Ølnyheter på Vinmonopolet 5. mai 2021

Månedens lansering på Vinmonopolet er flyttet fra fredag 7. mai til onsdag 5. mai. Vinmonopolet skriver at årsaken er sammensatt, men drar blant annet frem at det lanseres rekordmye. Både i basisutvalget og i andre utvalg som bestillingsutvalget. Dette kan potensielt føre til mye trykk i butikkene, noe man naturligvis ikke ønsker nå. En annen avgjørende grunn til at lansering er flyttet er antall røde dager i mai, som fører til færre salgsdager, samt en «inneklemt» fredag allerede neste uke.

Så la oss ta en titt på hva vi kan forvente på ølsiden denne gangen! Det lanseres øl i fire av Vinmonopolets utvalg denne måneden, og jeg tar for meg hver og en av dem. Som alltid har jeg tatt på meg jobben med å søke opp alle på Untappd, og du finner Untappd-ratingen i kolonnen til høyre.

Til sammen kan vi glede oss til å bli kjent med hele 370 nye øl og tre nye mjød! Så hvordan vite hva som er verdt å smake? Siden jeg er i bransjen, og står for en del av lanseringene er det utfordrende for meg å komme med habile anbefalinger. Jeg vil derfor anbefale dere å sjekke ut bloggene til blant annet Lasse L eller Høyt Skum av Jørn Idar for konkrete tips, da disse ofte går mer i detalj på anbefalte produkter.

Men la oss ta en titt på hva som lanseres:

Seks øl i basisutvalget.

Tre øl i partiutvalget.

192 øl i bestillingsutvalget (BU).

169 øl og tre mjød i tilleggsutvalget (TU)

Som alltid er det mest IPA som lanseres: 73 i BU og 81 i TU. Altså til sammen hele 154 nye IPAer.

Det kommer 36 nye surøl i BU og 44 nye i TU. Altså hele 80 nye surøl.

Den tredje mest populære stilen denne runden er Porter & Stout: her finner vi 32 nye i BU og 22 nye i TU. Til sammen 54 nye Porter & Stout.

Basis- & partiutvalget

Seks øl blir tilgjengelig i Vinmonopolets basisutvalg fremover og vil finnes i hyllene i minst ett år. Tre produkter blir tilgjengelig i partiutvalget og er tilgjengelig frem til partiet er tomt:


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Frankrike12968902Brasserie Les 3 LoupsLes 3 Loups Blonde Bière de GardeSpesial6.30.3359.83.48
Belgia12817802Brouwerij de HoornCornet OakedLys ale8.50.3346.93.62
Belgia9924402Brouwerij Omer Vander GhinsteOmer Traditional BlondLys ale80.3343.93.61
Norge11570102Eik & TidEik & Tid Brom Raspberry SourSurøl50.3356.93.55
Sverige12969702Poppels BryggeriPoppels Mango Passion Sour Fruit AleSurøl60.3349.93.72
Sverige12934302This Is HowThis Is How To Tear Down This Wall Berliner Weisse RaspberrySurøl4.80.3342.93.42

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.04.21.


LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
Frankrike2200301Brasserie Au BaronAu Baron Cuvée des Jonquilles Bière de GardeSaison farmhouse ale70.75119.93.74
Frankrike12950701Brasserie ThiriezLa Blonde d'Esquelbecq Biere de GardeSaison farmhouse ale6.50.75107.93.49
Norge12510002Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå BlondeLys ale50.3350.53.46

Untappd-rating oppdatert 30.04.21.


192 øl blir tilgjengelig på Vinmonopolets nettside onsdag og kan bestilles med en gang. Butikkene kan også velge å ta inn fra dette utvalget som en del av deres «lokale sortiment» tilpasset lokal etterspørsel.

LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
USA1293960218th Street Brewery18th Street Dank Diesel DDH DIPAIndia pale ale7.80.473134.93.95
USA1293970218th Street Brewery18th Street Pins And Needles DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473139.94.05
Norge131445027 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Chocoholic Chili Morph Imperial Chocolate Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.3398.90 n/a
Norge131446027 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Chocoholic Raspberry Morph Imperial Chocolate Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.3398.90 n/a
Norge128412027 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Defcon 1 Cocked Pistol DDH TIPAIndia pale ale90.3379.90 n/a
Norge131443017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell Venus de Milo Chardonnay BA White Wine AleSurøl11.50.75249.90 n/a
Norge131444017 Fjell Bryggeri7 Fjell You Want it Darker BA Imparial StoutPorter & stout12.50.75289.90 n/a
New Zealand131017028 Wired8 Wired Once Were Viking Kveik Femented IPASpesial70.4497.93.85
Belgia510802Achel BreweryAchel Trappist BruinKlosterstil80.3374.93.69
USA12829602Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory Elegy Irony Edition Hazy Imperial IPAIndia pale ale80.473144.94.13
USA12829702Adroit Theory BrewingAdroit Theory Evangelion XVI Armisael Hazy Tripel IPAIndia pale ale100.473154.94.27
Norge12921502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bash Hazy DIPAIndia pale ale7.50.44106.93.95
Norge12921202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bish Hazy IPAIndia pale ale50.4496.93.71
Norge12921402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Bosh Hazy TIPAIndia pale ale100.44121.94
Norge12921602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Cereal Killer Cherry, Chocolate & Coconut Granola Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.94.27
Norge12673702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Cool Beans Four Bean Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.94.19
Norge12921002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can BA Cherry & Chocolate Ganache PastryStoutPorter & stout11.50.33133.94.22
Norge12921102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In A Can BA Coconut Choc Chip Cookie Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.33133.94.36
Norge12921302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can BA Tonka & Caramel Swirl Ice-Cream Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.33133.94.31
Norge12673602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Tall Stack Chocolate Chip Maple Covered Pancake Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.94.1
Norge12921702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Wired Salted Caramel Flat White Imperial Pastry StoutPorter & stout11.50.44141.90 n/a
Sverige13097602Apex Brewing Co.Apex Asmodeus DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.12
Sverige13097702Apex Brewing Co.Apex Orcus IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44114.94.15
Sverige13097802Apex Brewing Co.Apex Trident IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44114.94.19
USA12939902Bearded Iris Brewing COBearded Iris Details DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.473144.93.93
Italia12978002Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Duchessa + ApricotSurøl5.80.3379.93.49
Italia12919202Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo Peach n' loveSurøl6.50.3384.90 n/a
Italia434402Birra del BorgoBirra del Borgo x Dogfish Head My AntoniaLys lager7.50.3364.93.8
Italia5408302Birrificio Il MastioBirrificio Il Mastio Montelago LithaLys ale5.20.3357.93.47
Italia12176102Birrificio LambrateLambrate Core IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3369.93.75
Italia12956602Birrificio LambrateLambrate Fresh hopPale ale50.3369.93.67
Italia12176002Birrificio LambrateLambrate Hard IPAIndia pale ale6.70.3369.93.74
Frankrike13072902Brasserie de Saint-OmerBrass. de Saint-Omer Sombrero RhumLys lager5.90.544.32.39
Frankrike13072802Brasserie de Saint-OmerBrass. de Saint-Omer Sombrero TequilaLys lager5.90.544.32.66
Frankrike13082202Brasserie de Saint-OmerBrass. de Saint-Omer Sombrero VodkaLys lager5.90.544.32.46
Belgia13153204Brasserie de SilenrieuxSilenrieux Cuvée des Lacs de L'Eau d'HeureLys ale5.20.25402.62
Belgia13071504Brasserie St. FeuillienSt. Feuillien Grisette Blanche BioHveteøl5.50.2537.93.35
Skottland12920602BrewDogBrewDog vs Salt Model Citizen New England IPAIndia pale ale6.80.4471.93.79
Belgia11244601Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen HommageSurøl5.30.753904.46
Belgia13100005Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Hommage Oogst n°10Surøl6.71.58504.28
Belgia3919002Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen Oude GeuzeSurøl5.50.3751014.09
Belgia13099802Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen3 Fonteinen x Loterbol TuverbolSpesial9.60.3751393.75
Belgia3866701Brouwerij de Glazen TorenDe Glazen Toren LentebierSaison farmhouse ale90.75149.93.75
