Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 7. juli 2021

Ny måned betyr nye øl på Vinmonopolet. Lanseringen er flyttet fra første fredag, til første onsdag i måneden. Det vil si at vi må vente til neste uke før vi får nyhetene. Intet mindre enn 380 nye øl tilgjengeliggjøres i de ulike utvalgene til Vinmonopolet. Av disse er 202 IPA og Pale Ale, som er de desidert mest representerte ølstilene, så det er gode nyheter for alle «hopheads» der ute. Etterfulgt av 66 surøl og 54 øl i stilene Porter & Stout.

Dette vil være finne i hvert av utvalgene:
Fem øl i basisutvalget.
Ni øl i partiutvalget.
217 øl i bestillingsutvalget.
149 øl i partiutvalget.

Her vil jeg også påpeke at selv om et produkt blir tilgjengelig i basisutvalget, så vil det ikke dermed si at alle butikker får denne varen. Vinmonopolet har seks kategorier på sine butikker, basert på omsetning og liter solgt. De største er kategori 6 og har høyest omsetning. De minste er kategori 1. Butikkategori på hver enkelt vare ser du når du går inn på varen på Vinmonopolets nettside

Ser du at en vare som ligger i basisutvalget med butikkategori 6 så vil den kun være pliktig i de 60 største Vinmonopolene. Er varen i kategori 4 så vil den være pliktig i 181 butikker, som da til sammen er butikkene med kategori 4, 5 og 6. Har varen butikkategori 1 så vil være pliktig i alle 337 Vinmonopolene (summen av butikkene med kategori 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 og 6).

Basis- & partiutvalget

Fem øl blir tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg fremover og vil finnes i hyllene i minst ett år. Ni produkter blir tilgjengelig i partiutvalget og er tilgjengelig frem til partiet er tomt:


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Tyskland13182602Brauerei Zoller-HofZoller Hof Fidelis Hefe AlkoholfreiAlkoholfri øl - 0.531.82.84
England5992802Marston's BreweryMarston's Old Empire IPAIndia pale ale5.70.551.93.28
Tyskland13187402Schlossbrauerei FriedenfelsFriedenfelser PilsLys lager50.544.93.2
Tyskland7481302WeltenburgerWeltenburger Kloster PilsLys lager4.90.544.93.29
England13047502Wychwood BreweryWychwood Hobgoblin IPAIndia pale ale5.30.549.93.53

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.06.21.


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Norge132873027 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Opplett TDH IPAIndia pale ale60.3366.93.62
Norge13300402Færder MikrobryggeriFærder Frisk WitHveteøl50.3342.90 n/a
Norge13288102Hogna BryggHogna Whole Lotta NelsonIndia pale ale6.50.4469.93.78
Norge13302202Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn StabbenHveteøl5.50.3347.23.37
Norge13290402Lervig ASLervig Field Trip Kveik IPAIndia pale ale7.40.584.53.91
Norge13221102Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Inappropriate Gardening 2Spesial6.50.5490 n/a
Norge13227402NøisomNøisom Frokost IPAIndia pale ale6.50.579.40 n/a
Norge13293602St. Hallvards BryggeriSt. Hallvards UNA IPA Unanimiter Et ConstanterIndia pale ale6.30.3342.90 n/a
Norge13287402Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil Bryggeri StipatruljeIndia pale ale6.30.3363.10 n/a

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.06.21.


