Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 4. mai 2022

Først vil jeg beklage for at denne publiseres alt for sent, da disse ble lansert 4. mai. Det har vært noen veldig hektiske uker, så bloggen måtte dessverre nedprioriteres. Samtidig er det så ekstremt mye som blir lansert for tiden at det tar veldig mye tid å søke opp alle på Untappd for å notere ned ratingen. Jeg skal komme sterkere tilbake i juni.

Totalt ble vanvittige 407 ølnyheter lansert på Vinmonopolet i mai! Jeg tror dette må være ny rekord.

Basis-, test- & partiutvalget

Fem øl er blitt tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg og vil finnes i hyllene i minst ett år. En øl blir tilgjengelig i testutvalget og vil finnes i hyllene i minst seks måneder: Baladin Isaac. Testutvalget er, som navnet tilsier, et produkt som er plassert her av grossisten (importøren) som en test. Hvis salget er tilfredsstillende forblir produktet i basis etter endt testperiode på seks måneder.

To produkter blir tilgjengelig i partiutvalget og er tilgjengelig frem til partiet er tomt.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Italia956202BaladinBaladin IsaacHveteøl50.3349.9
Tyskland14246602Brauerei zur Malzmühle Schwartz GmbSünner KölschLys Ale4.80.548.9
Norge14246702Eik & TidEik & Tid Cerasus Cherry SourSurøl50.3359
Norge14223202Geiranger BryggeriGeiranger Bryggeri Friaren Pilsner ExtraLys Lager5.50.3342.8
Norge14103502Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Crossing Unknown WatersLys Lager5.50.546
Skottland14257802Vault City BrewingVault City Strawberry SundaeSurøl50.4476.9


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnSubvaregruppeABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Norge12957202Krecher ASKrecher The DagonathulhuSurøl60.3364.9
Norge14224702St. Hallvards BryggeriSt. Hallvards Brewers Edition New World PilsLys lager5.80.564.9


261 øl er nå tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolets nettside. Butikkene kan også velge å ta inn fra dette utvalget som en del av deres «lokale sortiment» tilpasset lokal etterspørsel.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
USA1397800218th Street Brewery18th Street Silver Spoon Breakfast StoutPorter & stout8.60.473129.9
Norge144075017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Everlong Bourbon BA Imp StoutPorter & stout13.50.75289.9
Norge144074017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Nefertiti BA Fusion Red AleSurøl9.20.75239.9
Skottland1439360271 Brewing71 Brewing Fruition Passionfruit PonchaSurøl7.20.4489.9
Skottland1439370271 Brewing71 Brewing Fruition Tayberry FrescaSurøl6.50.4487.9
Skottland1439380271 Brewing71 Brewing Neutron Dance DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.4489.9
Skottland1439390271 Brewing71 Brewing Two Way Radio DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.4489.9
England14155502Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Echo Chilli & Chocolate Imp. StoutPorter & stout11.70.44113.9
England14155302Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Phalanx 135 Minute IPAIndia pale ale10.30.4498.9
England14155602Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Xevza Hazy Fresh Hopped PalePale ale50.4470.5
Norge12921002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can BA Cherry & Chocolate Ganache PastryStoutPorter & stout11.50.33111.9
Norge12921102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can BA Coconut Choc Chip Cookie Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.33111.9
Norge12921302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can BA Tonka & Caramel Swirl Ice-Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.33111.9
Norge12672802Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Overloaded Neapolitan Ice Cream Shake Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44101.9
Norge14057902Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Purple Dragon Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4469.9
Norge12672602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Root of Darkness Salted Raspberry, Chocolate & LicoricePorter & stout120.4481.9
Norge13978502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Spork In The Road Hazy TIPAIndia pale ale100.4489.9
Norge12673602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Tall Stack Chocolate Chip Maple Covered Pancake Imperial PastryPorter & stout11.50.44101.9
Norge14057802Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen The Red Curse Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4469.9
Norge14058102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Triple Morish Dream Imperial Marshmallow Pastry StoutPorter & stout12.50.44101.9
Norge12921702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Wired Salted Caramel Flat White Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44101.9
Norge14058002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen x Vocation Brewery BBA Coconut, Marshmallow & Toffee Swirl StoutPorter & stout120.44111.9
Norge14404901Askheimer ASAskheimer Nordic Apple Dry CyserMjød100.75234.9
England13974201Beak BreweryBeak Cedric Blended SaisonSaison farmhouse ale6.50.75181.4
England13929402Beak BreweryBeak Family American Pale AlePale ale5.50.4490.2
England13929502Beak BreweryBeak Ladder IPA MosaicIndia pale ale60.4497.5
England13929302Beak BreweryBeak Tumbles V2 NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.44102.3
Sverige14409902Beer & Spiritpartners NordicGrosshandlarens Premium LagerLys lager5.70.542.9