Belgia11047702Brouwerij Van SteenbergeAugustijn BlondLys ale70.3349.93.52
Belgia11047802Brouwerij Van SteenbergeBaptist WitHveteøl50.33453.41
Belgia11603702Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak Brewmasters Whisky EditionKlosterstil10.50.3380.13.89
Belgia11659601Brouwerij Van SteenbergeGulden Draak Calvados Barrel AgedKlosterstil10.50.75199.93.94
Belgia12822502Brouwerij Van SteenbergeVan Steenberge Fourchette TripelKlosterstil7.50.3364.93.72
Norge11243102Brulandselva ASBrulandselva Hjernevask Yankee KveikIndia pale ale5.90.3369.43.49
Norge11710402Brulandselva ASBrulandselva Singelkveik Gølse Kveik #9Spesial7.50.3378.83.53
England11953302Burning SkyBurning Sky Out of Vogue West Coast IPAIndia pale ale5.90.4499.93.74
England12862002Burning SkyBurning Sky Tomorrow Pale alePale ale50.4469.63.67
England13098002Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Citra Fog NeipaIndia pale ale6.20.44109.94
England13097402Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill Tree of Life TIPAIndia pale ale100.44139.94.21
England13097502Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill x Lost & Grounded Great Thaw West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.05
England13097902Burnt Mill BreweryBurnt Mill x Track Enigmatic Galaxies NE DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.94.05
England12926702Buxton BreweryBuxton Barrel Masters StienitzPorter & stout140.331554.25
England12926802Buxton BreweryBuxton Barrel Masters TalPorter & stout140.331554.3
England13059202Buxton BreweryBuxton Blame It On The Rain Imperial Coconut StoutPorter & stout110.441154.16
England12927302Buxton BreweryBuxton King Maker TIPAIndia pale ale10.50.4499.94.29
England12927002Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X RakauIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.74
England12927102Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X TRI-2304CRIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.81
England12926902Buxton BreweryBuxton Nargil Coconut Pastry StoutPorter & stout60.33653.53
England12926602Buxton BreweryBuxton Rain ShadowPorter & stout100.3389.94.07
England12927402Buxton BreweryBuxton Rest Day DIPAIndia pale ale80.4489.94.05
England12348302Buxton BreweryBuxton x Lervig Trolltunga Sour IPASpesial6.30.44753.81
England13059002Buxton BreweryBuxton x Omnipollo CowardPorter & stout110.33139.94.39
England13059102Buxton BreweryBuxton x Omnipollo Original Lemon Meringue Ice Cream SorbetSurøl60.4489.93.88
England12912302By the River BrewBy The River Doubleheeder DIPAIndia pale ale80.44119.94.08
England12912102By the River BrewBy The River x Wylam Big Trouble Al'Owa Pecan & Maple Imperial StoutPorter & stout140.44129.94.22
Norge13067202Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Enough to Make a Quadruple Mango Sour Fruit Smoothie BerlinerWeisseSurøl80.3374.90 n/a
Norge13080702Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Sour Melvin Fruity Marshmallow Pastry Sour SmoothieSurøl5.70.3371.94.88
Norge13067002Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Toxi3: Toxic Alevenger III Triple Dry Hopped New England Style IPAIndia pale ale6.20.3369.93.78
Norge13067102Cervisiam BryggeriCervisiam Ugly Mango Triple Dry Hopped New England Style IPAIndia pale ale60.3369.94.86
Nederland12924502De MoersleutelMoersleutel Crank the Juice NEIPAIndia pale ale60.4479.93.82
USA12838402Definitive Brewing CompanyDefinitive Behind The Light DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.40.473144.94.09
USA12940002Drekker Brewing CompanyDrekker Wheez The Ju-uuuuuuuuuice DDH IPAIndia pale ale60.473149.94.11
Norge13090501Drum Brew ASDrum Brew Gulrot Grand CruSurøl60.759670 n/a
Danmark13080602Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter Dank & Juicy India Pale AleIndia pale ale6.20.4482.93.74
Danmark13080502Dry & Bitter Brewing CompanyDry & Bitter The Glow Below DDH Double IPAIndia pale ale7.80.4492.93.98
Sverige13098902DuggesDugges Single Fruit Sour OrangeSurøl4.80.3379.93.37
Sverige13099002DuggesDugges The Fort West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3379.93.51
Sverige13099102DuggesDugges The River West Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3379.93.53
Skottland13115202Fierce & New Zealand Beer CollectivFierce x NZBC Big Night In Part 1 Imperial Doughnut PaleSpesial9.60.4499.93.95
Skottland13115302Fierce & New Zealand Beer CollectivFierce x NZBC Big Night In Part 2 Imperial Coffee PorterPorter & stout100.4499.94.08
USA10927202Firestone WalkerFirestone Walker Feral ViniferaSurøl9.80.375149.94.2
England12670802Full Circle BrewFull Circle Year Of No Light Imperial StoutPorter & stout90.44119.93.97
Spania13012602Garage Beer CoGarage Riba Unfiltered PilsLys lager50.3341.53.55
England12914602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Loafer IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4494.93.84
England12914502Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Road Hog Session IPAIndia pale ale4.80.4484.93.75