217 øl blir tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolets nettside onsdag og kan bestilles med en gang. Butikkene kan også velge å ta inn fra dette utvalget som en del av deres «lokale sortiment» tilpasset lokal etterspørsel.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Norge133236017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Happy Birthday Plantation Rum BA BarleywineBarley wine10.50.75289.90 n/a
Norge133237017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Learn to Fly Plantation Rum BA Imp StoutPorter & stout12.50.75289.90 n/a
Belgia13339302Abbaye St-RemyTrappistes Rochefort Triple ExtraKlosterstil8.10.3371.33.79
USA13159802AleSmithAleSmith Speedway Stout Espresso and Madagascar VanillaPorter & stout120.473149.94.07
USA13159602AleSmithAleSmith West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.30.473109.93.9
England13138002Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Enyo New World IPAIndia pale ale7.50.44107.93.67
Norge13112102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Berried Alive Triple Fruited All Berry Pastry Sour SmoothieSurøl8.50.44101.93.9
Norge13111202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Chaos Theory Galaxy Strata Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.4493.93.87
Norge13111402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Chaos Theory Vic Secret Citra Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.4493.93.87
Norge13112002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Cryptic Minds Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4486.93.84
Norge13112202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Depths Of Perception Imperial Pastry White Breakfast StoutPorter & stout11.50.44136.94.05
Norge13112302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In A Can Mamma's Cherry Pie Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.94.08
Norge13112602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In A Can Mocha Ice Cream Fudge Cake Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.94.18
Norge13112702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In A Can Passionfruit Creamsicle Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.94.12
Norge13112502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In A Can Pina Colada Creamsicle Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.94.26
Norge13111902Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Emperor Of Sand Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44131.94.1
Norge13231802Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Emperor Of Time Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Ultra StoutPorter & stout130.44151.94.4
Norge13112402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Fruit Quake Strawberry Kiwi & Watermelon SourSurøl60.4492.23.57
Norge13194302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen In Cafruits Blood Orange & Mandarin Creamsicle Pastry SourSurøl6.50.4499.93.77
Norge13194002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Robot Cyclopse Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.60.4496.90 n/a
Sverige13330802Apex Brewing Co.Apex Clair Obscur New England DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.2
Sverige13296302Apex Brewing Co.Apex Doomrider DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.2
Sverige13296202Apex Brewing Co.Apex Ne Mosaic & SimcoeIndia pale ale6.50.44114.93.91
Sverige13296402Apex Brewing Co.Apex New Pyramids NE DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.2
Latvia12519702Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus Brewing DDH HBC 431 DIPAIndia pale ale80.44109.93.82
Latvia12519602Arpus Brewing Co.Arpus Brewing DDH Hops x Art #03 IPAIndia pale ale7.20.44110.44.01
Norge12591502AS Norsk GjærverkNorsk Gjærverk BasIndia pale ale7.20.3367.63.62
Norge13224002AS Norsk GjærverkNorsk Gjærverk MalmBrown ale5.70.33560 n/a
Norge13224102AS Norsk GjærverkNorsk Gjærverk SkumslokkerSaison farmhouse ale7.50.3367.43.5
USA13186602Aslin Beer CompanyAslin How Now Brown Cow Milk Stout With Coffee & MaplePorter & stout60.473139.94.08
USA13110102Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Pisghetti Western Imperial StoutPorter & stout150.473189.94.41
USA13186502Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Wait, What DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.473149.93.96
USA13186402Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Why IPAIndia pale ale5.50.473139.93.85
Norge13320802Austmann BryggeriAustmann Ekstra IPAIndia pale ale60.559.90 n/a
USA13185202Beer ZombiesBeer Zombies x The Answer End To End Burners DIPAIndia pale ale80.473169.94.07
Italia13258901Birra BaladinBaladin Cuvèe 36 mesi Metodo ClassicoSpesial100.75299.90 n/a
Italia13257305Birra BaladinBaladin IsaacHveteøl51.5279.93.51
Italia13257405Birra BaladinBaladin NoraSpesial6.81.5289.93.58
Italia12978002Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Duchessa + ApricotSurøl5.80.3379.93.49
Italia12919202Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Peach n' loveSurøl6.50.3384.93.58
Italia434402Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo x Dogfish Head My AntoniaLys lager7.50.3364.93.8
Italia12176102Birrificio LambrateLambrate Core IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3369.93.74
Italia12176002Birrificio LambrateLambrate Hard IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3369.93.74
Tyskland13335302Brauerei AyingAyinger Lager HellLys lager4.90.551.93.47
England13101402Brew YorkBrew York DraidsPorter & stout120.441474.07
England12847302Brew YorkBrew York Goose WillisSurøl5.30.441163.78
England12847002Brew YorkBrew York Holding Back The TiersPale ale5.20.4498.93.68
England12846402Brew YorkBrew York HYGPorter & stout100.44145.74.03
England12847402Brew YorkBrew York Juice ForsythIndia pale ale50.44122.43.78
England13126502Brew YorkBrew York Lupu LionPale ale50.44113.93.66
England13126402Brew YorkBrew York Mash BandicootPale ale50.44114.63.69
