ale8.40.473 167.80
USA19155402Long Live BeerworksLong Live Beerworks Triangle SliceIndia pale ale6.00.473 152.10
USA19222802Lua BrewingLua Brewing A Wedge In Gravity DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473 151.70
USA19225402Lua BrewingLua Brewing Every Breaking Wave TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.473 162.50
USA19222702Lua BrewingLua Brewing Eyes Like The Sky Fruited SourSurøl6.40.473 151.70
USA19225302Lua BrewingLua Brewing Fire Starter Double Red IPARed/amber8.00.473 152.00
USA19223502Lua BrewingLua Brewing Sun For Miles IPAIndia pale ale6.60.473 146.90
Tyskland5409102Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu HellLys lager4.90.500 69.90
Norge19225502MarloboboMarlobobo GhlorphMjød13.00.375 359.90
Canada19153902MessoremMessorem HyperalgieIndia pale ale10.00.473 179.90
Canada19153702MessoremMessorem Oraison FunebreIndia pale ale10.00.473 179.90
Canada19153802MessoremMessorem Temporalis #0023India pale ale10.10.473 179.90
Canada19153602MessoremMessorem Temporalis #0024India pale ale10.20.473 180.20
USA19153202MessoremMessorem Temporalis #0026India pale ale10.00.473 180.90
Danmark12930602MikkellerMikkeller Trippelbock Frederiksdal CherriesSpesial12.90.375 145.30
USA13142102Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Træblod Bourbon Barrel AgedPorter & stout14.00.500 399.00
Norge19229202Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Local Framboise Blend #1Surøl5.40.375 149.90
Norge19229302Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Zoozve NEIPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 91.90
England19227302Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor Centaur Army Imperial Stout Peanut Butter, Chocolate & CaramelPorter & stout12.00.330 139.90
Storbritannia17366002Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor Chronosceptor Imperial Stout Baklava CheesecakePorter & stout12.00.440 129.90
England14147402Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor Glad That's Over DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 129.90
England19227202Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor Massive Piranhas Imperial Lassi GoseSurøl10.00.330 150.20
England19227102Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor Winner Stays On NEIPAIndia pale ale6.20.440 124.90
Storbritannia18728202Neon Raptor BrewingNeon Raptor x Makemake Blood of the Past Raspberry & Coconut IPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 114.90
England19216901Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk A Whole Lot of Faith Triple Dry Hopped Double IPAIndia pale ale8.40.568 159.90
England19217302Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Heaven Barrel Aged Chocolate & Maple Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.50.330 119.90
England19217102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 38.05 Greed//A. Baxter//Transient//Lallemand//Pastry StoutPorter & stout8.40.440 119.90
England19217202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 40.05 Dubwhy//Nitro Export StoutPorter & stout6.00.440 104.90
England19217002Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 48.02 Largo//Tula Lotay//Stu Mostow//DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 116.90
Sverige18729402OmnipolloOmnipollo Deep Work Canola Honey IPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 120.00
Sverige18731602OmnipolloOmnipollo Fruit World Famous Blueberry Baked Goods SourSurøl6.00.330 99.90
Sverige19227902OmnipolloOmnipollo x Geen Cheek The Other Brian TDH Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.440 135.90
Norge19129102Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Påskesol NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.330 74.50
Norge19103602Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Tropical Dreams StoutPorter & stout6.50.330 74.50
USA19156801Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial AbraxasPorter & stout10.50.750 426.10
USA19157001Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial BA VermillionBarley wine14.10.750 855.00
USA19156701Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial Coffee AbraxasPorter & stout10.50.750 460.10
USA19156501Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial Vanilla AbraxasPorter & stout10.50.750 460.10
USA19156401Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial x Goal Pacific RimPorter & stout14.20.750 855.00
USA19156601Perennial Artisan AlesPerennial x Phase Three ColourantPorter & stout14.20.750 853.20
Wales19222302Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Fickle Free IPAIndia pale ale6.10.440 98.30
Wales18952102Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Waiting For You DDH NZ IPAIndia pale ale7.20.440 107.40
Wales19222402Polly's Brew Co.Polly's x Pomona Island TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 120.20
USA19153002Prairie AlesPrairie Banana MontanaPorter & stout13.90.355 313.40
USA19204102Prairie AlesPrairie Bourbon Barrel Aged WeekendPorter & stout14.20.355 315.00
USA19153102Prairie AlesPrairie Hazelnut WeekendPorter & stout13.90.355 313.40
USA19152902Prairie AlesPrairie Holiday WeekendPorter & stout14.20.355 315.00
USA19204002Prairie AlesPrairie VinylPorter & stout13.10.355 311.00
England19229602Rivington Brewing CoRivington See You In Cosmos Tropical Smoothie SourSurøl5.00.500 100.60
England18722202Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Chain House The Evil Dead II 2024India pale ale8.00.500 106.10