England12914402Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Sole Seller IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.93.58
England12914702Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Tankslapper Double IPAIndia pale ale8.50.44109.94.09
Belgia13042702Green's BeersGreen's Gluten free Blond AleLys ale50.33523.07
Belgia13042802Green's BeersGreen's Gluten free Dark AleBrown ale50.3352.93
Belgia13042902Green's BeersGreen's Gluten free Golden AleLys ale4.80.33492.86
Norge12975802Grünerløkka BrygghusGrünerløkka Brygghus Imperial Nøttebrun Brown AleBrown ale70.574.90 n/a
Norge13081802Grünerløkka BrygghusGrünerløkka Brygghus Løkka SaisonSaison farmhouse ale60.567.93.5
Skottland9315202Harviestoun BreweryHarviestoun Ola Dubh 18 Special Reserve alePorter & stout80.33894.09
Spania13082102HeinekenDesperadosLys lager5.90.554.83.21
USA12830202Humble Forager Brewing CoHumble Forager Cloud Hopping New England IPAIndia pale ale6.50.473139.94
USA12830302Humble Forager Brewing CoHumble Forager Coastal Sunshine #10 Fruited Smoothie Sour - Peach, Orange, MangoSurøl60.473139.94.28
USA12830402Humble Forager Brewing CoHumble Forager Coastal Sunshine #11 Fruited Sour Pink Dragon Passion FruitSurøl60.473139.94.14
Norge12873402Hunsfos BryggeriHunsfos Bryggeri Glory GloryPale ale60.3361.43.37
Norge13004802HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet A Smashing pilsnerLys lager5.30.4449.90 n/a
Norge12652602HaandbryggerietHaandbryggeriet Odins Coconut CrushPorter & stout10.40.33109.74.01
USA12122602Jackie O'sJackie O's Pockets of Sunlight Sour SaisonSurøl6.50.5164.93.98
New Zealand13129102Kereru Brewing CompanyKereru Moose Maybe Hazy Red IPAIndia pale ale6.20.33743.85
New Zealand13129002Kereru Brewing CompanyKereru Resonator IPAIndia pale ale6.50.33723.76
Norge13089601Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn AlvorSaison farmhouse ale6.50.75129.70 n/a
Norge10079305Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn JubelKlosterstil9.51.5275.73.86
Norge2179701Kinn Bryggeri ASKinn SommarølPale ale5.50.7595.53.67
USA13098702Krebs Brewing Co.Prairie Bourbon BA Weekend Imperial StoutPorter & stout14.20.355244.94.51
USA13098802Krebs Brewing Co.Prairie Mocha Noir Bourbon BA Imperial StoutPorter & stout14.20.355244.94.33
Norge12957302Krecher BeerKrecher Draugentic XSurøl50.3389.14.52
Norge12957402Krecher BeerKrecher Phantom ResonatorIndia pale ale6.80.3379.40 n/a
Norge12957102Krecher BeerKrecher Spite BroodIndia pale ale6.80.3379.40 n/a
Norge12957202Krecher BeerKrecher The DagonathulhuSurøl60.3389.40 n/a
Belgia9444201La RullesLa Rulles EstivaleSaison farmhouse ale5.20.7599.93.53
Belgia11139101Lambiek FabriekLambiek Fabriek Brett-Elle Oude GeuzeSurøl60.751753.85
Canada11108201Le Trou du DiableTrou Du Diable Suite de Fibonacci XIIISurøl7.50.751953.99
Norge12267402Lervig ASLervig NZDDHDIPAIndia pale ale6.90.580.94.03
Norge12498802Lervig ASLervig Original SinPorter & stout13.50.3395.54.27
Norge11244402Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve SolbærSurøl70.3751254.05
Norge5188102Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim Farmer's Reserve Sour CherrySurøl70.37599.94.06
Norge13143901Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim impureSpesial80.752300 n/a
Norge11938802Lindheim ølkompaniLindheim x Allram Vingut Friendship SeriesSpesial90.3751303.97
England12837802Lost & GroundedLost & Grounded Heartbrake U.S.A. American-Style Brown AleBrown ale5.60.4479.93.66
Italia12007902LoverBeerLoverbeer Beerbera Riserva BeergnacSurøl80.375149.94.06
Italia12008002LoverBeerLoverbeer Beerbruna EvolutionSurøl8.20.375149.94.16
Norge12615202Mack MikrobryggeriMack Mikrobryggeri Ludwig SourSurøl6.50.558.90 n/a
Norge12615302Mack MikrobryggeriMack Mikrobryggeri Tutti Frutti IPAIndia pale ale80.564.90 n/a
Tyskland3827502Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu PilsnerLys lager4.90.559.93.52
Tyskland5308002Mahr's BräuMahr's Bräu Ungespundet hefetrub KellerbierLys lager5.20.559.93.58
Nederland11272701NevelNevel Grondslag BlondeSurøl5.20.75169.93.57
Nederland11272901NevelNevel x Seperatist Aurum BlondeSurøl5.20.75175.43.71
England10848002North Brewing Co.North Brewing TransmissionIndia pale ale6.90.3346.53.83
Norge12992602Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø ArchipelagoLys ale7.50.5613.61
Norge12992801Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Banyan by The SeaSurøl50.751294.29
Norge12992702Nøgne Ø Det kompromissløse BryggeriNøgne Ø Opal SkiesSurøl60.5593.76
Sverige10992802O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing 50/50 IPA Mosaic/CitraIndia pale ale6.50.4489.93.94
Sverige12927202O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Anniversary Baltic PorterPorter & stout11.30.331193.84
Sverige12927602O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Arctos Imperial StoutPorter & stout11.20.331254.05
Sverige12927502O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Bohemia SaisonSaison farmhouse ale50.33653.26
Sverige11791902O/O Brewing ABO/O Brewing Carismatico Dobbel IPAIndia pale ale8.50.441154.05