England12846602Brew YorkBrew York The Things Yuzu To MeIndia pale ale5.60.44124.13.7
England12846702Brew YorkBrew York Time Travelling TaxiPale ale60.441193.8
England13126602Brew YorkBrew York Viva La Guava-LutionSurøl6.50.44117.13.71
Skottland13332902BrewDogBrewDog Dog J Chocolate Chili Imperial StoutPorter & stout14.10.33179.94.02
Skottland13139502BrewDogBrewDog Silk Road Lychee & Mango Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3361.93.84
USA13193902Brix City BrewingBrix City Get Puft DIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.12
USA13193802Brix City BrewingBrix City Tasty Jams IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473144.94.08
USA13185902Brix City BrewingBrix City Wall Of Sound DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473139.94
Belgia13252202Brouw. der Trap. van WestmalleWestmalle Trappist ExtraKlosterstil4.80.3354.93.49
Belgia12159401Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Framboos OogstSurøl6.40.75499.94.42
Belgia12159301Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Hommage Bio FrambozenSurøl5.80.754754.32
Belgia13332301Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Golden BlendSurøl6.60.753504.39
Belgia12336201Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek Intens RoodSurøl70.753754.41
Nederland13248902Brouwerij de MolenBrouwerij de Molen Dag & Dauw Bergamot IPAIndia pale ale7.10.3354.93.61
England13120702Burning SkyBurning Sky Devil's rest IPAIndia pale ale70.44109.93.75
England13120902Burning SkyBurning Sky Indecision time Citra/TalusIndia pale ale5.60.4499.93.86
England13120802Burning SkyBurning Sky Luppolo pilsLys lager5.20.4499.93.78
England13297902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Asterism West Coast Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.44139.93.9
England12929902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Multiverse Level 3 IPAIndia pale ale60.44109.93.93
England13298102Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Shoreline NE Pale AleIndia pale ale50.4499.93.81
Norge11507702Bygland BryggeriBygland Møykjeddingi Kveika NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.4478.93.6
Norge13340902Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Impeached Again Double Sour Fruited Berliner WeisseSurøl5.80.3366.94.24
Norge13340702Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Melon Husk Imperial Sour Fruited GoseSurøl60.3364.94
Norge13340802Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Pandora's Juice Box Triple Dry Hopped Fruited NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.3376.94.16
Norge13340602Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Sons of Northern Dankness TDH NEIPAIndia pale ale6.70.3373.94.1
USA11803902Cigar City BrewingCigar City Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Brown AleBrown ale5.50.35559.13.85
Thailand10172602Cosmos BreweryChang ClassicLys lager50.3239.92.9
USA10855001Crooked StaveCrooked Stave L'Brett d'ApricotSurøl5.70.75209.94.04
Nederland13121002De MoersleutelMoersleutel Strawberry coconut white chocolate Meringue pie Pastry sourSurøl50.4484.93.79
Danmark13335002Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Lion Around Session IPAIndia pale ale4.80.4475.93.77
Danmark13335102Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter The Gate DDH Double IPAIndia pale ale80.4494.93.97
Danmark13335202Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Vague Vessel India Pale AleIndia pale ale6.20.4482.93.88
Sverige13296002DuggesDugges Citrus Rush Imp SourSurøl7.50.3389.93.84
Sverige13295902DuggesDugges Tropic Tropic Thunder Thunder Imp Sour AleSurøl90.3399.73.72
Sverige13295802DuggesDugges Watermelon Single Fruit Sour AleSurøl4.80.3379.73.43
Norge13273202Eik & TidEik & Tid Foton Rosé SourSurøl50.33640 n/a
USA13237302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Straight Outta The Lab TIPAIndia pale ale10.20.473189.94.44
USA13158702Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC Fructus Danica 17 Fruited SourSurøl6.50.473184.94.31
USA13158602Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC Fructus Danica 18 Fruited SourSurøl6.50.473184.93.7
Skottland13338102Fierce Beer AberdeenFierce x Amundsen Imperial Orange Scream Ice Cream AleLys ale8.50.44114.93.84
England13210602Full Circle BrewFull Circle Third Dimention NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.44109.93.95
England13210502Full Circle BrewFull Circle x Campervan Brewery Callisto DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.44114.94.03
England13210402Full Circle BrewFull Circle x S43 Zebra Head West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.20.44109.93.92
Danmark13298002Gamma Brewing Co.Gamma Low Slung TIPAIndia pale ale100.44129.93.99
Danmark13297802Gamma Brewing Co.Gamma Transmodulate Double IPAIndia pale ale80.44114.93.82
England13184302Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Big Baller TIPAIndia pale ale11.30.44119.93.91
England13121502Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Double Vision Hepcat DIPAIndia pale ale9.20.44109.93.99
England13184602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Huddle Employee Owned IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4489.93.91
England13121602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Ovni IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.93.65
England13184402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Pendler PilsnerLys lager5.30.4474.93.67
England13184202Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Lychee, Gooseberry & ElderflowerSurøl4.80.4489.93.68
USA13185302Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Coconut Vlad Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout130.473169.94.12
USA13185402Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Night Moves Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout9.50.473159.93.73
USA13185502Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Stratus Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale80.473139.94.09
