Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 4. juni 2021

Det nærmer seg første fredag denne måneden, og det betyr at nye øl blir tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolet. Denne måneden blir 157 nye øl og 10 nye mjød tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets tilleggsutvalg. For å bryte det opp i ølstiler:

  • 86 India Pale Ale
  • 28 surøl
  • 24 Porter & Stout
  • 6 Pale Ale
  • 5 «Spesial»
  • 5 lys lager
  • 2 Saison farmhouse ale
  • 1 mørk lager
  • Pluss 10 mjød

Som alltid er det utrolig mye bra som lanseres. Denne måneden blir alt tilgjengelig i tilleggsutvalget. Det skal nevnes at det aller meste som lanseres i dette utvalget kun er små partier med begrenset tilgjengelighet. Så om du er interessert i noe spesifikt gjelder det å være tidlig ute, da det potensielt kan bli tomt allerede i løpet av juni.

I tabellen lenger ned finner du oversikten over alt som lanseres, sammen med nødvendig informasjon. I kolonnen til høyre finner du Untappd-rating på varen, så du slipper å søke opp alle på egen hånd.

Hva er tilleggsutvalget?

Ølnyhetene i tilleggsutvalget kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken fredag 4. juni. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent til litt ut i neste uke. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse fredag 4. juni.

Her finner du oversikten over alt som lanseres denne måneden:

