Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 1. mars 2023

Årets første vårmåned starter sprekt med hele 281 ølnyheter! Annenhver måned lanseres det øl i alle sortimentene til Vinmonopolet og mars er en slik måned. De resterende månedene lanseres det kun øl i tilleggsutvalget.

Det er interessant å sammenlikne antall nyheter mot samme periode i fjor: i mars 2022 ble det lansert 361 ølnyheter, så det er 80 færre produkter i år, som tilsvarer en nedgang på 22%.

Hva vil det si at øl lanseres i alle utvalg?

Enkelt oppsummert fungerer de ulike utvalgene slik:

  • Basisutvalget
    •  Produkter som butikkene er pliktige å ha i hylla i minst ett år. De aller største butikkene vil få alle nyhetene, men om butikken din er mindre (målt i årlig omsetning) er det ikke sikkert denne vil være tilgjengelig. Antall butikker som skal ha varen varierer fra produkt til produkt.
  • Partiutvalget
    • Vinmonopolet tar inn et lite parti som blir tilgjengelig i de aller største butikkene. Stort sett snakker vi rundt 2.400 stk. Når partier er tomt er det frivillig for butikken å fortsette med produktet, siden det blir overført til bestillingsutvalget.
  • Testutvalget
    • Betalt plass for å få hylleplass i seks måneder før det eventuelt blir overført til basisutvalget eller til bestillingsutvalget.
  • Bestillingsutvalget
    • Produkter tilgjengelig på nett. De kan bestilles av alle og leveres til ditt lokale Pol. Butikkene kan også frivillig velge å ha disse i hylla om de vil.
  • Tilleggsutvalget
    • Produkter som det KUN er butikkene, og ikke deg som privatperson som kan ta inn. Butikkene må kjøpe fulle kasser. Varen blir synlig på nett, så du kan se hvor du får den, så fort minst én butikk tar den inn.

Basis-, test- & partiutvalget

Tre produkter blir tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg og vil finnes i hyllene i minst ett år. To produkter plasseres i testutvalget: Haandbryggeriet Big Fat Cat og Old Speckled Hen. I tillegg blir seks produkter tilgjengelig i partiutvalget og er tilgjengelig frem til partiet er tomt.

Basis & test:

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge12043302HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Big Fat CatIndia Pale Ale6.70.4466.9
Norge15332502Klokk & CoFripa Radler Lime & MangoAlkoholfritt0.50.3321.9
England4176502MorlandOld Speckled HenPale Ale50.559.9
Norge15321402Oslo Brewing CompanyOslo Brewing Sunshine Sour Citrus & ApricotSurøl5.60.3349.9
Belgia15191902Swinkels Family BrewersSt. Pierre White Belgian Abbey BeerHveteøl50.542.4


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge15336402Eik & TidEik & Tid Satorrotas Barrel Aged Golden Sour Raspberry & CherrySurøl6.60.3385.3
Norge15212402En Liten ØlElø Mandarin Morning Citrus Blonde AleLys ale60.4477.1
Norge5188102Lindheim ØlkompaniLindheim Wild Sour Cherry AleSurøl70.375102.4
Norge14344102Nøgne ØNøgne Ø 4885 BlancHveteøl50.3333.2
Norge15274702Nøgne ØNøgne Ø Easy Living Lime Mojito Sour AleSurøl5.50.3335.2
Belgia15192602Palm NVSteenbrugge WhiteHveteøl50.3334.2