Norge13146102Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Berry BlondeLys ale5.50.576.90 n/a
Norge13146002Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Head in the Clouds PilsnerLys lager5.50.576.90 n/a
Norge13146202Oslo Brewing Co.Oslo Brewing Peaches & Cream IPAIndia pale ale7.50.586.90 n/a
Skottland12938702Overtone BrewingOvertone Charlie Doesn't Surf Oat Cream NEIPAIndia pale ale6.60.4499.93.94
Skottland12939002Overtone BrewingOvertone Opaque Dankness NEIPAIndia pale ale60.4489.94.11
Estland12005302Põhjala BrewingPõhjala CocoBänger BA Cellar SeriesPorter & stout130.331204.2
Estland12348102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Neukölln Blackcurrant Berliner WeisseSurøl5.50.3349.93.5
Estland7969602Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Pime Öö Islay BA Cellar SeriesPorter & stout140.331254.17
Estland12915002Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Vaquero Breakfast Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.331254.19
Estland12915102Põhjala BrewingPõhjala Vikerkaar Imperial GoseSurøl7.50.3369.93.72
England12862102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Always Have, Always Will Peach, Apricot And Raspberry SourSurøl6.50.44109.23.81
England12864202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Woke up laughing DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.15
Norge13100102Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Crash PadIndia pale ale60.4474.90 n/a
Norge12395602Schouskjelleren MikrobryggeriSchouskjelleren Tigerstaden SaisonSaison farmhouse ale70.3349.93.52
USA13049202Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Big Little Thing Imperial IPAIndia pale ale90.35559.93.8
USA13049302Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Dankful IPAIndia pale ale7.40.35555.93.79
USA13081902Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.Sierra Nevada Wanderland Nectarine AleSpesial7.50.35555.93.68
Estland12927802Sori BrewingSori Brewing Shadow Game X Heaven Hill Bourbon BarrelPorter & stout12.70.33119.94.18
Palestina12864102Taybeh BeerTaybeh AmberRed/amber5.50.3359.93.07
Sverige13099202Ten Hands BrewingTen Hands Shaman SourSurøl60.3394.93.89
USA11151901The BrueryThe Bruery Saule Bourbon BarrelSpesial160.75279.94.24
Frankrike12977802The Piggy Brewing CompanyCollab Piggy x Popihn Triple Sour Fruited MandarineSurøl9.50.4499.93.72
Frankrike12977902The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Das rökeriSpesial6.50.4470.33.82
Frankrike12977702The Piggy Brewing CompanyThe Piggy Eroica NEIPAIndia pale ale6.10.4479.93.86
England12837502The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Pogo2 Fruit IPAIndia pale ale70.4499.93.73
England12837602The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Trillionaire Imperial StoutPorter & stout10.30.3394.93.71
England12735702ThornbridgeThornbridge x Firestone Walker Pondera WCIPAIndia pale ale6.70.4464.93.72
Danmark12726602To ØlTo Øl Quadzilla IPAIndia pale ale120.44104.94.05
Danmark12726702To ØlTo Øl Sur Citra 2.0Surøl5.50.4459.93.5
USA12038902Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Pompeii Mosaic Hopped IPAIndia pale ale5.80.473129.94.06
USA12038802Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Pseudo Sue Pale AlePale ale5.80.473129.94.15
USA12830102Toppling Goliath Brewing CoToppling Goliath Zeelander IPAIndia pale ale6.20.473139.94.03
USA12939102Untitled ArtUntitled Art x Corporate Ladder Peaches Sour À La Mode Berliner WeisseSurøl60.473134.94.11
USA12829802Untitled ArtUntitled Art x Parish Gulf Coast DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.473144.94.03
England12861202Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Five AM DIPAIndia pale ale80.44139.94.29
England12920802Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Rustling Substance Pale AleIndia pale ale5.20.44104.94.05
England12861002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant x Burning Sky We are The People DIPAIndia pale ale80.44134.93.96
Norge12862202Vor Frelser BryggeriVor Frelser Bockene RüseMørk lager6.50.3366.93.73
England12599002Wander Beyond BrewingWander Beyond Moray Mist Imperial Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale120.4499.93.95
USA12838602Wild Leap BrewWild Leap Side Bae HBC630 Double IPAIndia pale ale7.60.473149.94.09
USA12838702Wild Leap BrewWild Leap Side Bae Trident DIPAIndia pale ale7.60.473149.93.91
Hellas12000502Wongraven WinesWongraven SaisonSaison farmhouse ale70.3359.93.67
England12911902Wylam BreweryWylam Jakehead Supercharged IPAIndia pale ale6.30.4484.93.88
England12230402Wylam BreweryWylam Macchiato Hazelnut Praline Coffee PorterPorter & stout6.50.4499.93.9
England12912002Wylam BreweryWylam x Good Things Brewing Put a Dank on It Southern Hemisphere DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44129.94.18
New Zealand13101602Yeastie BoysYeastie Boys Wizard Motor American IPAIndia pale ale6.50.33650 n/a
Norge13147102Ægir BryggeriÆgir Joda, Neipa! New England IPAIndia pale ale70.3362.20 n/a
Norge13147002Ægir BryggeriÆgir Mangolito Mango SourSurøl5.50.3357.20 n/a