Belgia13274802HuygheDelirium RedSpesial80.579.93.58
Belgia13274502HuygheDelirium TremensLys ale8.50.579.93.88
Norge13227602HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet HopshakeIndia pale ale70.44773.95
Norge13227702HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Summer BlissSurøl5.50.44770 n/a
USA12930102Interboro Spirits & AlesInterboro Fresh to Def Blueberry SourSurøl5.20.473149.93.74
New Zealand13129102Kereru Brewing CompanyKereru Moose Maybe Hazy Red IPAIndia pale ale6.20.33743.84
New Zealand13129002Kereru Brewing CompanyKereru Resonator IPAIndia pale ale6.50.33723.76
Norge12957102Krecher ASKrecher Spite BroodIndia pale ale6.80.3379.40 n/a
Norge13330602Krecher ASKrecher The Insidious Ember GolemIndia pale ale80.3389.94.18
Norge13330702Krecher ASKrecher The Jagged Rott SnareSurøl60.3389.94.22
England11010402Lost & GroundedLost & Grounded Keller PilsLys lager4.80.4461.93.46
Sverige13191402Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery Cosmeadpolitan, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.86
Sverige13191202Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery True Love Never Dies, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.82
Sverige13191102Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery We Are Late, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.99
England13351002Marble BeersMarble beers Earl Grey IPAIndia pale ale6.80.599.93.78
England13351102Marble BeersMarble x Amundsen AlfPale ale5.40.589.93.74
Norge13252102Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Jam SessionMjød130.375329.90 n/a
Norge13252302Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Multiversal EscapismMjød120.375339.90 n/a
USA13193602Mast Landing Brew.Mast Landing Arizona Sun DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.473149.94.17
USA13193702Mast Landing Brew.Mast Landing x Aslin Super Wrastlin' Moves DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.2
USA13194602Mikerphone BrewingMikerphone Smells Like Bean Spirit Double Maple Breakfast StoutPorter & stout80.473149.94.19
USA13185002Mountains Walking BreweryMountains Walking Cloud Curtain Mosaic DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473154.94.13
USA13185102Mountains Walking BreweryMountains Walking x Bhramari Dessert Cart Sour Cinnabon Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.473169.93.96
USA13111102Narrow Gauge Brewing CompanyNarrow Gauge Sparkle Motion Double Dry Hopped American Pale AlePale ale60.473139.94.15
USA13111302Newgrass Brewing CompanyNewgrass Fiddler's Dream DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.70.473139.93.94
USA13111002Newgrass Brewing CompanyNewgrass x Devine Barrel Fritter & Waste Apple Sour AleSurøl60.473149.94.3
Norge13322502Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Charley NobleBarley wine120.33994.35
Norge13322802Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Elske SophieIndia pale ale5.50.5493.69
Norge13322702Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø The Great Southern TrendkillIndia pale ale120.5894.62
Norge13326302NøisomNøisom & Luscos The Hunter Pale AlePale ale5.80.3348.70 n/a
Norge12605202NøisomNøisom Bringebær & Chili StoutPorter & stout9.20.3359.13.71
USA12520102Old Nation Brewing CoOld Nation Boss Tweed Double IPAIndia pale ale9.30.473134.94.29
Estland13243202Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Helge Gluten Free Pale AlePale ale50.3354.93.72
England13242902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island 50 eggs IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44109.94.04
England13135202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island I'd buy that for a dollar IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44104.94.12
England13134902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Literal vampire potbelly goblins Sour DIPA with Ceylon teaSurøl80.44119.94.16
England13134802Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Rip it up Orange sourSurøl50.4499.93.81
England13135002Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Sun Medallion West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.44104.93.74
England13134702Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Tamaki Plum and Genmaicha GoseSurøl70.44109.93.81
England13135102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island What are your overheads DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.15
Sverige13232202Poppels BryggeriPoppels Bourbon & Rum Barrel Aged StoutPorter & stout13.50.33114.94.3
Sverige13232002Poppels BryggeriPoppels x All In All-Into It Barrel Aged StoutPorter & stout13.20.33114.94.16
Sverige13224202Poppels BryggeriPoppels x Collective Arts x All In Escape the Mothership DIPAIndia pale ale80.4486.93.97
England13101102S43S43 Cherry Bakewell Pastry SourSurøl6.50.44123.13.65
England13101002S43S43 Imperial Coconut Snowball Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.44134.24.11
England13100302S43S43 Lil JuicePale ale5.50.44115.93.98
England13100202S43S43 Sasquatch SyrupPorter & stout100.44130.34.16
USA13186002Schramm's MeadSchramm's Mead Erik The Red Cherry Raspberry MeadMjød140.375499.94.48
USA13186102Schramm's MeadSchramm's Mead Honeyberry MeadMjød140.375589.94.43
USA13185802Schramm's MeadSchramm's Mead Red Agnes Red Currant MeadMjød140.375479.94.6
Hellas13281802Seven Island BreweryFrauGruber x Seven Island x Thin Man Strain Of Fate TIPAIndia pale ale9.20.44119.94.12
Hellas13252402Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Gooey and nuttyPorter & stout120.44124.94.15
Hellas13252502Seven Island BrewerySeven Island HyperconePorter & stout120.44124.94.12
Hellas13281202Seven Island BrewerySeven Island King Cyborg DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale8.20.44109.94.1
Hellas13281302Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Spellbound DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale8.30.44109.94.06