Det bredeste utvalget, der mest øl er tilgjengelig er bestillingsutvalget. Hele 170 øl blir nå tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolets nettside. Butikkene kan også velge å ta inn fra dette utvalget som en del av deres «lokale sortiment» tilpasset lokal etterspørsel.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge147705017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Patience Bourbon BA Imp StoutPorter & stout140.75297.8
Norge147706017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Soul Serenade Flanders Style Red AleSpesial5.90.75248.9
Norge147704017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Unchained Quadrupel Rum BAKlosterstil100.75288.9
USA15378302AleSmithAleSmith Speedway Stout Tart Cherry EditionPorter & stout120.473169.9
Norge15284302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen 9th Birthday Cake Celebration X North Espresso Lava CakePorter & stout13.50.44116.9
Norge15284602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen 9th Birthday Cake Celebration X Northern Monk Marzipan Cinnamon RollPorter & stout130.44116.9
Norge15284502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Emperor's 9th Birthday Cake Celebration Wookies & Cream CheesecakePorter & stout140.44116.9
Norge15278002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Lervig 9th Birthday Cake Celebration Brown Cheese & WafflesPorter & stout120.44111.9
Norge15284402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Stigbergets 9th Birthday Cake Celebration German Chocolate CakePorter & stout130.44116.9
Tyskland15185602Arcobräu GmbH & Co.Arcobräu Mooser Liesl HellesLys lager5.30.549.9
USA15299902Aslin Beer CompanyAslin x Odd By Nature Hella Hops Double Dry-Hopped IPAIndia pale ale60.475132.7
USA14811102Aslin Beer CompanyF**k Cancer A Villain in Every PotSurøl60.473128.7
USA15283802Belleflower BrewingBelleflower Hexology DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.30.473139.8
USA15284202Belleflower BrewingBelleflower Into The Kaleidoscope DIPAIndia pale ale80.473139.8
Nederland1519901Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Blond TrappistKlosterstil6.50.75125
Nederland1520701Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Dubbel TrappistKlosterstil70.75125
Nederland1520601Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Quadrupel TrappistKlosterstil100.75149.9
Nederland1522102Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Quadrupel TrappistKlosterstil100.3371
Nederland1522402Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Tripel Trappist BierKlosterstil80.3364.9
Nederland1521002Bierbrouwerij de KoningshoevenLa Trappe Witte TrappistKlosterstil5.50.3352.9
Belgia15190101Brasserie St. FeuillienSt. Feuillien Grand Cru Acacia Wood AgedSpesial9.50.75189.9
Tyskland15206002Brauerei Heller, BambergSchlenkerla FastenbierSpesial5.90.561.9
Storbritannia15378702Brew By NumbersBBNo 05 Cold IPAIndia pale ale5.80.44109.9
Storbritannia15378502Brew By NumbersBBNo 05 IPA Citra & MosaicIndia pale ale6.20.44109.9
Storbritannia15378602Brew By NumbersBBNo 42 Morden Wharf DDH Pale AlePale ale5.50.44109.9
England15194702Brew YorkBrew York Red Light, Green Light Wild Strawberry & Kiwi SourSurøl5.50.4487.6
England12846702Brew YorkBrew York Time Travelling TaxiPale ale5.40.4487.2
England13836902Brew YorkBrew York x Fyne Ales Release The Cranachan Imperial Raspberry OatmealPorter & stout90.44133.5
Skottland15046902BrewDogBrewDog Sand Man Hazy Belgian IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3356.8
Skottland15151702BrewDogBrewDog Zip Code West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.3361.8
USA15300002Brix City BrewingBrix City For For A King DIPAIndia pale ale80.475140
USA15300102Brix City BrewingBrix City Strawberry JamsIndia pale ale80.475140
Belgia2021701Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist TripelKlosterstil9.50.75149.9
Belgia12336201Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek Intens RoodSurøl70.75299.9
Nederland15310102Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Fruit & Kruid BlondLys ale6.20.3352.9
Nederland15104702Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Koffie & Gebrand PorterPorter & stout90.3369.7
Nederland15157502Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Kruid & Koek QuadrupleKlosterstil8.50.3370
Nederland15157802Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Pim's & Sinaas Imperial StoutPorter & stout9.90.3370
Nederland15157702Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Red Velvet & Cake Imperial StoutPorter & stout9.70.3370