England18723802Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Emperor's Army Of Darkness 2024Porter & stout11.00.500 141.30
England18727302Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Vault City The Evil Dead I 2024Surøl7.00.500 91.70
Norge19202102RYGR BrygghusRYGR Hugin Chocolate Brownie Nortico BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout15.00.330 214.50
Norge19119802RYGR BrygghusRYGR Munin Tiramisu BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.330 204.80
Norge17513802RYGR BrygghusRYGR Njord Vestkyst IPAIndia pale ale7.00.330 81.50
Norge19120102RYGR BrygghusRYGR Sure Hedevine Imperial BA SurølSurøl11.00.330 183.30
Norge17513402RYGR BrygghusRYGR Æge Vestkyst IPAIndia pale ale7.00.330 81.50
Norge19221402Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Citra DreamsIndia pale ale8.00.440 119.90
Norge19221802Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Dank DynastyIndia pale ale7.50.440 99.90
Norge19221302Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt EnigmaIndia pale ale8.00.440 119.90
Norge19221602Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt PatiencePorter & stout14.00.375 299.90
Norge19221502Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Pinnacle PilsLys lager5.50.440 64.90
Norge19221702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Triple TroubleIndia pale ale10.00.440 129.90
Sverige19228502Shapes & Objects Beer CoShapes & Objects x Forager Bobo Double Chocolate Vanilla Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.00.330 129.90
Sverige19228402Shapes & Objects Beer CoShapes & Objects x Marlobobo Norwegian Bear Sneaky Treat Fruited SourSurøl6.00.440 124.90
Sverige19228302Shapes & Objects Beer CoShapes & Objects x No Seasons x Tripping Animals Triangulum Australe DDH Hazy IPAIndia pale ale7.00.440 95.90
Norge19215302Slakteren brygghusSlakteren Brygghus Hop MonsterIndia pale ale8.70.440 108.80
Norge19215402Slakteren brygghusSlakteren Brygghus VarnaKlosterstil8.70.440 108.80
Sverige16366302Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Albatross TDH New England IPAIndia pale ale7.00.440 99.70
Sverige16835602Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Easter Everywhere Extraordinary IPAIndia pale ale7.00.440 92.60
Sverige19151902Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Halvnelson NEIPAIndia pale ale5.70.440 90.00
Sverige19151802Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Superswede All Swedish Comet Single Hop IPAIndia pale ale7.00.440 100.00
Sverige19151702Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets The Chronic West Coast TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 110.10
Tyskland19225902Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Death One More Quarter Fruit SourSurøl6.00.440 125.00
Tyskland19226002Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Infestation Afflication Double Dry Hopped Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.440 129.90
Tyskland15475902Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Space Doom Vacuum Imperial Fruit SourSurøl6.00.440 119.90
Tyskland15475402Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Welcome Back Freaks DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 115.90
Tyskland19095102Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death x Outer Range Depths Below DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 124.90
Sverige16664302Ten Hands BrewingShapes & Objects x Noms & Beer Apricot Peach Cream SourSurøl6.00.330 59.90
Sverige16664002Ten Hands BrewingShapes & Objects x Odd Island Buckets Full of Gold RaspberrySurøl6.00.330 69.90
Sverige19229002Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Citra Springs New And Improved DDH Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.00.440 99.90
Sverige19229102Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Splice New And Improved DDH Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.70.440 105.90
Sverige19228902Ten Hands BrewingThe New And Improved Agent DDH Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 99.50
USA19134102The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Crucial Crucial Taunt TauntIndia pale ale8.00.473 178.80
USA19134202The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Dirt Dirt Nap NapIndia pale ale8.90.473 183.50
USA19134302The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil We Ded Mon 2India pale ale11.00.473 196.30
USA19152102The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil We Ded Mon 2 Hazy TIPAIndia pale ale11.00.473 196.30
Skottland19223202Vault City BrewingVault City Bubblegum BrewSurøl6.30.375 129.90
Skottland19223102Vault City BrewingVault City Fruity Fluff Pineapple Mango Passionfruit & Marshmallow Dessert SourSurøl8.00.440 149.90
Skottland19223002Vault City BrewingVault City x Merakai Giant Lollipop Raspberry Vanilla SourSurøl8.00.440 149.90
England19223302Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Hop Custard DIPAIndia pale ale8.00.440 144.90
England15459202Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Puttty TIPAIndia pale ale10.00.440 169.90
England19223402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Altitude IPAIndia pale ale6.50.440 114.90
Danmark14955702WarpigsWarpigs Bare Bodkin Barley WineBarley wine13.20.375 195.00
Nederland19224002White DogWhite Dog Will It Float #12 Smoothie SourSurøl6.00.440 109.30
Nederland19223902White DogWhite Dog Will It Float #13 Smoothie SourSurøl6.00.440 109.30

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