Norge14171502Berentsens BrygghusBerentsens Kveik - Norsk gårdsølSaison farmhouse ale6.10.3369
Italia14141002Birra BaladinBaladin Pop American Pale AlePale ale60.3344.9
Italia14229002Birrificio LambrateBirrificio Lambrate BloomLys lager50.3359.9
Italia14228902Birrificio LambrateBirrificio Lambrate Fa bala L'oeucc DDH IPAIndia pale ale5.80.3374.9
Italia14229102Birrificio LambrateBirrificio Lambrate LBR Nelson Citra GalaxyIndia pale ale70.3377.9
England13837602Boxcar BrewBoxcar Dark Harvest Robust PorterPorter & stout60.4496.5
Belgia14416401Brasserie DupontBrasserie Dupont Moinette BiologiqueKlosterstil7.50.75119.9
Belgia14416502Brasserie DupontBrasserie Dupont Saison Cuvée Dry HoppingSaison farmhouse ale6.50.3354.9
England14097102Brew YorkBrew York Champale Supernova Sabro & Simcoe PalePale ale5.50.44108.6
England13962402Brew YorkBrew York Imperial S'more TonkokoPorter & stout7.50.44131
England13837002Brew YorkBrew York Juice Campbell VS The Army of Dankness New England IPAIndia pale ale7.10.44110.4
England12847402Brew YorkBrew York Juice ForsythIndia pale ale50.4499.9
England13126502Brew YorkBrew York Lupu LionPale ale50.4499.9
England13564602Brew YorkBrew York Moo Tang Clan Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale5.50.44113.9
England13836702Brew YorkBrew York Muffin Else Matters Blueberry Pastry Imperial StoutPorter & stout8.50.44121.8
England14096902Brew YorkBrew York Nuba New England IPAIndia pale ale6.60.44116.9
England13962102Brew YorkBrew York Schooner Matata DDH PalePale ale50.4495
England12846702Brew YorkBrew York Time Travelling TaxiPale ale5.70.4487.5
England14097002Brew YorkBrew York Tonkoatko Coconut, Cacap, Tonka & Vanilla Oat Milk StoutPorter & stout8.50.44126.5
England13962202Brew YorkBrew York Twisted Transistor Sour IPAIndia pale ale7.10.44120.2
England14097602Brew YorkBrew York Where's Tony Citra & Amarillo PalePale ale5.10.44103.4
England13836902Brew YorkBrew York x Fyne Ales Release The Cranachan Imperial Raspberry OatmealPorter & stout90.44141.1
England14097302Brew YorkBrew York x Lakes Brew Origami Black Belt Tonka, Maple & Ginger StoutPorter & stout11.60.44132.3
England14097202Brew YorkBrew York x Lakes Brew Rodney, You Tonka! Amaretto SourSurøl5.50.44107.4
England13837202Brew YorkBrew York x Unbarred Granny Smith's Brambling Habit Blackberry &Surøl50.44116.3
Skottland14226602BrewDogBrewDog Hazy Jane GuavaIndia pale ale50.3343.9
Skottland14205002BrewDogBrewDog Tree Haus Wood Aged HellesLys lager60.3351.9
Nederland14348402Brouwerij de MolenBrouwerij De Molen Bommen & Granaten Bourbon BA Barley WineBarley wine13.60.3399.9
Nederland14348302Brouwerij de MolenBrouwerij De Molen Miso & Caramel StoutPorter & stout8.90.3370.3
Nederland14348602Brouwerij de MolenBrouwerij De Molen Vijg & Vanille Barley WineBarley wine100.3369.9
Nederland14348502Brouwerij de MolenDe Molen Cacao & Kokos Imperial Dark LagerSpesial10.50.3369.9
Belgia11421302Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak 9000 QuadrupleKlosterstil10.50.3364.9
Belgia11659601Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak Calvados Barrel AgedKlosterstil10.50.75199.9
Belgia12822502Brouwerij Van SteenbergeVan Steenberge Fourchette TripelKlosterstil7.50.3364.9
Norge14072901Brulandselva ASBrulandselva KnurrSurøl150.75188.9
England14005801Burning SkyBurning Sky Cherry SaisonSurøl6.80.75219.9
England14230002Buxton BreweryBuxton Acer DDH PaleIndia pale ale5.20.4469.9
England14166702Buxton BreweryBuxton Double Axe Quad IPAIndia pale ale13.60.44125
England14166802Buxton BreweryBuxton Double Gatekeeper Export PorterPorter & stout8.20.4489.9
England14166502Buxton BreweryBuxton x Omnipollo Original Forest Fruits Ice Cream Imperial StoutPorter & stout100.44110
Danmark14371601Carlsberg BreweriesJacobsen Yakima IPAIndia pale ale6.50.7589.9
USA14072302Cascade BrewingCascade brewing Baked apple sourSurøl50.35599.9
USA14072404Cascade BrewingCascade brewing Double DutchSurøl9.20.25109.9
USA14072502Cascade BrewingCascade brewing Honey Ginger LimeSurøl60.355109.9
USA14072604Cascade BrewingCascade brewing Northwest FlandersSurøl7.10.25109.9
USA14072202Cascade BrewingCascade brewing Ruby LimeSurøl5.50.355109.9
USA14057602Casita Brewing Co.Casita Home Sweet Home Imperial StoutPorter & stout100.473164.9
Canada14096102Collective Arts BrewingCollective Arts x Equilibrium Origin of Darkness Imperial Stout double BAPorter & stout11.80.355109.8
Canada14095602Collective Arts BrewingCollective Arts x Garage Project Origin of Darkness Imperial Stout BAPorter & stout10.80.35599.9
Canada14095802Collective Arts BrewingCollective Arts x Lervik Origin of Darkness Imperial Milkshake Stout BAPorter & stout11.60.355109.9
Canada14096402Collective Arts BrewingCollective Arts x Vitamin Sea Origin of Darkness Imperial Stout BAPorter & stout10.30.355109.9
USA14057002Cushwa Brewing Co.Cushwa Big Cush TDH Citra NEDIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.9
Nederland14233802De MoersleutelMoersleutel Caneles Freeze destilled Imperial stoutSpesial170.44159.9
Nederland14233902De MoersleutelMoersleutel Clamp voltage meter NEDIPAIndia pale ale80.4494.9
Nederland14172102De MoersleutelMoersleutel Motor Oil Double Vanilla, Chocolate & CoffeePorter & stout120.44109.9
Nederland14233702De MoersleutelMoersleutel Motoroil CoconutPorter & stout110.44109.9
Norge10038502De TvendeDe Tvende Store Torungen IPAIndia pale ale70.3360.9