Nederland15129302Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Strong Ale Cognac Barrel Aged Edition 2022Spesial10.40.3399.9
Nederland15310202Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Water & Vuur NEIPAIndia pale ale60.3353.9
Nederland15157602Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Whisky & Wine Barrel AgedPorter & stout10.80.3399.9
Belgia10945102Brouwerij Van HonsebrouckBacchus KriekSurøl5.80.37594.9
Belgia10945302Brouwerij Van HonsebrouckKasteel Barista Chocolate QuadSpesial110.3389.9
Belgia10901402Brouwerij Van HonsebrouckKasteel TripelKlosterstil110.3382
England14963101Burning SkyBurning Sky x Boneface On ReturningSurøl5.50.75229.8
England13059002Buxton BreweryBuxton x Omnipollo CowardPorter & stout110.33129
Belgia2938602Carlsberg BreweriesGrimbergen Double AmbréeRed/amber6.50.3340.9
USA15195701Central Waters BrewingCentral Waters Black GoldPorter & stout130.65549.9
Norge15150702Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Angry Chick DDH Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.3388.9
Norge15390002Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam El Django Juice TDH Double New England IPAIndia pale ale80.4493.3
Norge15150602Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam EyeGuy Imperial Tuttifrutti SourSurøl80.3388.6
Norge15389902Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam I Need Double IPA v2 TDH New England IPAIndia pale ale80.4493.3
Norge15150402Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam I Need IPAIndia pale ale60.3375.10
Norge15150302Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam I Need SourSurøl60.3382.7
Nederland15069802De MoersleutelMoersleutel Disco DazzleIndia pale ale8.50.4499.7
Norge15150502Drum Brew ASDrum Brew Imperial Gulrot Gose 2. editionSurøl6.20.3389.9
Sverige15378202DuggesDugges Big Black Apple Fruit Licorice SourSpesial60.5119.8
Sverige15378402DuggesDugges Electro West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.50.3395
Sverige15378102DuggesDugges Superior PorterPorter & stout5.60.3384.8
Norge15389802E. C. Dahls BryggeriE.C. Dahls Montana Cold IPALys lager6.50.3354
England15299202Elusive BrewingElsuive x Jamil Zainasheff Janet's Brown American BrownBrown ale60.44113.9
England15299302Elusive BrewingElusive x Sussex Small Batch Sticky Toffee Imperial StoutPorter & stout100.44141.4
USA15189102Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Light At The End Of The Tunnel IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473134.8
USA15189302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Super Fractal Koru Set TIPAIndia pale ale100.473169.9
USA15189202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Toppling Goliath King Al DIPAIndia pale ale7.90.473154.9
USA15189402Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Widowmaker Brewing Astral Projection Into Multiple Galaxies DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473149.8
USA15283902Finback BreweryFinback Double Something Kohatu DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473159.9
USA15284102Finback BreweryFinback x CoolHead Mind Meld IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473149.9
USA15193402Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Mega Dipped DIPAIndia pale ale80.473159.9
USA15193302Hop ButcherHop Butcher For The World Unwind Your Mind DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.473159.9
USA15190201Jester KingJester King Das Wunderkind! Blended SaisonSaison farmhouse ale50.75269.9
USA15190401Jester KingJester King Snörkel Farmhouse AleSaison farmhouse ale5.50.75269.9
USA15190301Jester KingJester King x Perennial Artisan Ales Enigmatic Taxa Farmhouse Pale AleSaison farmhouse ale70.75329.9
Norge13089601Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn AlvorSaison farmhouse ale6.50.75129
Norge2064101Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn PåskeølIndia pale ale6.50.75108
Norge15333401Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn VårbukkMørk lager9.50.75120
Japan7657302Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest Anbai AleSurøl7.50.3364.9
Japan10990502Kiuchi BreweryHitachino Nest DaiDai AleIndia pale ale60.3358.9
Nederland15063102Kaapse BrouwersKaapse Jennie Juicy IPAPale ale5.50.3369.8
Belgia15205801LindemansLindemans BlossomGueuzeSurøl60.75219.9
Belgia15205901LindemansLindemans GingerGueuzeSurøl60.75219.9
Belgia15177102LindemansLindemans Oude Gueuze Cuvée RenéSurøl60.37569.9
Belgia15185001LindemansLindemans Oude Gueuze Cuveée RenéSurøl60.75119.9
Belgia15201902LindemansLindemans Oude Kriek Cuvée RenéSurøl60.37576.4