Untappd-rating oppdatert 02.05.21.


Til sist lanseres disse 169 produktene i tilleggsutvalget. Disse kan ikke bestilles på nett og vil ikke være å finne i butikken onsdag. Her må butikkene kjøpe inn fulle kasser til butikken. Det er to måter å få tak i disse på:

  1. Kontakt din lokale Vinmonopolet-butikk og spør om de kan ta inn varen(e) du ønsker.
  2. Vent til litt ut i neste uke. Når en butikk får dem levert kan du søke opp produktet på Vinmonopolets nettside og se hvilke butikker som har varen på lager. Butikkene kan begynne å bestille disse onsdag 5. mai.
LandArtikkelnrProdusentArtikkelnavnØlstilABVVolumSalgspris inkl pantUntappd-rating
USA13159802AleSmithAleSmith Speedway Stout Espresso and Madagascar VanillaPorter & stout120.473149.94.08
USA13159602AleSmithAleSmith West Coast IPAIndia pale ale7.30.473109.93.9
Norge13112102Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Berried Alive Triple Fruited All Berry Pastry Sour SmoothieIndia pale ale8.50.44101.90 n/a
Norge13111202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Chaos Theory Galaxy Strata Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.4493.90 n/a
Norge13111402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Chaos Theory Vic Secret Citra Hazy IPAIndia pale ale70.4493.90 n/a
Norge13112002Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Cryptic Minds Hazy IPAIndia pale ale60.4486.90 n/a
Norge13112202Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Depths of Perception Imperial Pastry White Breakfast StoutPorter & stout11.50.44136.90 n/a
Norge13112302Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Mamma's Cherry Pie Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.90 n/a
Norge13112602Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Mocha Ice Cream Fudge Cake Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.90 n/a
Norge13112702Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Passionfruit Creamsicle Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.90 n/a
Norge13112502Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Dessert In a Can Pina Colada Creamsicle Pastry StoutPorter & stout10.50.3395.90 n/a
Norge13111902Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Emperor Of Sand Imperial StoutPorter & stout120.44131.90 n/a
Norge13112402Amundsen BryggeriAmundsen Fruit Quake Strawberry Kiwi & Watermelon SourSurøl60.4492.20 n/a
USA13110202Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Astro Zombie IPAIndia pale ale6.70.473139.94.11
USA13110302Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Master Of Karate Double IPAIndia pale ale8.40.473159.94.22
USA13110102Aslin Beer CompanyAslin Pisghetti Western Imperial StoutPorter & stout150.473189.94.41
Tyskland13131302Atelier Der BraukünsteAtelier der Braukünste Guess What? Idaho 7 + ?India pale ale7.30.44104.24.05
Tyskland13131402Atelier Der BraukünsteAtelier der Braukünste Guess What? Nelson + ?India pale ale7.50.44104.14.07
Spania13104802Basqueland BrewingBasqueland Atera DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.20.4484.13.93
Spania13104902Basqueland BrewingBasqueland Forager & Fluff Pastry SourSurøl6.90.4488.64
Spania13105002Basqueland BrewingBasqueland x Range All the way down DIPAIndia pale ale8.20.441004.19
USA13110702Battery Steele BrewingBattery Steele Flume DIPAIndia pale ale80.473154.94.16
USA13110602Battery Steele BrewingBattery Steele Flume^2 DIPAIndia pale ale80.473159.94.29
USA13110902Battery Steele BrewingBattery Steele Flume^3 Triple IPAIndia pale ale9.50.473164.94.35
Norge13127102Beer FlagBeer Flag ApricornSurøl6.50.3379.90 n/a
Norge13128002Beer FlagBeer Flag GagarinPorter & stout120.3351.90 n/a
Tyskland13140002Blech BrutBlech Brut Bring It Back To The StreetsIndia pale ale7.20.4499.44.24
Tyskland13133102Blech BrutBlech Brut Gods & MonstersIndia pale ale9.10.44115.44.34
Tyskland13161402Blech BrutBlech Brut/Sudden Death Collaberation The Sheep Ate The WolfmanIndia pale ale7.60.44105.34.24
Tyskland13102902Brewheart GmbHBrewheart Audrey has no hopburn DDH DIPAIndia pale ale8.10.4491.50 n/a
Tyskland13103002Brewheart GmbHBrewheart Talus of mystery and imagination DDH TIPAIndia pale ale10.20.44108.60 n/a
Tyskland13102802Brewheart GmbHBrewheart The roal secrets of haze Kelly DDH IPAIndia pale ale7.20.4487.20 n/a
Sverige13141502Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski No Pun Itended West Coast DIPAIndia pale ale80.3379.23.94
Sverige13141702Brewski Micro BreweryBrewski x Recycled Brewing Happier than a tornado in a trailer park IPAIndia pale ale6.50.3379.94
Polen13096002Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden First Level Poetry Pastry SourSurøl5.50.5753.69
Polen13095802Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden Matching Colours Pastry SourSurøl5.50.5753.81
Polen13095902Browar MaltgardenMaltgarden Much more fun DIPAIndia pale ale8.30.591.53.76
England13120702Burning SkyBurning Sky Devil's rest IPAIndia pale ale70.44109.93.74
England13120902Burning SkyBurning Sky Indecision time Citra/TalusIndia pale ale5.60.4499.93.88
England13120802Burning SkyBurning Sky Luppolo pilsLys lager5.20.4499.93.88
England13130002Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X Godiva IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.76
England13130102Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X Jester IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.69
England13129802Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X Olicana IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.85
England13129902Buxton BreweryBuxton Lupulus X Opus IPAIndia pale ale5.40.4469.93.77
Norge11934502BådinBådin Ohma WitHveteøl5.20.3359.83.5
Norge13129202BådinBådin Sphazy V.1 Mosaic, Galaxy & Citra NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3369.90 n/a
Norge11969202BådinBådin Træna Hawaii Ananas Pale AlePale ale5.60.3358.73.44
England13105402Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater DDH Pale Evolution #3Pale ale50.4481.13.94
England13105602Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater DDH Pale Evolution #4Pale ale50.4481.13.95