Hellas13254402Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Thymós Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44124.94.17
Hellas13254502Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Tiki moi Triple fruitedSurøl6.50.4499.93.82
Hellas13281402Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Tiki Moi Triple FruitedSurøl6.50.4499.93.82
Skottland13209802Six°northSix degrees North Darkness InsidePorter & stout6.40.4489.93.68
Skottland13209602Six°northSix degrees North Slipstream IPAIndia pale ale5.50.4484.93.42
Norge13333502Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Balck Alder Robust PorterPorter & stout6.70.4459.90 n/a
Norge12424602Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Night Archive Volume IPorter & stout12.50.5149.94.16
Norge12191302Sleeping Village BrewingSleeping Village Vibrant Landscapes Citra IPAIndia pale ale6.70.4469.53.81
Norge12598502Små Vesen BryggeriSmå Vesen Bygdin IPAIndia pale ale5.20.3349.93.42
Norge12105302Små Vesen BryggeriSmå Vesen Gyger Amerikansk AmberRed/amber5.20.3349.93.45
Norge10240302Små Vesen BryggeriSmå Vesen Klabautermann tysk IPAIndia pale ale7.50.3354.93.42
Norge5406202Små Vesen BryggeriSmå Vesen Kvernknurr ESBPale ale6.50.3349.93.44
Norge10240202Små Vesen BryggeriSmå Vesen Mannbjørn SkogsbærstoutPorter & stout7.50.3354.93.47
Estland13243102Sori BrewingSori Hybrid Treats Cinnamon Bun & Dark Roast CoffeePorter & stout120.3399.93.95
Belgia13322902Swinkels Family BrewersSt. Pierre White Belgian Abbey BeerHveteøl50.539.93.42
Belgia13323002Swinkels Family BrewersSt. Pierre Blonde Belgian Abbey BeerLys ale6.50.543.93.41
Sverige13295402Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Daydream Fruited SourSurøl60.3394.93.78
Sverige13295302Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Dragonfly Hazy IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3394.93.77
Sverige13295502Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Splice Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.3399.93.85
Frankrike13209502The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Blueberry Machine SourSurøl5.20.4489.93.56
Frankrike13209202The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy El Niño Talus Double NEIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.94.28
Frankrike12977702The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Eroica NEIPAIndia pale ale6.10.4479.93.86
Frankrike13131002The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Fontana resort NEPAPale ale4.90.4479.93.88
Frankrike13209402The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Fruit Basket IPAIndia pale ale50.4479.93.73
England13291102ThornbridgeThornbridge The Colonel Kentucky Common BeerBrown ale50.4459.93.46
Danmark13338302To ØlTo Øl #05 DIPAIndia pale ale8.80.4489.94.04
Danmark13338202To ØlTo Øl Chug-hop-Alypse Extra Pale AlePale ale5.60.4479.93.61
USA13231902Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath MoZee IPAIndia pale ale6.20.473134.94.13
USA13194502Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath x BlackStack Safety Porpoises DIPAIndia pale ale7.90.473149.94.17
USA12677502Trillium Brewing CompanyTrillium Long Life Apricot Ba Wild AleSurøl8.80.33169.94.11
USA12930002Two RoadsTwo Roads x Evil Twin Thirteen Months of Sun Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.473119.93.7
Skottland13176302Vault City BrewingVault City Apple Cranberry Vanilla SourSurøl6.60.3751104.08
Skottland13176202Vault City BrewingVault City Blueberry Lemon Drizzle SourSurøl6.60.375115.64.24
Skottland13176102Vault City BrewingVault City Guava Kiwi Melon Mango SourSurøl100.375119.94.36
England13184902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Bigger Pigs DIPAIndia pale ale80.44103.93.96
England11813002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Even sharks need water IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.94.11
England13214902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Fruit Car Sight Exhibition DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.94.3
England13109902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Pigs All Day IPAIndia pale ale6.70.44109.93.8
England13215002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Roy, I Want A Hilux Pale AlePale ale5.50.44104.94.01
England12920802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Rustling Substance Pale AleIndia pale ale5.20.44104.94.05
England13184802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Crak Unplanned Alignment IPAIndia pale ale70.44114.94.12
England13354502Vocation BreweryVocation Smash & Grab DIPAIndia pale ale80.4484.93.94
England13274702Vocation BreweryVocation Tropical Orange & Mango SourSurøl80.4489.93.81
USA12621202Von Seitz TheoreticAlesVon Seitz Theoreticales CBL 1.19 Sour Barrel FarmhouseSaison farmhouse ale5.20.5209.94.08
USA13186202Väsen Brewing CompanyVäsen Cashmere Secrets DIPAIndia pale ale80.473144.94.12
USA13186302Väsen Brewing CompanyVäsen Kamiakin IPAIndia pale ale5.80.473139.94.04
England13196402Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Forest RoamSpesial120.44119.93.89
Tyskland7351402WeihenstephanWeihenstephaner PilsLys lager5.10.3332.93.56
Tyskland13274302WeltenburgerWeltenburger Kloster Helles LagerLys lager4.90.549.93.36
Tyskland13274402WeltenburgerWeltenburger Kloster KellerbierLys lager50.549.93.37
Norge13325602Wettre BryggeriWettre BDSM Barrel AgedPorter & stout120.3399.93.77
Russland12519802Wild LabWild Lab Jungle TV Imperial GoseSurøl70.5130.44.06
USA13110402Wiley Roots Brewing COWiley Roots Swatches: Spring Storm East Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473149.93.83
England13269402Wychwood BreweryWychwood Hobgoblin RubyBrown ale5.20.554.93.42
England13269302Wychwood BreweryWychwood King GoblinBrown ale6.60.559.93.58
Russland13137402Zagovor BreweryZagovor Simplicity In Madness Fruited SourSurøl6.50.5124.94.1
Norge13147002Ægir BryggeriÆgir Mangolito Mango SourSurøl5.50.3356.90 n/a