Norge8234602Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve AvalonSurøl70.375135
Norge15388202Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve RubixSurøl70.375135
England15045201Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project 1773 Heritage Brown Porter MKII Pre Industrial PorterSurøl5.50.75252.8
England15045302Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Elderflower & Gooseberry Sour 2021Surøl4.80.375166.9
England15044901Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Organic East IPASurøl70.75266.8
England15045102Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Rhubarb & Raspberry SourSurøl5.30.375154.8
England15045002Little Earth ProjectLittle Earth Project Steady Hands, Easy FriendsSurøl50.375157.2
Italia14973006LoverBeerLoverbeer BeerbrugnaSurøl6.23799.7
Italia14972902LoverBeerLoverbeer PindaricaSurøl8.30.375174.9
Norge15382702MarloboboMarlobobo Another SunMjød130.375339.9
Norge15201502MarloboboMarlobobo BrainbowMjød130.375359.9
Norge15067402MarloboboMarlobobo Giant Gas Exo TartMjød100.375354.9
Norge15201602MarloboboMarlobobo Stevnsberry SelectMjød120.375399.9
Norge15275202MarloboboMarlobobo's Megabear I'm Not A Robot New England-style DIPAIndia pale ale80.44109.9
Norge15269702MarloboboMarlobobo's Megabear Non-Fossil Fuel Blended Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout140.33179.9
England14931902Merakai Brewing coMerakai Serious Gourmet StoutPorter & stout5.80.44107.8
England14931602Merakai Brewing coMerakai Swimming in Mosaic DDH Hazy Pale AlePale ale50.44105
England15039801Mills BrewingMills Bière de GardeSaison farmhouse ale5.30.75253.2
England15039901Mills BrewingMills ClompSurøl5.70.75249.8
England15039701Mills BrewingMills MeshSurøl6.50.75262.2
England15039601Mills BrewingMills Spectre SisterSaison farmhouse ale7.20.75264.3
England15195301Mills BrewingMills Stand Togheter Bourbon BarrelSurøl110.75298.2
England15047502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 17.02 Insa // Ethel // Stigbergets // Garage Tropical IPAIndia pale ale70.4499.8
England15190902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 24.07 Tom J Newell / Above The Clouds / BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout140.44129.6
England15190702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 31.07 Smug // The Church of SmugLife // Other Half DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.40.44109.7
England15190802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 33.04 Thought Bubble / Alex Norris / Floc BrewingDDH IPAIndia pale ale70.4499.7
England15297602Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 38.02 Gluttony Imperial StoutPorter & stout100.44119.8
Norge15363202Nua Brygghus ASNua Belgisk TrippelKlosterstil90.597.4
Norge11711202Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø God Påske Golden Strong AleSpesial7.50.569
Norge15351801Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Marooned 3Surøl7.50.75179
Norge15223402Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Oslove Passion Fruit BlondeLys ale5.50.3351.9
Belgia15297501Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Jasmine Flower Infused LambiekSurøl70.75259.9
Belgia15368301Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Olive Leaf Sparkling Infused LambiekSurøl70.75259.9
Belgia15189606Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Oude Vieux Lambiek 3 YearsSurøl6.83.1699.7
Belgia12645306Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Winter Lambiek Infused With Pine BudSurøl6.83.1599.7
Belgia13638001Oud Beersel BrouwerijOud Beersel Winter Lambiek Sparkling InfusedSurøl60.75260.4
Estland14965902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala American Mountains DIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.9
Estland15298102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Baltic Porter Day 2023Porter & stout100.3379.9
Estland15298002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Baltic Porter Day 2022 BAPorter & stout10.50.33130
Estland13355402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Belle Bulle Imperial GoseSpesial80.3399
Estland15298202Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series KaminPorter & stout110.33130
Estland14229402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Liquid Piñata StoutwineSpesial130.33125
Estland14772602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series x To Øl Sticks & Stones Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.50.33135
Estland14965802Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cosy Nights Vanilla PorterPorter & stout80.3375