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
England13138002Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Enyo New World IPAIndia pale ale7.50.44107.90 n/a
England13098302Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Helios DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44115.94.19
England13098102Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Nyx Milk StoutPorter & stout9.50.44120.53.95
England13098202Alpha Delta BrewingAlpha Delta Vesta Spectrum NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.441133.75
Norge13231802Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Emperor of Time Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Ultra StoutPorter & stout130.44151.90 n/a
Norge13194302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen In Cafruits Blood Orange & Mandarin Creamsicle Pastry SourSurøl6.50.4499.90 n/a
USA13186602Aslin Beer CompanyAslin How Now Brown Cow Milk Stout With Coffee & MaplePorter & stout60.473139.94.08
USA13186502Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Wait, What DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.473149.93.97
USA13186402Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Why IPAIndia pale ale5.50.473139.93.89
USA13185202Beer ZombiesBeer Zombies x The Answer End To End Burners DIPAIndia pale ale80.473169.94.09
England13101402Brew YorkBrew York DraidsPorter & stout120.441474.07
England13195502Brew YorkBrew York Ground Hop DayPale ale4.90.44115.53.67
England13126502Brew YorkBrew York Lupu LionPale ale50.44113.93.66
England13126402Brew YorkBrew York Mash BandicootPale ale50.44114.63.69
England13235702Brew YorkBrew York Naparbier The Revenge Maple & Pecan Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44144.24.21
England13195402Brew YorkBrew York The Consultant Drop Project CollabIndia pale ale7.50.44132.53.87
England13126602Brew YorkBrew York Viva La Guava-LutionSurøl6.50.44117.13.7
England13126302Brew YorkBrew York When Lemons Give You Life IPA Extra Vanilla EditionIndia pale ale60.44123.93.98
England13235802Brew YorkBrew York x Amundsen A New Beginning Imperial Breakfast StoutPorter & stout110.44148.94.17
England13236202Brew YorkBrew York x Emperor's The Final Chapter Honeycomb, Coconut, Cacao, TonkaPorter & stout150.44168.84.44
England13235902Brew YorkBrew York x Fierce The Ghost Dimension Mexican Mole Imperial StoutPorter & stout130.441474.13
England13236102Brew YorkBrew York x Tiny Rebel The Dream Child Rocky Roads Ice Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout140.44153.84.36
Sverige13243702Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Doge IPAIndia pale ale60.3380.13.9
Sverige13243902Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Freddo Fox Polkadot SDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.3382.94.08
Sverige13243802Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski Oh, Man Go 2014 Again...India pale ale5.50.3379.73.67
USA13193902Brix City BrewingBrix City Get Puft DIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.13
USA13193802Brix City BrewingBrix City Tasty Jams IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473144.94.08
USA13185902Brix City BrewingBrix City Wall of Sound DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473139.94.01
Polen13096002Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden First Level Poetry Pastry SourSurøl5.50.5753.76
Polen13095802Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden Matching Colours Pastry SourSurøl5.50.5753.82
Polen13095902Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden Much more fun DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.591.53.8
England11503201Burning SkyBurning Sky Cider Apple SaisonSaison farmhouse ale6.70.75226.14.03
England13237102Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Aries NeipaIndia pale ale6.40.44109.94.06
Norge11670602BådinBådin Mistfjorden DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3369.83.75
Norge13176402BådinBådin Rognan Pale AlePale ale5.50.3358.70 n/a
Nederland13210002De MoersleutelMoersleutel Vanilla Passionfruit Cheesecake Pastry SourSurøl6.50.4489.93.77
Irland13244502Dot BrewDot Brew Calling All DIPAIndia pale ale80.4497.70 n/a
Danmark13210202Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Ampersand: Idaho 7 DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4488.93.87
Danmark13210302Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Ampersand: Strata DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4488.94.1
Norge13209102ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Collision Course Double IPAIndia pale ale80.3365.50 n/a
Norge11969902ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Tropical Punch Mango & Guava GoseSurøl5.50.3363.53.7
USA13237202Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Above The Clouds DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.473164.94.28
USA13237002Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Kinetics DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473164.84.24
USA13237402Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium MC2 Double IPAIndia pale ale80.473164.94.26
USA13237302Equilibrium BrewingEquilibrium Straight Outta The Laboratory TIPAIndia pale ale10.20.473189.94.45
Tyskland7397302Flensburger BrauereiFlensburger FrühlingsbockMørk lager6.90.3355.33.28
Sverige13244102Friends CompanyFriends Company Sommardröm SourSurøl60.3380.13.85
England13210602Full Circle BrewFull Circle Third Dimention NEIPAIndia pale ale6.80.44109.94.07
England13210502Full Circle BrewFull Circle x Campervan Brewery Callisto DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.44114.94.04
England13210402Full Circle BrewFull Circle x S43 Zebra Head West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.20.44109.93.95
Polen13231202Funky FluidFunky Fluid Gelato Peach MelbaSurøl5.50.572.63.98
Polen13231302Funky FluidFunky Fluid x Lervig Gelato BløtkakeSurøl5.50.3369.34
England13184302Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Big Baller TIPAIndia pale ale11.30.44119.93.93
England13184602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Huddle Employee Owned IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4489.93.94
England13184402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Pendler PilsnerLys lager5.30.4474.93.69