USA13976602Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Braaaaaaaains Mango Cherry Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl6.90.473144.9
USA13976502Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Braaaaaaaains Pineapple Guava Passionfruit Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl7.30.473144.9
New Zealand14057402Duncan's BrewingDuncan's Maple Scorched Almond Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.44140.2
New Zealand14057502Duncan's BrewingDuncan's Toasty Marshmallow Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.80.44140.2
Norge14151802E. C. Dahls BryggeriE.C. Dahls Brown AleBrown ale5.90.3340.2
England14059902Elusive BrewingElusive Level Up American Red Level 26 Zeus & MosaicRed/amber50.44100.6
England14059202Elusive BrewingElusive Nexus Imperial Stout Tonka & Vanilla EditionPorter & stout100.44142.3
England14060002Elusive BrewingElusive Sunset City American Barley WineBarley wine90.44141.4
England14059002Elusive BrewingElusive Suspicious Possessions NZ PilsnerLys lager4.80.4492
Tyskland14308502Erdinger WeissbräuErdinger Brauhaus Helles LagerLys lager5.10.549.9
USA14056402Ferrous FalconFerrous Falcon & Electric Juice Wolf TIPAIndia pale ale10.10.473169.9
England14230902Full Circle BrewFull Circle x Loch Lomond Inside a Dream New England Pale AlePale ale4.90.4479.9
England14230702Full Circle BrewFull Circle x Noen Raptor In The Blue Corner IPAIndia pale ale6.20.4489.9
England14231002Full Circle BrewFull Circle x Vocation Vanta Black IPAIndia pale ale6.60.4489.9
England13975702Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Decanter Imperial StoutPorter & stout80.4499.9
England14227402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Distributor Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.4499.9
England13975302Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Oscillator DoppelbockMørk lager7.40.4494.9
England13975102Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Blackberry & BlackcurrantSurøl50.4489.9
England13975202Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Blueberry & BananaSurøl5.20.4489.9
England13975402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Plum, Cherry & CranberrySurøl4.80.4489.9
England14232202Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill x Drop Project Inverter West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4484.9
Norge10814902Graff BrygghusGraff Scandi Land New England Candy IPAIndia pale ale60.3368.1
Norge14099702Grünerløkka BrygghusGrünerløkka Brygghus Løkka Gulløl Sterk PilsnerLys lager60.564.9
Norge14415602Hogna BryggHogna Luminator Dry Hopped Double IPAIndia pale ale80.4489.9
USA14232702Hop Butcher For The WorldHop Butcher For The World Polycrystal IPAIndia pale ale7.30.473139.6
USA14232602Hop Butcher For The WorldHop Butcher For The World To Know Is To Love DIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.9
Norge14423602HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet A smashing Pilsner 2Lys lager5.30.4463.6
Norge14268702HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Hop Tweak 7,5India pale ale80.4496.9
Norge14261402HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Stoking the FurnacePorter & stout12.70.5139.9
Norge14223302HaandbryggerietHaandbrygget Humlekanon IPA Classic rangeIndia pale ale7.50.581.9
Tyskland14313502KaiserdomKaiserdom PilsenerLys lager50.549.9
Tyskland14313402KaiserdomKaiserdom WeissbierHveteøl4.90.549.9
Norge2179701Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn SommarølPale ale5.50.7597
Estland14310202Krecher ASKrecher BonestrykePorter & stout130.44117.6
Estland14310302Krecher ASKrecher DreadnautPorter & stout130.44117.6
Norge14308202Krecher ASKrecher DropbearIndia pale ale6.80.4498.5
Norge14310402Krecher ASKrecher SmoglingIndia pale ale100.44108.7
Belgia14070701Lambiek FabriekLambiek Fabriek Bord-Elle Oude GeuzeSurøl10.50.75219.9
Belgia14070801Lambiek FabriekLambiek Fabriek Schar-ElleSurøl6.20.75199.9
Belgia3977301LindemansLindemans BlossomGueuzeSurøl60.75209.9
Belgia7951301LindemansLindemans Ginger GueuzeSurøl60.75209.9
Belgia14407701LindemansLindemans Oude Gueuze Cuvée FranciscaSurøl80.75229.9
Norge11693002Lysefjorden MikrobryggeriLysefjorden IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3355.2
Tyskland5409102Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu HellLys lager4.90.559.9
Norge14408502Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Flying SauceMjød120.375359.9
Norge14233102Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Gin BA StevnsberryMjød140.375399.9
Norge14081902Marlobobos AsMarlobobo StevnsberryMjød110.375299.9
Norge14408402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Stevnsberry BrambleMjød130.375414.9
Norge14233402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Stevnsberry CRYOMjød100.375529.9
Norge14081802Marlobobos AsMarlobobo's Megabear Bottomless Bob Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout110.3399.7
England13565202Merakai Brewing coMerakai I'm Your Biggest Fan DDH Pale AlePale ale5.20.44122.3
England13565402Merakai Brewing coMerakai We're Connected Aren't We NEIPAIndia pale ale60.44114.7
Danmark14298202Midtfyns BryghusMidtfyns Gunners AleRed/amber7.30.579.9
USA14232402Mikerphone BrewingMikerphone Check 1, 2 DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.473139.9
USA14232502Mikerphone BrewingMikerphone Flux Capacitor Pavilion Passion Fruit & Tangerine Berliner WeisseSurøl5.30.473129.9
Norge7916402MjøderietMjøderiet PasjonsfruktMjød6.30.33105.7