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.06.21.


Til sist lanseres disse 149 produktene i tilleggsutvalget. Disse kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken onsdag. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent til fredag, eller tidlig uken etter. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse onsdag 7. juli.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
England12668902Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Apollo Citra IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.93.9
England13303902Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Minos Export Dry StoutPorter & stout8.50.44123.94.08
Norge13307202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Frutopia Blueberry, Mango, Blackberry & Blood Orange Mega Smoothie SourSurøl60.44101.90 n/a
Norge13307302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Frutopia Mango, Peach and Mandarin Mega Smoothie SourSurøl60.44101.90 n/a
Norge13307402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Lean Green Lupulin Machine DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4481.90 n/a
Norge13307002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Tropicus Mango, Pineapple & Passionfruit SourSurøl50.4471.90 n/a
USA13305702Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Brewer's Series IPA #4India pale ale7.50.473139.93.93
USA13305602Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Prison Pony IPAIndia pale ale5.50.473139.93.94
Tyskland13317702Atelier Der BraukünsteAtelier Der Braukünste/Schwarze Rose Jurassic Pulp 3Xfruit Imp Milkshake SourSurøl7.50.44107.83.91
USA13305002Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier Deadly Combination Galaxy & Mosaic IPAIndia pale ale7.40.473129.94.11
USA13304802Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier Deadly Combination Strata & Citra IPAIndia pale ale7.40.473129.94.02
USA13304902Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier Our Sour #11 Lupulin Lollies Sour IPAIndia pale ale5.70.473119.93.68
USA13304702Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier Silver Dollar Stack Imperial Breakfast StoutPorter & stout8.80.473139.93.91
USA13304602Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier The Strongest Geometric Shape Vic Secret, Citra & Comat TIPAIndia pale ale10.30.473139.94.15
USA13305102Barrier Brewing Co.Barrier x Tripping Animals Money Rabbit DIPAIndia pale ale9.70.473139.94.01
USA11947902Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Homestyle IPAIndia pale ale60.473129.94.03
USA13306102Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Tunnel Vision DDH w/Citra IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473134.94.14
USA13306202Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Vice Versa DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.473139.94.13
USA13306802Beer ZombiesBeer Zombies Fog Zombie Triple Dry Hopped TIPAIndia pale ale10.60.473169.94.2
USA13315002Black Project Spontaneous & Wild AlBlack Project AdderSurøl50.473149.94.02
USA13314902Black Project Spontaneous & Wild AlBlack Project Chemtrail SourSurøl5.40.473149.93.93
USA13314802Black Project Spontaneous & Wild AlBlack Project Rivet Quick SourSurøl5.80.473149.93.89
Tyskland13318902Blech BrutBlech Brut Mediator Between Head And HandsIndia pale ale8.30.44107.34.16
Tyskland13317602Blech BrutBlech.Brut Asa Nisi Masa Neipa Mosaic Cryo | TalusIndia pale ale7.70.44101.54.14
Tyskland13317502Blech BrutBlech.Brut Tycho Magnetic Anomaly Citra Cryo | Tri 2304 Cryo | Idaho 7India pale ale7.20.44101.84.14
England13300602Brew YorkBrew York Mos Eisley Catharina 21 Guava & Lychee Brazilian SourSurøl6.50.44119.53.72
England13300502Brew YorkBrew York The Magolorian Mango & Lime Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale6.20.44121.63.7
England13300702Brew YorkBrewYork Nougat A Friend In Me Gweilo Collab Chocolate & Nougat Pastry StoutPorter & stout6.60.441183.75
Skottland13141902BrewDogBrewDog Kaiser Clone Keller Helles LagerLys lager5.40.3361.93.55
Skottland13187302BrewDogBrewDog Mallow Laser Quest Marshmallow & Pineapple Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4461.93.66
Tyskland13301202Brewheart GmbHBrewheart Juicy Lui DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4486.24.34
Tyskland13301102Brewheart GmbHBrewheart The very best of Canny Rogers DIPAIndia pale ale8.40.4497.54.38
Sverige13321302Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Blupee Berliner WeisseSurøl5.30.3384.13.73
Sverige13318302Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Killer Magpie DIPAIndia pale ale80.3382.93.71
Sverige13318402Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Nuts! Imperial stoutPorter & stout11.50.33964.02
Sverige13318202Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Shart IpaIndia pale ale60.3380.13.81
Belgia13311101Brouwerij Van SteenbergeVan Steenberge Gulden DraakKlosterstil10.50.75169.93.81
USA13306402Burley Oak BrewingBurley Oak Banana Puddin' JreamSpesial4.80.473144.94.16
USA13306602Burley Oak BrewingBurley Oak Sequoia Sap Outdoor IPAIndia pale ale70.473149.93.86
USA13306302Burley Oak BrewingBurley Oak Strawberry Lemon Marshmallow Tart JREAMSpesial4.80.473144.94.16
USA13306502Burley Oak BrewingBurley Oak Tangled Up In Green TIPAIndia pale ale9.80.473164.94.18
England13315102Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Free Surface NeipaIndia pale ale6.20.44114.93.92
England13315202Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Off Shore DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.93.99
England13300102Buxton BreweryBuxton Breakfast Date Maple & Blueberry StoutPorter & stout9.50.441154.32
England13300202Buxton BreweryBuxton Early Start Cafe Mocha Creme StoutPorter & stout10.50.441154.16
England13299702Buxton BreweryBuxton Highball IPAIndia pale ale6.90.4479.94.1
England13299602Buxton BreweryBuxton Layback Strata Cashmere IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.8
England13299902Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X AdmiralIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.77