Estland14966002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Mudcake Bänger Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.3385
Estland15298302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Must Kuld Chai Latte PorterPorter & stout7.80.3369.9
Estland14440402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Sun City Florida WeisseSurøl50.4469.9
England15059302Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Aprés Cold IPAIndia pale ale6.20.44114
England15059702Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Internet Friends Pineapple, Coconut & Vanilla SourSurøl5.50.44110.8
England15059602Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Two Weeks In Florida DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44120.8
England14935802S43S43 Chimera Barrel Aged Belgian Golden StrongSpesial100.33129.4
England14936002S43S43 Leviathan Barrel Aged Imperial Coconut & Peacan Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.33130
England14935902S43S43 Orthrus Barrel Aged Imperial Honeycomb StoutPorter & stout11.80.33133.2
England14936102S43S43 Orthrus Barrel Aged Imperial Honeycomb StoutPorter & stout11.80.33133.2
Hellas15191702Seven Island BrewerySeven Island x Alvarado Street Supernatural Hop FuryIndia pale ale80.44109.7
Norge12191202Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Double Gardening Dry Hopped Imperial FarmhouseSaison farmhouse ale8.20.4498.6
USA15299702Spyglass BrewingSpyglass x Branch Blade - Time CrystalsIndia pale ale7.50.475134.4
Norge10809002Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen BlondeLys ale60.3354.9
Norge10809102Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen Dark SeasonBrown ale6.50.3354.9
Norge15280902Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen Gruve 3 HåvardPorter & stout90.3379.9
Norge10808802Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen IPAIndia pale ale70.3354.9
Norge10808902Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen StoutPorter & stout70.3354.9
Norge11958302Svalbard BryggeriSvalbard Bryggeri Spitsbergen WeissbierHveteøl5.50.3349.9
USA15300502The Brewing ProjektThe Brewing Project Dare Mighty Things with Citra, Mosaic, Sabro & El DoradoIndia pale ale60.475132.2
England15071002Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Forbidden Pastry Summer Fruits Crumble With Custard Pastry SourSurøl80.44139.1
Canada14762301Trial & Ale BrewingTrail & Ale An Equatorial DetourSurøl6.70.75299.9
Canada14762701Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale A Cordial Invitation Cherry SourSurøl6.90.75299.8
Canada14762601Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale A Saison ApparentSurøl7.40.75299.8
Canada14767201Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale A Saison Brambled Wild Ale w/BlackberrySurøl7.40.75299.8
Canada14767401Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale An Era of Sturm und DrangSurøl6.20.75299.8
Canada14766301Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale BrunchSurøl7.10.75299.8
Canada14766201Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Orange Spheres in Blanket of WhiteSurøl70.75299.8
Canada14766401Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Separated to a Degree SummerSurøl7.10.75344.7
Canada14766601Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Up Around Mount GroveSurøl7.10.75299.8
Canada14766702Trial & Ale BrewingTrial & Ale Writer's Blanc Barrel Aged Mixed Fermentation Sour AleSurøl60.473119.3
USA15189702Urban South BreweryUrban South Double spilled Orange White Chocolate Fruited SourSurøl60.473159.9
USA15189802Urban South BreweryUrban South I Want To Ride My Bicycle With You TIPAIndia pale ale9.50.473169.9
USA15189902Urban South BreweryUrban South Triple Spilled Passionfruit, Raspberry, Marshmallow, Vanilla SourSurøl6.50.473164.9
USA15190002Urban South BreweryUrban South x Symbol Brewing DIPAIndia pale ale80.473159.9
Skottland15278302Vault City BrewingVault City x Amundsen Diamonds in The Mud Glittery Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.10.44131.9
Skottland15278202Vault City BrewingVault City x Burley Oak Tropical Sour IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44101.9
Skottland15284002Vault City BrewingVault City x Tartarus x Dead End Brew Machine Barrel Aged BarleywineBarley wine80.375114.9
England14963002Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Honey Beary Honeyberry SourSurøl6.60.4499.8
Norge15332802Ægir BryggeriÆgir Brageskål JubileumsølScotch ale12.50.33129.9
Norge15333202Ægir BryggeriÆgir Double IPAIndia pale ale90.4494.9