USA14232302New Holland BrewingNew Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve 2022 Rye Barrel-Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.80.355149.9
England14037802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 30.02 Torrijas Riojana Vanilla, Chocolate & Cinnamon StoutPorter & stout8.90.4499.9
Norge14344102Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNØGNE Ø 4885 BLANCHveteøl50.3332.9
Norge14312201Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Between The Devil And The Deep Blue SeaSpesial7.50.75160.3
Norge13902802Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø BonfireSpesial7.50.569
Norge14312402Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Furious FiftiesKlosterstil14.50.33159
Norge14103702Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø One Size Fits AllIndia pale ale70.575
Norge14312302Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Roaring FortiesKlosterstil14.50.33159
Sverige14230502O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Cichi Westcoast IPAIndia pale ale6.70.4488
Sverige14230402O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Douglas Westcoast DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.3379.9
Sverige14230302O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing GBG LagerLys lager5.50.3359.9
Sverige14230602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Rye PorterPorter & stout70.4483
USA14056502Odd Side AlesOdd Side Hazel's Nuts Toasted Marshmallow & CoconutPorter & stout120.473164.9
USA2294602Oskar Blues BreweryOskar Blues Dales Pale AlePale ale6.50.35555.2
Spania13848502Oso Brew CoOso Tagged Juicy IPAIndia pale ale60.44118.2
Skottland14232002Overtone BrewingOvertone Broken Clouds TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.44129.9
Skottland14231902Overtone BrewingOvertone Gold Dust DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.9
Skottland14232102Overtone BrewingOvertone Lost In Ancnoc Highland Single Malt Cask Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.44129.9
Polen14408902Perla – Browary LubelskiePerla ExportLys lager5.60.539.9
England13973802Phantom BrewingPhantom Autumn IPAIndia pale ale5.90.44101.9
England13974902Phantom BrewingPhantom Feeling ThisPale ale50.44103.3
England13972702Phantom BrewingPhantom Hoodie Weather IPAIndia pale ale7.40.44105.6
England13974602Phantom BrewingPhantom Spring Strawberry & Lemon Sest SourSurøl80.44106.6
England13973902Phantom BrewingPhantom Summer Citra & Azacca PalePale ale5.20.44108
England13974402Phantom BrewingPhantom Winter Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.44119.1
England13973402Phantom BrewingPhantom x Brew York Venti is Twenty Coffee Belgian DubbelKlosterstil6.40.44105.8
England13973702Phantom BrewingPhantom x Delphic Please Stop, It's not that Kind of Hat Pear &Surøl60.44113.2
England13974302Phantom BrewingPhantom x Tartarus Reaper Sticky Toffee Pudding StoutPorter & stout130.44133.3
Estland14166302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Château NoirPorter & stout120.33125
Estland14229602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Drayman's BlendPorter & stout11.50.33125
Estland14229402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cellar Series Liquid Piñata StoutwineSpesial130.33129
Estland14229502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Forest Series Välk Imperial GoseSurøl80.3369.9
Estland14229302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Marshallow IslandPorter & stout100.3379.9
Estland14166402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Moonraker 5 Galaxy & Azacca DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.70.4489
Estland14166102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Rukkiväli Rye StoutPorter & stout100.3375
England13955202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Bobson Dugnett Sour Farmhouse IPASaison farmhouse ale6.80.4499.9
England12862302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Chevron action flash TIPAIndia pale ale100.44134.9
England14228801Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Pull up to the bumper Bourbon BAPorter & stout11.50.75251.7
England13955102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Todd Bonzalez Sour DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.9
England13955302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Willie Dustice Imperial Maple And Vanilla StoutPorter & stout110.44139.9
Sverige14233602Poppels BryggeriPoppels Margarita Salty SourSurøl60.3361.9
England13914102Rivington Brewing CoRivington Chinchilla In The Heat Blueberry & Scotch Bonnet PorterPorter & stout6.60.5114
England13913802Rivington Brewing CoRivington In The Middle Of Little Italy DDH American Pale AlePale ale5.50.5112.6
England13914002Rivington Brewing CoRivington Perpendicular To Most Red IPAIndia pale ale70.5102.5
England13914202Rivington Brewing CoRivington Void Space Ratio Peach, Vannila, Coffee og Red Apple StoutPorter & stout70.5105.9
England13962502Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Aplha Delta Holding Onto What's Golden Imperial West CostIndia pale ale9.50.44137.2
England13913902Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Chain House The Evil Dead Mango, Raspberry & VannilaSurøl50.5116.4
England13913602Rivington Brewing CoRivington x Future Star Jupiter Hammer West Cost IPAIndia pale ale7.70.5120
England13913702Rivington Brewing CoRivington x North Riding Keys To My Beamer Mountain IPAIndia pale ale6.50.5114.6