England13184202Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Lychee, Gooseberry & ElderflowerSurøl4.80.4489.93.74
USA13185302Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Coconut Vlad Russian Imperial StoutPorter & stout130.473169.94.12
USA13185402Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Night Moves Imperial Milk StoutPorter & stout9.50.4731603.73
USA13185502Hailstorm BrewingHailstorm Stratus Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale80.473139.94.09
Norge13175602Hogna BryggHogna Crispi BoiLys lager5.50.4469.90 n/a
Norge13101202Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri #4India pale ale6.50.3374.80 n/a
Norge13166702Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri Helles lagerLys lager50.3349.80 n/a
Norge13239602Lervig ASLervig Modern Antique West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.5863.83
Norge13239502Lervig ASLervig Super Fluff NEIPAIndia pale ale6.60.578.90 n/a
Norge13165202Lysefjorden MikrobryggeriLysefjorden Hoppy SaisonSaison farmhouse ale6.50.3373.80 n/a
Tyskland13243007Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu Bamberg Helles Limited EditionLys lager4.955993.55
Sverige13191402Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery Cosmeadpolitan, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.87
Sverige13191202Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery True Love Never Dies, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.88
Sverige13191102Malmö MeaderyMalmö Meadery We are Late, HoneyMjød60.3394.93.99
Norge13232102Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Bling PieMjød140.375299.94.14
Norge13193302Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Ghost KernelMjød120.375369.94.53
Norge13098602Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Onto The Next WorldMjød120.375369.94.44
Norge13193402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo SmorphMjød120.375369.94.46
Norge13193502Marlobobos AsMarlobobo's Megabear Plz Guaway Smoothie SourSurøl5.50.4496.94.23
USA13193602Mast Landing Brew.Mast Landing Arizona Sun DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.473149.94.18
USA13193702Mast Landing Brew.Mast Landing x Aslin Super Wrastlin' Moves DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.473149.94.22
USA13194602Mikerphone BrewingMikerphone Smells Like Bean Spirit Double Maple Breakfast StoutPorter & stout80.473149.94.19
Belgia13241002MikkellerMikkeller Spontan Double CassisSurøl7.70.375168.33.88
Belgia13240902MikkellerMikkeller SpontanacaiSpesial7.70.375146.63.79
Belgia13241102MikkellerMikkeller SpontanblackberrySpesial7.70.375146.63.83
Danmark13241202MikkellerMikkeller Super Cool NeipaIndia pale ale8.50.44109.63.89
Danmark13244001Mikkeller BaghavenMikkeller Baghaven Bagsæson Blend 1Surøl6.80.75258.73.88
Norge13195802Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew WizardSurøl70.4479.90 n/a
USA13185002Mountains Walking BreweryMountains Walking Cloud Curtain Mosaic DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473154.94.13
USA13185102Mountains Walking BreweryMountains Walking x Bhramari Dessert Cart Cinnabon Roll Sour Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.473169.93.97
England13177402North Brewing Co.North x Mad Scientist Eclipse DIPAIndia pale ale80.44101.44.04
England13194202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Divine Faith Double IPAIndia pale ale8.40.44101.94.2
England13194102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 30.01 Lanre Bakare From Bradford To The WorldPorter & stout8.30.4494.93.84
England13096102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Drew Millward Mangoes on With Faith Mango Pale AleIndia pale ale5.40.4481.93.67
Sverige13242702OmnipolloOmnipollo Bellony Motueka Citra Nelson Sauvin DIPAIndia pale ale80.3382.93.92
Sverige13242502OmnipolloOmnipollo Bianca Peach Vanilla Protein Shake Lassi GoseSurøl60.44156.13.02
Sverige13141302OmnipolloOmnipollo BoyIndia pale ale4.90.3369.63.78
Sverige13242302OmnipolloOmnipollo Double Ripples IPAIndia pale ale7.20.3380.83.8
Sverige13141402OmnipolloOmnipollo Fantom IPAIndia pale ale6.10.3380.13.87
Sverige13161302OmnipolloOmnipollo Kyrka Cake News Strawberry Double Breakfast StoutPorter & stout10.50.33136.70 n/a
Sverige13244402OmnipolloOmnipollo Pleroma Calamansi Lime Tangerine Crème Brûlée SourSurøl60.3388.60 n/a
Sverige13242402OmnipolloOmnipollo Triple Karpologi Pineapple Peach Passion Candy SourSurøl80.33112.24.43
Sverige13242602OmnipolloOmnipollo x The Veil Collaberation Tefnut Pistachio Milk Toffee Iced Coffee PineSpesial100.33121.14
England13230302Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich Heavy Metal Jacket DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.441064.27
England13230502Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich Mark It Zero West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale80.44100.13.93
England13230402Pentrich Brewing CoPentrich Smiles & Sunshine Helles LagerLys lager50.4468.93.76
Wales13230202Polly's Brew Co.Polly's A Fleeting Sound DDH TIPAIndia pale ale110.44121.64.25
Wales13230102Polly's Brew Co.Polly's Mont Brook Pale AlePale ale5.40.4482.13.95
Wales13230002Polly's Brew Co.Polly's We've lost dancing DDH IPAIndia pale ale70.4497.14.13
England13209902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island 1952 Vincent Black Lightning DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.25
England13242902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island 50 eggs IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44109.94.03
Sverige13232202Poppels BryggeriPoppels Bourbon & Rum Barrel Aged StoutPorter & stout13.50.33114.93.98
Sverige13232002Poppels BryggeriPoppels x All In Brewing All-Into It Barrel Aged StoutPorter & stout13.20.33114.93.63
Sverige13224202Poppels BryggeriPoppels x Collective Arts x All In Brewing Escape the Mothership DIPAIndia pale ale80.4486.93.97
Norge12940202Raus BryggeriRaus Hubro New England IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3364.80 n/a
Norge12940302Raus BryggeriRaus Skog DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3364.80 n/a
Tsjekkia13231102Rodinný Pivovar ZichovecZichovec Mango Sticky Rice IPAIndia pale ale70.593.63.93