Til sist lanseres disse 100 produktene i tilleggsutvalget. Disse kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken umiddelbart. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge15407602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Finback Freedom Friends Hazy IPAIndia pale ale7.50.4491.9
Norge15407502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x KCBC Freedom Friends Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4491.9
Sverige15409202Apex Brewing Co.Apex Brewing Metatron DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.8
Sverige15409302Apex Brewing Co.Apex Brewing Twitching Talons DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.8
Eritrea10712002Asmara BreweryAsmara LagerLys lager50.3358.7
Spania15400102Basqueland BrewingBasqueland X Soma Bone Broth DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4499.6
Norge15398502Berentsens BrygghusBerentsens Barreled BastardSpesial150.33191.2
England15298902Brew YorkBrew York BA Empress Tonkoko Bourbon Version 1 BA Tonka Bean, Vanilla, Coconut &Porter & stout10.60.33126.9
England15299502Brew YorkBrew York BA Empress Tonkoko Bourbon Version 2 BA Tonka Bean, Vanilla, Coconut &Porter & stout10.60.33126.9
England15299102Brew YorkBrew York BA Empress Tonkoko RUM BA Tonka Bean, Vanilla, Coconut & Cacao ImperiaPorter & stout10.60.33126.9
England15299602Brew YorkBrew York HYG Vegan Peanut, Caramel & Marshmallow Milk StoutPorter & stout100.44136.2
England15194602Brew YorkBrew York Thioly Cyrus Experimental Thioi PalePale ale50.4487.9
England15299402Brew YorkBrew York Vegan Juice Forsyth Fruited IPAIndia pale ale50.4499.9
England15194202Brew YorkBrew York x Elmeleven Fruit Pie Berry & Cherry Pie SourSurøl80.44132.7
England15194802Brew YorkBrew York x Funky Fluid Coffee Bake Polish Coffe Cake StoutPorter & stout100.44127.9
England15194902Brew YorkBrew York x Funky Fluid Plum Cake Polish Plum Cake SourSurøl60.44110.8
England15194302Brew YorkBrew York x Nerd Brewing Rum Sundae Rum & Raisin Imperial StoutPorter & stout60.44110.9
Skottland15400702BrewDogBrewDog Mr. President Defiant Double IPAIndia pale ale9.20.4481.9
Polen15401602Browar Stu MostówStu Mostów x Garage 8 Hops DIPA 8th AnniversaryIndia pale ale6.70.4489.9
Norge15407702Bygland BryggeriBygland Langgofa RøykølSaison farmhouse ale7.50.3379.5
Norge15407802Bygland BryggeriBygland Sveikadden Sterk Kveika GardsølSaison farmhouse ale7.50.3379.5
Norge11670702BådinBådin Grav deg ned i tide Stout med kako og appelsinPorter & stout6.50.3364.9
Norge15401002BådinBådin New England Pale AlePale ale5.30.3361.7
Norge15195602BådinBådin Peach Tjanei Syrlig Pale AlePale ale6.50.3364.3
Norge15400802BådinBådin PåskepilsLys lager5.20.3351.1
England15404602Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Golden Hour Dunkel BockMørk lager5.70.4479.3
England15404702Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater The Day After Tomorrow Fruited Wild SourSurøl70.375157.5
England15070601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Damascene Golden Ale with British Damsons PlumsSurøl6.50.75265
England15194101Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Honey Isle Golden Ale with HoneyberriesSurøl5.50.75303.9
England14934801Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Irongate 2022 Golden Ale BullacesSurøl6.60.75243.8
England14934501Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mackerel skies 2022 Golden AleSurøl5.60.75230.1
England15397801Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mount IdaSurøl6.40.7264.2
England14934401Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Mount Ida 2022 Golden AleSurøl6.40.75264.8
England14934901Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Obsidian 2022 Golden Ale BlackcurrantsSurøl6.30.75264.1
England14934701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Shivers 2022 Golden Ale Gages and PlumsSurøl7.10.75267.9
England14934601Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery Summer Song 2022 Golden Ale Raspbrries, sour CherriesSurøl6.80.75281.3
England15397701Crossover BlenderyCrossover Blendery The MillerSurøl70.7266.9
Sverige15408702Duckpond BrewingDuckpond LouieSurøl50.3381.6
Norge15401302Fjordfolk MikrobryggeriFjordfolk Donkeymann 3.0 Lakris PorterPorter & stout6.50.3360
Polen15400302Funky FluidFunky Fluid Gelato White Chocolate Fragola Ice Cream SourSurøl5.50.582.2
Polen15400002Funky FluidFunky Fluid Paradisi Fruited NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.583.9
Norge15404402Graff BrygghusGraff Firebird Thiolized NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3365.1
Belgia15398902Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts À La MirabelleSurøl5.60.37589.8
Belgia15398602Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Au CassisSurøl5.60.37589.9
Belgia15399402Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Aux Baies De SureauSurøl5.60.37589.8
Belgia15399102Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Meerts Aux Fruits Des BoisSurøl5.60.37589.8
Belgia15399301Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Oude Mûre 2021/2022Surøl6.40.75249.9
Belgia15399501Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Oude Rhubarbe À L'Ancienne 2021/2022Surøl6.30.75219.9
Belgia15399701Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Oude Syrah à l'Ancienne 2021/2022Surøl80.75264.9
Belgia8166001Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Pinot Noir à l'ancienneSurøl8.10.75264.8