USA14115602Rogue AlesRogue Colossal Claude Imperial IPAIndia pale ale8.20.35569.9
USA14115702Rogue AlesRogue Gumberoo West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.80.35564.9
USA14120902Rogue AlesRogue Knucklebuster Cold IPAIndia pale ale6.10.35562.9
USA14115502Rogue AlesRogue Newport Daze Hazy Pale AlePale ale5.50.35557.9
England13837902S43S43 Aquatic Sweing Machine Kveik PalePale ale5.30.4493.8
England14012102S43S43 Big Battenberg Imperial Battenberg PastrySurøl8.10.4497.6
England14059302S43S43 Goldilocks Zone Hazy PalePale ale5.30.4494.7
England14059402S43S43 Taupo NZ DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.44105
England14059702S43S43 The Gold One Imperial Toffee Pastry StoutPorter & stout90.44114.2
England14059602S43S43 The Pink One Imperial Strawberry Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout8.50.44111.7
England13838502S43S43 Waste of SpaceIndia pale ale6.80.44111.8
England13838202S43S43 x Bin Day Atlantic Nights East Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4480.1
England14012202S43S43 x Merakai All Roads Lead To NowhereIndia pale ale6.40.4497.1
England14059502S43S43 x Vaus Diamond Hands American Barley WineBarley wine110.4496.8
USA14232802Saint Errant BrewingSaint Errant Neon Vibes DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.70.473139.9
USA14232902Saint Errant BrewingSaint Errant Times In Torrent DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.50.473139.9
USA14055902Schramm's MeadSchramm's Madeline 5th Birthday Boysenberry MeadMjød140.375549.9
USA14056002Schramm's MeadSchramm's Maravilla Raspberry MeadMjød130.375499.9
Hellas14257502Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Hyperdimensional Hopblivion OddyseyIndia pale ale80.4499.9
Hellas14257402Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Revenge of the Hopzilla DDH Triple NEIPAIndia pale ale9.30.44109.9
USA14271501Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Atomic Torpedo Juicy West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.56882.9
USA14298302Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Sunny Little ThingHveteøl50.35550.9
USA14055802SpeciationSpeciation Stop Codon Foeder Aged Spontaneous AleSurøl70.375154.9
USA14055601SpeciationSpeciation The Laurentian Series Dry Hopped Cuvée Des Grands LacsSurøl6.50.75289.9
USA14055701SpeciationSpeciation The Laurentian Series Lake Michigan CuvéeSurøl6.50.75279.9
USA14055502SpeciationSpeciation x Norden Aquavit Exaptation Aquavit Barrel Aged Amber AleRed/amber80.375154.9
USA13977402Spyglass BrewingSpyglass Fuzzy Logic NE DIPAIndia pale ale7.60.473159.9
USA13977102Spyglass BrewingSpyglass Laminar Flow NE IPAIndia pale ale6.90.473149.9
USA13977202Spyglass BrewingSpyglass Radial Burn Imperial IPAIndia pale ale100.473174.9
USA13977302Spyglass BrewingSpyglass Vortex NE DIPAIndia pale ale7.60.473159.9
England14011802Tartarus BeersTartarus Abaddon Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout170.33163.7
England14011902Tartarus BeersTartarus Eos Belgian Brut AleSpesial110.33127.1
England14012302Tartarus BeersTartarus Marshmallow AbaddonPorter & stout170.33163.7
England14012402Tartarus BeersTartarus Piasa Breakfast StoutPorter & stout8.20.33118.1
England14012002Tartarus BeersTartarus Rosechaard Belgian Style PlumSpesial7.50.33118.4
Frankrike14228102The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy brewing company Cargo 472 Triple NEIPAIndia pale ale90.4499.9
Frankrike14228202The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy brewing company Omega Stream NEIPAIndia pale ale60.4481.9
Frankrike14228302The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy brewing Xtrem Atalanta Kult Triple NEIPAIndia pale ale90.4499.9
England14231702The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Brazen RaisinKlosterstil7.50.4494.9
England14231502The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Strawberry Line Barrel Aged Strawberry BeerSurøl6.50.3384.9
England14231602The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Wild IPAIndia pale ale5.20.4479.9
England14231802The Wild Beer CoWild Beer x Saint Mars Of The Dessert Cascading Coolships American SaisonSaison farmhouse ale80.4499.9
Sverige14007702This Is HowThis Is How To Lay Berries on Acid Sour Blueberry VanillaSurøl5.90.3354.9
England13533102Three Hills BrewingThree Hill Co-ordinates HefewizenHveteøl5.50.44116.9
England14098402Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Baby Bpavk Hazelnut CappuccinoPorter & stout5.50.44119
England14098702Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Forbidden Fruit Mango SourSurøl60.44124.2
England14098802Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Trium Fabla Tonka, Cacao & Vanilla Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.44176.9
Danmark14376502To ØlTo Ø Crit90 Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4486.9
Danmark14376402To ØlTO Øl #08 DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.9
USA14057302Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Digital Dawn DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473134.9
England14097702Unbarred BreweryUnbarred California Pale Ale Amarillio, El Dorado, Mosaic & SimcoePale ale5.80.4483.8
England14098102Unbarred BreweryUnbarred Cherry & Red Grape Farmhouse Style SaisonSaison farmhouse ale8.30.44105.3
England14097802Unbarred BreweryUnbarred Joosy Hazy Pale AlePale ale5.10.4477.5
England14098302Unbarred BreweryUnbarred Mango PalePale ale60.4486.8