England13299802Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X HarlequinIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.78
England13300002Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X T45 OlicanaIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.79
Norge13307602BådinBådin - Mistfjorden V6 Vic Secret & Amarillo NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.3374.80 n/a
England13309102Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Blosson In Fog Lane Park DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.14.04
England13309202Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater Multi Dimensional Approach DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.44103.84.1
England13309002Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater x Highland Park Side by Side DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.44109.94.09
Nederland13311202De MoersleutelMoersleutel Barcode Black and redPorter & stout140.44149.94.48
Nederland13311002De MoersleutelMoersleutel Crescent wrench NEDIPAIndia pale ale8.50.4499.93.95
USA13307102Deciduous BrewingDeciduous Paradise Mojo Passion Fruit, Orange & Guava Fruited SourSurøl60.473144.94.13
USA13305302Definitive Brewing CompanyDefinitive Gravity Palace Triple Dry Hopped TIPAIndia pale ale110.473154.94.27
USA13305202Definitive Brewing CompanyDefinitive Particles DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.473149.94.23
USA13306702Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Doomsday Device DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.473154.94.26
USA13306902Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Involuntary Narcissistic Rage DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473154.94.09
Sverige13131602Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Cherry Pop Cherry & Vanilla GoseSurøl80.44107.54.06
Sverige13318702Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Dig Dug IpaIndia pale ale6.50.4499.84.07
Sverige13318002Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Hazy Hustler IpaIndia pale ale6.50.4499.83.93
USA13316002Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Austin FarmhouseSaison farmhouse ale60.375199.94.05
USA13304202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Flactuation DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.473139.94.31
USA13316102Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Keeping Memories FarmhouseSaison farmhouse ale60.375219.94.16
USA13304502Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium MC2 DIPAIndia pale ale80.473129.94.26
USA13304102Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Solar Fluctuation DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473144.94.16
USA13304402Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Stratasphere DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473144.94.22
USA13304302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Aslin Beer Neoblast DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473139.94.12
USA13304002Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium x Moksa Brewing Moksamarga DIPA Batch 2India pale ale80.473139.94.23
Norge13287002Fjordfolk MikrobryggeriFjordfolk Le Petit GrangeSaison farmhouse ale7.20.4485.63.67
Spania13309702Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Not Even The Sky Is The Limit NEIPAIndia pale ale6.50.3367.74.02
Spania13309802Freddo FoxFreddo Fox X Basqueland Can't Touch This DDH DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.3373.44.02
Spania13310002Garage Beer CoGarage Any Second Now DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.60.4483.94.02
Spania13309902Garage Beer CoGarage Santako West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.40.3361.63.77
England13301702Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Felder Weiss BeerHveteøl50.4479.93.62
England13301802Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill First Orders IPAIndia pale ale5.80.4489.93.74
England12039602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Moneybags Double IPAIndia pale ale90.44109.94.07
England13301602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Smoked Grapefruit & RosemarySurøl60.4494.93.47
Norge13313502Graff BrygghusGraff Hytta Pale AlePale ale5.50.3359.93.73
Norge13313402Graff BrygghusGraff Lemon Meringue PieSurøl6.50.3369.93.9
USA13305502Humble Forager Brewing CoHumble Forager Coastal Sunshine #13 Smoothie SourSurøl60.473151.24.29
USA13305402Humble Forager Brewing CoHumble Forager Rugged Outlook #1 DDH Honey Oat Cream TIPAIndia pale ale90.4731383.96
USA13305802Jackie O'sJackie O's Bourbon Barrel Oro Negro Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.375239.94.45
USA13306002Jackie O'sJackie O's Coconut Champion Ground Barrel Aged Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.90.375289.34.37
USA13305902Jackie O'sJackie O's Pawpaw Cherry Perpetum American Sour AleSurøl6.70.375179.94.05
Italia12923702LoverBeerLoverbeer Ghironda Sour Fruit Aged AleSurøl6.20.375149.94.03
Italia12923802LoverBeerLoverbeer Sour Sketch Wild Italian grape aleSurøl5.60.375149.93.74
Norge13297602Mack MikrobryggeriMack Dark Side of The BockMørk lager70.569.50 n/a
Norge13301902Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Neptune PieMjød140.375299.90 n/a
Belgia13318801MikkellerMikkeller SpontanQuadrupelRaspberry Oak Aged Sour AleSurøl9.20.75399.24.24
Danmark13319002MikkellerMikkeller x Warpigs x Seven Island Beer Greek BreakfastPorter & stout12.50.375189.24.15
Danmark13317801Mikkeller BaghavenMikkeller Baghaven Feast of Solitude Oak Aged Wild Ale with ApricotsSurøl60.75297.13.82
Danmark13317901Mikkeller BaghavenMikkeller Baghaven Origin of Culture Oak AgedSaison farmhouse ale70.75280.43.97
Norge13307902Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Higher Self West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale80.4489.90 n/a
USA13316202Mortalis BrewingMortalis Cyclops Marshmallow + Vanilla Fruited SourSurøl60.473199.94.32
England13309602North Brewing Co.North Brew New Atlantis IPAIndia pale ale60.4476.93.94