Belgia12592901Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Riesling à l'ancienneSurøl7.70.75279.9
Belgia15399201Gueuzerie TilquinTilquin Rulles Stout Rullquin 2019/2020Surøl70.75249.9
Norge11496902Hogna BryggHogna Antagonis III.03India pale ale100.4499.8
Norge15404002Hogna BryggHogna This..is..SpartaBarley wine100.44119.8
Norge15330202Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helnorsk gulrotSurøl5.50.3351.9
Norge14070902Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri Påske IPAIndia pale ale60.3364.7
Norge15404502Kjerlingland Brygghus ASKjeringland Saison d'HylleblomstSaison farmhouse ale6.10.3369
Norge15401202Lervig ASLervig Rackhouse Off the Rack Maple BourbonPorter & stout14.70.375209.3
Norge15401102Lervig ASLervig Rackhouse RobustaPorter & stout140.375184.4
Norge11054702Lervig ASLervig x Stillwater Times 8Porter & stout160.33149.7
Norge15407101Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Bière de Coupage Blend 3Surøl5.80.75199.9
Norge15407002Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Einstein PilsLys lager5.10.4461.9
Norge15406902Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew x Pøbel Lobster NebulaPorter & stout11.50.44121.9
Sverige15408602NerdbrewingNerdbrewing Barrel Series 013Porter & stout11.10.33159.7
Sverige15409002NerdbrewingNerdbrewing Function Imperial Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout16.10.33159.7
England15400602Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 27.06 British Culture Archive // Phil's Flyers IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.8
England15400502Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 37.02 Demondance //Love Session IPAIndia pale ale4.80.4489.9
Sverige15204102OmnipolloOmnipollo Fruit World Famous Pineapple Coconut SourSurøl60.3384.7
Sverige15409102OmnipolloOmnipollo x Other Half Freaky Friday Double Motueka Chroma DDH Imp IPAIndia pale ale8.20.44129.1
Sverige15205102OmnipolloOmnipollo x The Veil Ma'at Triple Fruited SourSurøl60.3395.8
Sverige15408902OmnipolloOmnipollo x Track Gold! Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.33114.8
Sverige15409402OmnipolloOmnipollo x Troon Sufficiently Hoppy AleIndia pale ale9.30.44129.6
Norge15404801Pizza + Sider ASMold Sider Carl Berners PlassSurøl5.50.75230.2
Estland15407902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Banoffee Bänger Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.3395
Estland15408002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Öö X BA Imperial Baltic PorterPorter & stout130.33135
Wales15399902Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Brew Co. Step Inside The Panic Room DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44103.1
Wales15400202Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Slow Talus IPAIndia pale ale5.90.4493.9
England15398202Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Alligator Tugboat Simcoe IPAIndia pale ale7.20.44119.4
England15398302Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Crab Facts! New England IPAIndia pale ale6.20.44116.1
England15397902Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Fashion London PorterPorter & stout6.50.44108.7
England15398002Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Great Heights Unfiltered PilsnerLys lager4.80.4499.4
England15398102Pressure Drop BrewingPressure Drop Magic Valley California IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44115.2
England13530602Rivington Brewing CoRivington Blood Machines DIPAIndia pale ale80.44145.1
Norge15406302Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Turtleneck New England Double IPAIndia pale ale80.44114.9
Norge15406102Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x Arpus DDH Citra Talus GalaxyIndia pale ale100.44124.9
Norge15406202Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt x Graff Blue Graffiti Cold IPALys lager70.44104.9
Brasil15412402Spartacus BrewingSpartacus (un)Ordinary TDH TIPAIndia pale ale9.70.44125.7
Brasil15412302Spartacus BrewingSpartacus About Face TDH DIPAIndia pale ale90.44118.8
Brasil15412502Spartacus BrewingSpartacus Bullet Proof TDH TIPAIndia pale ale9.70.44125.7
Tyskland15408802Sudden Death Brewing GbRSudden Death Vapelord 5000 Imperial Fruited SourSurøl6.50.4499.6
England14938102Tartarus BeersTartarus Erebus Raspberry Chocolate Cake Imp StoutPorter & stout150.33154.7
USA15401402The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Burger Burger DIPAIndia pale ale80.473154.9
USA15401502The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil IdontwanttoBU3: Enhanced TDH IPAIndia pale ale6.90.473144.8
Norge14229202Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil bryggeri Påske-witHveteøl60.3365.5
England15195102Vaux BreweryVaux Electric Mayhem Pineapple, Cranberry & Peach SourSurøl60.44110.9
England15194502Vaux BreweryVaux Vaux Insanity Later DDH PaleIndia pale ale5.50.44109.9
England15194402Vaux BreweryVaux x Old Chimneys Stormy Petrol Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.44131.9
England12234702Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant 20 Watt Moon IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.8
England12084402Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Neal Gets Things Done IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.8
England12671102Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Putty DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.8

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