England14098002Unbarred BreweryUnbarred x Bird & Blend Raspberry Tea SourSurøl5.20.44107.9
Skottland12828802Vault City BrewingValut City Strawberry SkiesSurøl8.50.375109.9
Skottland14231302Vault City BrewingVault City Apple Bramble Cinnamon CobblerSurøl80.375114.9
Skottland14231102Vault City BrewingVault City Raspberry Kir RoyaleSurøl11.50.375124.9
Skottland14231202Vault City BrewingVault City x Brewgooder x Bruichladdich Barrel Aged Whisky SourSurøl110.375164.9
England12234502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Bloom IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.9
England13214902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Fruit Car Sight Exhibition DIPAIndia pale ale80.44114.9
England11812902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Headband Pale AlePale ale5.50.4484.9
Tsjekkia14270802Vinohradsky PivovarVinorahdsky Pivovar Jantarová 13Lys lager4.90.563.8
Tsjekkia14270702Vinohradsky PivovarVinorahdsky Pivovar Vinohradska 12Lys lager4.80.563.9
Tsjekkia14300902Vinohradsky PivovarVinorahdsky Pivovar Western Approaches India Pale LagerLys lager5.10.566.8
England14376202Vocation BreweryVocation Cooler Shaker Passionfruit Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale6.60.4481.9
Norge12675702Vor Frelser BryggeriVor frelser PilsevennerLys lager5.50.3359.9
England13975802Wylam BreweryWylam Lapsing Into Heresy Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.44119.9
England14226802Wylam BreweryWylam Measure 110 Session IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4484.9
England14226502Wylam BreweryWylam x Fuzzdog Destroy All Signal Citra Mosaic IPAIndia pale ale7.50.4499.9
Norge14411302Ægir BryggeriÆgir Litchi Lychee-Rhubarb NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3361.9


Avslutningsvis lanseres disse 138 produktene i tilleggsutvalget. Disse kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken umiddelbart. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pant
Danmark14336102Alefarm BrewingAlefarm Set Ablaze The Secrets We Conceal WC IPAIndia pale ale60.4493.9
Danmark14336402Alefarm BrewingAlefarm Strains DIPAIndia pale ale80.44107.4
Norge14338302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Choczilla Coffee Marshmallow Lava Cake StoutPorter & stout70.4467.9
Norge14338102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen QuicksilverIndia pale ale5.80.4467.2
Norge14338202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Some Of Many Things Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4469.9
Latvia14304302Arpus Brewing Co.rpus Brewing Co Lime & Vanilla Sour DIPASurøl80.4492.9
Latvia14304202Arpus Brewing Co.rpus Brewing Co. Lychee Mango Lime Imperial Sour AleSurøl7.50.4491.6
England14326402Beak BreweryBeak Bello IPAIndia pale ale70.44117.1
England14326502Beak BreweryBeak Bulb IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44116.1
England14326202Beak BreweryBeak Jurgen Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44140.4
England14326602Beak BreweryBeak Locals IPAIndia pale ale60.44114.9
England14326302Beak BreweryBeak Parade IPAIndia pale ale60.44107.9
Tyskland11924602Brauerei AyingAyinger FrühlingsbierLys lager5.50.556.9
Skottland14331502BrewDogBrewDog Triple Agent Oak Aged TripelKlosterstil8.50.3351.9
Tyskland14334302Brewheart GmbHBrewheart The Beauty and the Yeast TIPAIndia pale ale9.90.44108.7
Tyskland14313902Brewheart GmbHBrewheart x Seven Island Duel with DionysosIndia pale ale8.20.4499.9
Sverige14342002Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Buena Para El Papa! Si, no Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout110.3379.7
Sverige14341902Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski The Snow King Cold IPAIndia pale ale6.60.3372.5
Polen14305002Browar PINTAPinta & Ārpus Hazy Discovery RigaIndia pale ale70.589.9
Polen14304902Browar PINTAPinta Sound On Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.589.9
England14314002Burning SkyBurning Sky Barley wineBarley wine9.50.4499.9
England14342502Buxton BreweryBuxton 50Fifty IPA Citra:OlicanaIndia pale ale5.50.4475
England14342802Buxton BreweryBuxton 50Fifty IPA Mosaic:JesterIndia pale ale5.50.4475
England14342602Buxton BreweryBuxton Fredkin's Cold IPALys lager6.30.4482
England14342402Buxton BreweryBuxton Phoenix IPAIndia pale ale60.4485
England14342702Buxton BreweryBuxton Tokamak DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.4487
Norge14333502Bygland BryggeriBygland Ebbegarden For the Love of KveikSaison farmhouse ale70.4479.9
Norge14343602Central BybryggeriCentral Bybryggeri Sour HopsSurøl6.50.3369.9
Nederland14327602De MoersleutelMoersleutel Azacca x 7 NEDIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.9
Irland14144902Dot BrewDot Brew Barrel Aged 2022 Contains NutsPorter & stout11.60.3397.2
USA14338002Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Braaaaaaaains Lemon Apricot Double Fruit Smoothie SourSurøl7.30.473149.9
England14334402Field RecordingsField Recordings A Hymn For The Fields SaisonSaison farmhouse ale80.4485.5
Polen14336302Funky FluidFunky Fluid Dark Bidding Black DIPAIndia pale ale80.589.2
Polen14336602Funky FluidFunky Fluid Triple Gelato: Yellow Fluff Ice Cream SourSurøl90.5103.2
England14337002Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Santa Ana New England IPAIndia pale ale6.30.4489.9
Norge14304402Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri #10India pale ale80.3375.3
Norge13089601Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn AlvorSaison farmhouse ale6.50.75129