England13105302Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater I have become the boat DDH IPAIndia pale ale70.44100.74.29
England13105502Cloudwater Brew Co.Cloudwater It is springtime in Japan DDH DIPAIndia pale ale80.441054.17
Norge13121702Crave Cave BreweryCrave Cave Brewery Loki's HornMjød110.33119.60 n/a
Nederland12924402De MoersleutelMoersleutel Hop rocket NEDIPAIndia pale ale80.4499.93.91
Nederland12924102De MoersleutelMoersleutel Smeerolie Coconut milkshakePorter & stout100.44109.94.12
Nederland13121002De MoersleutelMoersleutel Strawberry coconut white chocolate Meringue pie Pastry sourSurøl50.4484.93.8
England13103102Deya Brewing Co.Deya Invoice me for the microphone IPAIndia pale ale6.50.598.84.09
England13103302Deya Brewing Co.Deya Swam the straits out of Johor DIPAIndia pale ale80.5105.14.16
England13103202Deya Brewing Co.Deya x Wylam Suitable fruit mirage DIPAIndia pale ale80.5105.14.12
Sverige13140602Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Muffin Top DipaIndia pale ale80.44103.83.96
Sverige13140402Duckpond BrewingDuckpond Swag Bag DipaIndia pale ale80.44103.84.15
Norge13129702ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Celestial Body Zero-G NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3367.50 n/a
Norge11935502ELØ - En Liten ØlElø Juicy Punch Strawberry & Guava GoseSurøl5.50.3360.53.61
USA13158902Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC ET Stay(ed) Home 15 Fruited SourSurøl60.473189.94.32
USA13158702Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC Fructus Danica 17 Fruited SourSurøl6.50.473184.94.3
USA13158602Evil Twin BrewingEvil Twin NYC Fructus Danica 18 Fruited SourSurøl6.50.473184.93.69
Spania13104602Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Allow yourself to dance NEIPAIndia pale ale60.3367.94.07
Spania13104702Freddo FoxFreddo Fox Watch that Whale DIPAIndia pale ale80.3373.10 n/a
Spania12936902Freddo FoxFreddo Fox x Finback Bulletin Bored DIPAIndia pale ale80.3375.64.03
Færøyene13133202Föroya BjórFöroya Bjór Black SheepMørk lager5.80.544.33.16
Færøyene13133302Föroya BjórFöroya Bjór SluppMørk lager5.80.544.33.09
Spania12937502Garage Beer CoGarage x Montana Colours RV-3004 Barcelona WeisseSurøl70.4488.54.04
England13121502Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Double Vision Hepcat DIPAIndia pale ale9.20.44109.94
England13121602Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Ovni IPAIndia pale ale60.4489.93.64
England13121302Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Peaches & VanillaSurøl50.4489.93.86
England13121202Gipsy Hill Brewing CoGipsy Hill Squashed Fruited Sour Ale Strawberries, Raspberries & BlueberriesSurøl50.4489.93.93
Norge13130302Graff BrygghusGraff Gold School NEIPAIndia pale ale80.3369.30 n/a
Norge13130202Graff BrygghusGraff Kilt & WürstLys lager5.20.3386.80 n/a
Spania13109502HeinekenDesperados MojitoSpesial5.90.554.82.89
Norge13102402Hogna BryggHogna Metropolitt White StoutPorter & stout7.50.4479.90 n/a
Norge13101302Jåttå GårdsbryggeriJåttå Gårdsbryggeri CitrarilloIndia pale ale70.3374.50 n/a
USA13137502Krebs Brewing Co.Prairie Millennial Mansion Sour AleSurøl7.70.355134.93.9
England11010402Lost & GroundedLost & Grounded Keller PilsLys lager4.80.4461.93.46
Norge13098402Marlobobos AsMarlobobo StevnsberryMjød120.375299.94.59
Norge13098502Marlobobos AsMarlobobo Waterholistic Meteor ShowerMjød11.50.375369.90 n/a
Belgia13140102MikkellerBoon & Mikkeller Goût AmericainSurøl6.50.375115.63.8
Danmark13139102MikkellerHouse Mikkeller Game Of Thrones Iron Anniversary NeIpaIndia pale ale5.50.44105.23.72
Danmark13161202MikkellerMikkeller Beer Geek BreakfastPorter & stout7.50.5122.53.89
Danmark13161502MikkellerMikkeller Beer Geek Flat WhitePorter & stout7.50.3388.23.9
Belgia12931302MikkellerMikkeller Deep Pool Passion Fruit GoseSurøl80.4496.53.96
Belgia13140202MikkellerMikkeller Triple Spontan BlueberrySurøl100.375196.24.07
Belgia13131502MikkellerMikkeller Triple Spontan CherrySurøl8.90.375196.43.86
Danmark13140501Mikkeller BaghavenMikkeller Baghaven Havnesæson BA Blend 3Saison farmhouse ale60.75239.44.06
Danmark13140301Mikkeller BaghavenMikkeller Baghaven Ruud Pesch BA Wild Ale Red PeachesSurøl60.75280.84.13
USA13142202Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Blue Rye The Sour GuySurøl7.30.47592.13.8
USA13142002Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Friends of Prey BAPorter & stout17.20.5357.24.37
USA13142102Mikkeller Brewing San DiegoMikkeller San Diego Træblod Bourbon BAPorter & stout140.5395.84.41
Norge13112902Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Inner Peace New England Pale AlePale ale5.50.4469.90 n/a
Norge13112802Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Starshot Triple NEIPAIndia pale ale9.50.44119.94
Norge11601902Monkey Brew ASMonkey Brew Timothy's MonsterPorter & stout110.375199.94.32
Sverige13141602Morgondagens BryggeriMorgondagens Bryggeri Bappelsin SourSurøl5.50.3379.73.43
Sverige13141802Morgondagens BryggeriParanormal x Seven Islands Symposium Imperial StoutPorter & stout80.33107.33.75
USA13137902Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hippogriff Fruited SourSurøl60.473209.94.45
USA13140902Mortalis BrewingMortalis HydraSurøl70.473209.94.49
USA13137802Mortalis BrewingMortalis Hydra Sandwich Fruited SourSurøl70.473209.94.44
USA13110802Narrow Gauge Brewing CompanyNarrow Gauge Hoppy Meal Double Dry Hopped American Pale AleIndia pale ale6.60.473139.94.17
USA13111102Narrow Gauge Brewing CompanyNarrow Gauge Sparkle Motion Double Dry Hopped American Pale AleIndia pale ale60.473139.94.15
Norge13121102Nedstrand Bryggeri ASNedstrand Hoppy MassacreIndia pale ale6.30.33683.9
Nederland12923902NevelNevel Doorn Barrel Aged wild darkSurøl5.70.375124.93.98
Nederland12924602NevelNevel Aard Barrel Aged wild beerSurøl5.50.375124.93.55
USA13111302Newgrass Brewing CompanyNewgrass Fiddler's Dream DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.70.473139.93.94
USA13111002Newgrass Brewing CompanyNewgrass x Devine Barrel Fritter & Waste Apple Sour AleSurøl60.473149.94.42
England13096302Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Double Heathen Imperial IPAIndia pale ale100.44121.94.23