England13309502North Brewing Co.North Brew The Eight Chamber West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.4481.23.77
England13296802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Death By Strannik Chocolate Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.50.44109.94.24
England13296702Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Flake & Sauce Ice Cream Pale AleIndia pale ale6.20.4489.93.54
England13299302Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 25.05 Laura Slater//Private Idaho//Single HopIPAIndia pale ale7.40.44104.94.06
England13296902Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 31.01 Smugone//The Pilgrimage//Triple IPAIndia pale ale100.44129.94.41
England13297002Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 32.01 Culinary Concepts 2.0 Imperial Banana Cronut StoutPorter & stout140.44124.94.15
England12611802Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Lervig Norse Star II Vanilla Cacao & Hazelnut Imp StoutPorter & stout90.44104.64.12
Sverige13312602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing 50/50 Citra/Simcoe IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44873.86
Sverige13312402O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Forte Imperial StoutPorter & stout100.33853.92
Sverige13312702O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Ichor Citra DIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.94.09
Sverige13312502O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Lupi PilsLys lager5.50.4469.90 n/a
Sverige13141302OmnipolloOmnipollo BoyIndia pale ale4.90.3369.63.77
Sverige13141402OmnipolloOmnipollo Fantom IPAIndia pale ale6.10.3380.13.83
Sverige13161302OmnipolloOmnipollo Kyrka Cake News Strawberry Double Breakfast StoutPorter & stout10.50.33136.70 n/a
Sverige13318102OmnipolloOmnipollo Smooth Smooth SmoothPale ale5.50.3374.20 n/a
England13195602Play Brew CoPlay Brew Baby Blue Blueberry GoseSurøl7.20.44125.63.9
England13195702Play Brew CoPlay Brew Los BanditoPale ale5.30.44119.14.03
Estland13299402Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Birthday Bänger Imperial StoutPorter & stout12.50.33854.16
Estland11115002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Gimme Danger Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.50.3379.93.67
Estland11968302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Pilky PilsnerLys lager50.3349.93.38
Estland3830502Põhjala BrewingPohjala Pime Öö Imperial StoutPorter & stout13.60.3389.94.04
Estland7430802Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Pime Öö PX Cellar SeriesPorter & stout13.90.331254.35
Estland13312302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Virmalised IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3359.93.71
Estland13299502Põhjala BrewingPõhjala x Fuerst Wiacek Albini Double IPAIndia pale ale80.4489.93.91
Wales13309402Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Hi, Everything's great DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.44103.84.23
Wales13309302Polly's Brew Co.Polly's The Lights That Lead These Streets DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4499.44.14
England13302502Pomona Island BrewPomona Island This dynamic could go on indefinetly QIPAIndia pale ale130.44149.84.18
England13302402Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Deya Pouring Lizards Rye IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.93.77
England13302302Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Lervig Is something brilliant happening TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.44134.94.26
England13302602Pomona Island BrewPomona Island x Northern Monk Cancion Mixteca Imperial Churro stoutPorter & stout110.44139.94.31
Norge12940302Raus BryggeriRaus Skog DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3364.80 n/a
Norge13307702RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure-Mari Mango og Pasjon Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl7.50.3396.30 n/a
England13236502S43S43 Drop Project Sentient Robot Cars Guava & Lynchee GoseSurøl50.441193.65
England13236402S43S43 Happy Little Accidents IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44123.84.05
England13300802S43S43 Wher's My Cereal Bar Imperial Oat IPAIndia pale ale8.10.44124.24.25
England13236602S43S43 x Rivington Imp Bizkit Imperial Biscoff Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.44132.24.02
England13236302S43S43 Yeep NEIPAIndia pale ale6.40.44122.74.11
Norge13310902Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt HelixSurøl80.44139.90 n/a
Norge13233702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Hop DoodleIndia pale ale70.4499.90 n/a
Norge13310802Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt HopriadneIndia pale ale70.4499.90 n/a
Norge13237602Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Storm NeipaIndia pale ale80.3379.20 n/a
Norge13114702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Thruster Raspberry Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale70.3369.90 n/a
USA13315902The BrueryThe Bruery Bakery Coconut Macaroons BA Bourbon Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.20.473164.94.06
USA13316502Trillium Brewing CompanyTrillium Black Currant Soak Barrel Aged Sour Wheat AleSpesial6.30.33169.94.23
England13303802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Big If DIPAIndia pale ale80.44139.94.24
England12234602Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Don't Tell Gus! DIPAIndia pale ale80.44134.94.28
England13303702Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant See Food & Dance IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44119.94.09
England12084502Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Unconventional Tactics DIPAIndia pale ale80.44139.94.29
Irland13296602Whiplash BeerWhiplash Jungle window IPAIndia pale ale70.4484.94
Irland13296502Whiplash BeerWhiplash Velouria DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.44894.18

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.06.21.

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