Norge11156701Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn Rekved Nr. 8 TyttebærSurøl60.75139
Norge14320702Lindesnes BrygghusLindesnes HavglimtLys lager6.50.3785
Ungarn12487702Mad ScientistMad Scientist Jam72 IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4459
Ungarn14340302Mad ScientistMad Scientist Unsafe Space Berliner WeisseSurøl4.90.4454.9
Norge14338402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo's Megabear Diffused Blur New England-style IPAIndia pale ale6.20.4499.7
Norge14338502Marlobobos AsMarlobobo's Megabear Uvula Drive-Thru New England Style-style DIPAIndia pale ale80.44104.7
England14328502Merakai Brewing coMerakai Drinking Cause My Mouth Is Lonely NEIPAIndia pale ale5.40.44109.2
England14328702Merakai Brewing coMerakai Fusion State NEIPAIndia pale ale6.20.44119.6
England14328602Merakai Brewing coMerakai Got To Dance Oat Cream NIPAIndia pale ale8.20.44118.4
England14328402Merakai Brewing coMerakai x Eko Brewery One Day Imperial Coffee & Vanilla StoutPorter & stout120.44133.6
Belgia14340702MikkellerMikkeller H.C Andersen: Sunshine BA Wild Ale with RosesSurøl10.50.3389.9
Belgia14340802MikkellerMikkeller Kærlek Pale AlePale ale4.90.3362.3
Danmark14340601Mikkeller BaghavenBaghaven Kaleidoscope of Ambrosia B1Surøl60.75237.2
Danmark14340501Mikkeller BaghavenBaghaven Prunus and Pithos blend 1Surøl60.75259
USA14342202Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Beer Geek Breakfast Coffee & Oatmeal StoutPorter & stout7.50.473128.5
USA14340402Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Passion Pool Gose Sea Salt + passionFruitSurøl50.47389.8
USA14342102Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Polly 7 BBA Stout Maple Syrup, Vanilla Beans & CoffeePorter & stout12.80.5331.1
Norge14351402Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Hop Luminosity DIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.9
Norge11601902Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Timothy's MonsterPorter & stout100.375199.9
Norge11602002Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Trilobite ApricotSurøl70.375139.9
USA14337102New Holland BrewingNew Holland Banans Foster Porter Rum-Barrel Aged PorterPorter & stout13.20.473164.9
England14334602North Brewing Co.North Future Skies Lemon IPAIndia pale ale60.4465.9
England14331702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Fresh 012 DDH IPAIndia pale ale70.4494.9
England14331602Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 25.06 Laura Slater // Golden Hour Single Hop IPA CentenniaIndia pale ale80.4499.9
England14331802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 4.05 Drew Millward // Northern Tropics DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.44104.9
England14331402Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Young Women's Trust Break The Bias Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale5.50.4479.9
Sverige14341502OmnipolloOmnipollo Equilibrium All Wise Peanut Banana Oreo Mud Pie StoutPorter & stout12.50.33194.3
Sverige14341602OmnipolloOmnipollo Other Half I'm With Stupid HDHC IPAIndia pale ale7.10.44112.8
Sverige14341802OmnipolloOmnipollo Pleroma blackcurrant RaspberrySurøl60.3389.8
Sverige14341001OmnipolloOmnipollo Potlatch Farmhouse Ale SaisonSaison farmhouse ale70.75195.5
Sverige14341402OmnipolloOmnipollo Vladan IPAIndia pale ale6.10.3377.6
Sverige14341702OmnipolloOmnipollo x Angry Chair Lunar Lycan Imperial Marzipan Coffee Cream StoutPorter & stout11.50.33178.1
Sverige14208202OmnipolloOmnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Ice Lolly Gose with Orange, Pineapple & MarshmallowsSurøl100.33114.9
Sverige14340902OmnipolloOmnipollo x The Veil Tefnut Marshmallow Passout GoseSurøl100.33133.2
Norge14326802Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Stonefruit SourSurøl5.10.564.8
England14335502Oso Brew CoOso Brew x North Brewing The Newest Normal Double IPAIndia pale ale8.20.44123.4
England14335202Oso Brew CoOso Dignity Single Hop IPA MosaicIndia pale ale60.44112.2
England14335402Oso Brew CoOso Full Monty NEIPAIndia pale ale6.60.44115.9
England14335102Oso Brew CoOso Play It Safe IPA Mosaic Single HopIndia pale ale60.44123.9
Spania14335602Oso Brew CoOso The Madrilleno 5 NEIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44125.2
England14335302Oso Brew CoOso Tierra Double IPAIndia pale ale8.60.44124.9
Estland12260902Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Armchair Detective Cellar SeriesPorter & stout120.33125
Estland8161002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Cocobänger Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.3379.9
Estland13734202Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Peel and Bean Imperial PorterPorter & stout8.50.3349.9
Estland3830502Põhjala BrewingPohjala Pime Öö Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.60.3389.9
Estland13734102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Torm Imperial GoseSurøl80.3349.9
Estland12915102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Vikerkaar Imperial GoseSurøl7.50.3349.9
Estland13590502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Äike Imperial GoseSurøl80.3349.9
Wales14334202Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Mind The Glow Grape, Kiwi & Rhubarb SourSurøl5.50.4486.9
Wales14334102Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Monstercat WC IPAIndia pale ale7.10.4495.7