Tsjekkia13230902Rodinný Pivovar ZichovecZichovec More Nectar More Happiness DIPAIndia pale ale90.51024.22
Tsjekkia13231002Rodinný Pivovar ZichovecZichovec Sour Black CurrantSurøl5.10.581.44
Norge12910802RYGR BrygghusRYGR Erling Hazy Pale AleIndia pale ale5.60.3344.63.78
Norge13175102RYGR BrygghusRygr Hedning Hopbatch #666 DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale80.3383.90 n/a
Norge13175402RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure Berly Blåbær Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl7.50.3397.53.77
Norge13175302RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure Brynhild Bringebær Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl7.50.3397.54.19
Norge13175502RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure Gyda Tranebær/Granateple Trippelfruktet SurølSurøl7.50.3397.53.83
Norge13175202RYGR BrygghusRygr Yggdrasil Hopbatch #5 DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale80.3383.90 n/a
Norge13233702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Hop DoodleIndia pale ale70.4469.60 n/a
Norge11962702Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Red Summer SmoothieSurøl5.50.3369.94.1
USA13186002Schramm's MeadSchramm's Erik The Red Cherry Raspberry MeadMjød140.375499.94.48
USA13186102Schramm's MeadSchramm's Honeyberry MeadMjød140.375589.94.425
USA13185802Schramm's MeadSchramm's Red Agnes Red Currant MeadMjød140.375479.94.6
Hellas13281602Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Gooey and Nutty Imperial stoutPorter & stout120.44119.94.18
Hellas13281702Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Hypercone Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44119.94.13
Hellas13281202Seven Island BrewerySeven Island King Cyborg DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale8.20.44109.90 n/a
Hellas13281302Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Spellbound DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale8.30.44109.90 n/a
Hellas13281502Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Thymós Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44129.94.18
Hellas13281402Seven Island BrewerySeven Island Tiki Moi Triple FruitedSurøl6.50.4499.93.84
Hellas13281802Seven Island BrewerySeven Island x Thinman x Fraugruber Strain Of Fate TIPAIndia pale ale9.20.44119.94.25
Skottland13209802Six°northSix degrees North Darkness InsidePorter & stout6.40.4489.93.77
Skottland13209602Six°northSix degrees North Slipstream IPAIndia pale ale5.50.3369.93.22
Skottland13209702Six°northSix degrees North We're not all in this together Kveik NEIPAIndia pale ale5.10.4489.93.78
Norge13237602Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Storm NeipaIndia pale ale80.3379.20 n/a
Norge13237702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Surøl Jordbær & BasilikumSurøl60.33740 n/a
Norge13114702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Thruster Raspberry Milkshake IPASpesial70.3369.90 n/a
Estland13243102Sori BrewingSori Brewing Hybrid Treats Cinnamon Bun & Dark Roast CoffeePorter & stout120.3399.93.94
England13244802The Kernel BreweryThe Kernel India pale ale CentennialIndia pale ale7.20.33703.88
England13244902The Kernel BreweryThe Kernel India pale ale GalaxyIndia pale ale6.70.33693.89
Frankrike13209502The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Blueberry Machine SourSurøl5.20.4489.93.78
Frankrike13209402The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Fruit Basket IPAIndia pale ale50.4479.93.74
Frankrike13209302The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Manifesto TIPAIndia pale ale100.44109.94.17
Irland13244202Third Barrel BrewingThird Barrel The Darkness 2020Porter & stout100.3396.73.95
Sverige13194402This Is HowThis Is How To Skip Dessert Chocolate StoutPorter & stout10.50.3379.93.62
USA13231902Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath MoZee IPAIndia pale ale6.20.473134.94.13
USA13194502Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath x BlackStack Brewing Safety Porpoises DIPAIndia pale ale7.90.473149.94.17
England13182902Track BrewingTrack Broken Clouds DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44108.44.38
England13183002Track BrewingTrack Journeys to the daylight DIPAIndia pale ale80.44106.24.29
England13183102Track BrewingTrack More than Myself IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4493.73.86
Skottland13176302Vault City BrewingVault City Apple Cranberry Vanilla SourSurøl6.60.3751104.11
Skottland13176202Vault City BrewingVault City Blueberry Lemon Drizzle SourSurøl6.60.375115.64.28
Skottland13176102Vault City BrewingVault City Guava Kiwi Melon Mango SourSurøl100.375119.94.38
England13184902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Bigger Pigs DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.94.02
England11813002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Even Sharks Need Water IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.94.12
England13214902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Fruit Car Sight Exhibition DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.94.3
England13215002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Roy, I Want A Hilux Pale AlePale ale5.50.44104.94.01
England13184802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Crak Unplanned Alignment IPAIndia pale ale70.44114.94.11
USA13186202Väsen Brewing CompanyVäsen Cashmere Secrets DIPAIndia pale ale80.473144.94.12
USA13186302Väsen Brewing CompanyVäsen Kamiakin IPAIndia pale ale5.80.473139.94.06
England13196402Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Forest RoamSpesial120.44119.93.87
England13196702Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Halcyon DazeIndia pale ale100.44114.94.21
England13196602Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond IlliciumIndia pale ale100.44104.94.15
England13196502Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Imperial French MartiniIndia pale ale120.44119.94.24
England13184002Wylam BreweryWylam Pay No Heed To The Drogos Southern Hemisphere IPAIndia pale ale7.20.44119.94.25
England13184102Wylam BreweryWylam Revenge of The Sticky Bud DIPAIndia pale ale8.70.44129.94.25

Untappd-rating oppdatert 01.06.21.

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