England13097202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 15.06 Lucy Ketchin // Go Easy // Kiwi & Coconut Sour IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4499.93.57
England13097102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk Patrons 26.03 Culinary: Wastwater Sticky Toffee Pudding PorterPorter & stout6.80.4494.94.07
England13096102Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x Drew Millward Mangoes on With Faith Mango Pale AleIndia pale ale5.40.4481.93.64
England13096202Northern Monk Brew CoNorthern Monk x INSA Faith In The Futures DDH IPAIndia pale ale6.50.4491.93.9
Sverige12004802Odd Island Brewing Co.Odd Island Flagranti Sour AleSurøl60.33493.6
Sverige12004602Odd Island Brewing Co.Odd Island Hazie Dizzie New England IPAIndia pale ale6.20.3350.13.7
Sverige12004702Odd Island Brewing Co.Odd Island Twelve Fifty IPAIndia pale ale7.20.3350.93.55
Sverige13141102OmnipolloOmnipollo Legacy IPAIndia pale ale70.3380.93.72
Sverige13141002OmnipolloOmnipollo Legacy PalePale ale50.3369.63.44
Sverige13140702OmnipolloOmnipollo Legacy PilsnerLys lager50.3362.23.38
Sverige13141202OmnipolloOmnipollo Legacy StoutPorter & stout120.33114.13.83
Sverige13140802OmnipolloOmnipollo Pleroma Blackberry Blueberry Lime Crème Brûlée SourSurøl60.3388.63.84
Tyskland13139902OmnipolloOmnipollo x Camba Bavaria Der Schwedische LehrlingLys lager5.20.579.93.52
Sverige12935102OmnipolloOmnipollo x Horus Pluckin' Feathers Blueberry Coconut Hazelnut ImperialPorter & stout12.20.33210.74.16
England13095402Pastore Brewing & BlendingPastore Coffee & Cacao NoireSurøl80.37596.64.08
England13095202Pastore Brewing & BlendingPastore Frutti di Bosco AcidoSurøl70.4494.64.11
England13095302Pastore Brewing & BlendingPastore Torta Ai MirtilliSurøl60.4489.13.94
England13135202Pomona Island BrewPomona Island I'd buy that for a dollar IPAIndia pale ale6.80.44104.94.16
England13134902Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Literal Vampire Potbelly Goblins Sour DIPA CeylonteaSurøl80.44119.94.26
England13134802Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Rip it up Orange SourSurøl50.4499.93.83
England13135002Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Sun Medallion West Coast IPAIndia pale ale70.44104.93.68
England13134702Pomona Island BrewPomona Island Tamaki Plum and Genmaicha GoseSurøl70.44109.93.89
England13135102Pomona Island BrewPomona Island What Are Your Overheads DIPAIndia pale ale8.50.44119.94.15
Norge13102002RYGR BrygghusRygr Sure Solfrid Solbær SurølSurøl7.50.33379.20 n/a
Norge13101802RYGR BrygghusRygr Yggdrasil Hopbatch #3 DDH NeipaIndia pale ale80.3383.90 n/a
Norge13101902RYGR BrygghusRygr Yggdrasil Hopbatch #4 DDH NEIPAIndia pale ale80.3383.90 n/a
Norge13130702Raa Brewing CompanyRaa NordmannenIndia pale ale70.4484.60 n/a
England13101102S43S43 Cherry Bakewell Pastry SourSurøl6.50.44123.13.91
England13100802S43S43 Dank MoolahIndia pale ale70.44126.84.16
England13101002S43S43 Imperial Coconut Snowball Pastry StoutPorter & stout100.44134.24.52
England13100302S43S43 Lil JuicePale ale5.50.44115.94.03
England13100902S43S43 Pineapple Upside Down Milkshake IPAIndia pale ale60.44123.14.15
England13100202S43S43 Sasquatch SyrupPorter & stout100.44130.34.18
England13100402S43S43 ThreefoldIndia pale ale100.44145.54.36
Norge13130902Salikatt BryggeriSalikatt Syntax ErrorIndia pale ale80.3381.90 n/a
Storbritannia13130402Siren Craft BrewSiren Craft Brew The Wedge California IPAIndia pale ale60.4480.23.8
Norge12113902Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Solbris NEIPAIndia pale ale70.3373.33.77
Norge13102502Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Thruster Blueberry Milkshake IPASpesial70.3366.90 n/a
Norge12927702Skudenes BryggeriSkudenes Ølbæks KellerbierLys lager5.40.3350.10 n/a
Norge13102602Skudenes BryggeriSkudernes Ølbæks LandbierMørk lager6.40.3355.70 n/a
Norge13129302Slakteren brygghusSlakteren Brygghus 50:100India pale ale80.4489.40 n/a
Norge12866102Slakteren brygghusSlakteren Brygghus BajbajerMørk lager5.50.4470.10 n/a
USA13109802Stone Brewing CompanyStone Self-Righteous Black IPAIndia pale ale8.70.35599.93.96
Tyskland12861902Staatsbrauerei RothausRothaus HefeweizenHveteøl5.40.559.93.59
USA13159702The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Black and Blue Tastee Smoothie Sour AleSurøl5.50.473184.94.23
USA13158802The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Pinkmiata IPAIndia pale ale60.473174.94.08
USA13137602The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil Special Combo #8 DIPAIndia pale ale80.473179.94.07
USA13137702The Veil Brewing CompanyThe Veil The Accomplice Sour DIPASurøl80.473189.94.45
England13121402The Wild Beer CoWild Beer Anti-Hopsident Barrel Aged GoseSurøl50.3379.93.93
Norge13135502Trysil bryggeri ASTrysil Bryggeri Sammar pilsLys lager5.50.33410 n/a
Skottland13136402Vault City BrewingVault City Mango Inferno SourSurøl7.20.375109.93.9
Skottland13136302Vault City BrewingVault City Pear Drop Session SourSurøl4.80.3384.93.98
Skottland13136502Vault City BrewingVault City Pies in the SkiesSurøl8.50.375119.94.09
England13137302Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Dippers Delight DIPAIndia pale ale80.44139.94.31
England13109902Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Pigs All Day IPAIndia pale ale6.70.44109.93.8
England13110002Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Pulp DIPAIndia pale ale80.44129.94.09
England13137202Verdant Brewing Co.Verdant Sniffing The Wrong People IPAIndia pale ale6.50.44114.94.14
USA13110502Wiley Roots Brewing COWiley Roots County Fair Cobbler Key Lime Milkshake Sour IPAIndia pale ale70.473149.94.22
USA13110402Wiley Roots Brewing COWiley Roots Swatches Spring Storm East Coast IPAIndia pale ale6.80.473149.93.9
Russland13137402Zagovor BreweryZagovor Simplicity In Madness Fruited SourSurøl6.50.5124.94.1

Untappd-rating oppdatert 03.05.21.

NB: Det kan bli gjort endringer, som at enkelte produkter strykes av ulike grunner. Eksempel på grunner kan være forsinket leveranse eller utsolgtsituasjoner.

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