England11938102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Good morning Captain DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44115.7
England14228402Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Morse Moose Sour IPASurøl6.70.44100
Sverige14338702Poppels BryggeriPoppels DDH Imperial NEIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4481.9
Sverige14338602Poppels BryggeriPoppels English Style Pale AlePale ale5.60.4466.9
Norge14347402Raus BryggeriRaus Hubro New England IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3365.6
England14329202Rivington Brewing CoRivington Couple Of Three Things DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.5110.1
England14329402Rivington Brewing CoRivington Exterior Illuminations DDH IPAIndia pale ale5.80.5120.9
England14329502Rivington Brewing CoRivington Family Patch West Coast PilsLys lager5.60.5105.8
England14329302Rivington Brewing CoRivington None Of Locas Go Paddlin' Mountain IPAIndia pale ale6.20.5116.2
England14329102Rivington Brewing CoRivington The Quiet Earth DIPAIndia pale ale80.5134.9
England14329002Rivington Brewing CoRivington Won´t Be Long Now Blueberry & Pineapple SourSurøl60.5115.4
Norge14343102RYGR BrygghusRygr Halvdan Aprikos IPA LiteIndia pale ale5.50.3347.1
Norge14343002RYGR BrygghusRygr Midgard Incognito Chinook IPAIndia pale ale70.3351.3
Norge14342902RYGR BrygghusRygr Midgard Incognito El Dorado IPAIndia pale ale70.3351.3
England14330202S43S43 Alaskan Mind Control Oat IPAIndia pale ale6.40.44104.1
England14329802S43S43 Chaps West Coast PalePale ale5.20.44108.4
England14329702S43S43 Horchata Cinnamon & Vanilla Sugar Milk StoutPorter & stout7.40.44115.9
England14329902S43S43 Juicer Cannon NEIPAIndia pale ale6.30.44107.9
England14329602S43S43 Maris The Dank Engine Dank IPAIndia pale ale8.10.44108.9
England14330002S43S43 UnCanny Valley NZ IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44108.1
England14330102S43S43 x Tartarus Mythical Beast Bandwagon Belgian Golden StrongSpesial9.90.44120.9
Norge11715402Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Mango SmoothieSurøl5.50.3371.9
Norge14325602Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Rocket DyneIndia pale ale100.44119.9
Norge14008802Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Slow BurnIndia pale ale7.50.4491.9
USA14337402Schramm's MeadSchramm's Amelia 5th Birthday Loganberry MeadMjød140.375559.9
USA14337302Schramm's MeadSchramm's Beira Tayberry MeadMjød140.375599.9
Hellas14228702Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Deisidaimonia Bourbon barrelPorter & stout12.10.33124.9
Hellas14228502Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Deisidaimonia Double Barrel aged Imperial stoutPorter & stout12.10.33139.9
Hellas14228602Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Deisidaimonia Rum barrel agedPorter & stout12.10.33124.9
Hellas14313802Seven Island BrewerySeven Island DeosPorter & stout11.50.44119.9
Tsjekkia14336702Sibeeria Z-Media s.r.o.Sibeeria I Talus My NeipaIndia pale ale6.50.585.3
Tsjekkia14336502Sibeeria Z-Media s.r.o.Sibeeria Yummy Gelato Strawberry & Rubarb Smoothie SourSurøl5.40.593.4
Norge14351102Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Atlas PilsLys lager5.40.3341.8
Norge14351002Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Summer CandySurøl60.3364.9
Norge12503702Skudenes BryggeriThruster Mango Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale70.3371.8
England14342302Staggeringly Good BreweryStaggeringly Good X Triple Point Brewing Trivergence Imperial DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44115.7
Sverige14304702Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Atlas DDH Pale AlePale ale5.20.4479.9
Sverige14304602Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Double Headed DDH West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4489.9
Sverige14304802Stigbergets BryggeriStigbergets Sugar Ape New England Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.4499.9
England14334502Stillwater ArtisanalStillwater Artisanal New Sensation Kveik IPAIndia pale ale6.90.4486.1
England14336202Stillwater ArtisanalStillwater Artisanal Rosé Gold SaisonSaison farmhouse ale50.4470.1
Kroatia14303702The Garden BreweryThe Garden Brewery Double Imperial Affogato StoutPorter & stout11.70.44110.1
Kroatia14303602The Garden BreweryThe Garden Brewery Imperial Raspberry & Coconut StoutPorter & stout8.50.44100.2
England14330502Three Hills BrewingThree Hills B.P.A.V.K Chocolate Donut Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout110.44163.6
England14328202Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Baby Forbidden Pastry Chocolate Strawberry Jam Donut Session PastSurøl5.50.44129.9
England14328802Three Hills BrewingThree Hills In Pursuit NEIPAIndia pale ale60.44133.9
England14328902Three Hills BrewingThree Hills Of Juice DIPAIndia pale ale80.44148.1
USA14337202Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath x Untitled Art Think Piece DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473144.9
England13110002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Pulp DIPAIndia pale ale80.44114.9
England14333802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Stigbergets An Endless Stream Of Random Words IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.9
England14331902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Unity Slanted Tones IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.9

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